Remote download program?


Apr 28, 2004
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I spend a lot of time online, on the road, for work, which means I often see things I would like to download, but have to wait untill I get home before I can set them off. What I would like is to have a program running on my home PC that I can send links to, so my pc can download them for when I get home.

If you have used azureus, something like azureus's web interface thing would be ideal, but that works with any link, not just torrents.

Anyone know of anything useful? I know about vnc etc, but on the connection I have, its painfully slow, something dedicated to the task would be better (And far more geeky :D)
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I mean have it set up so that I send my home PC a link, and it immediatly starts downloading, so that when I get home, the file is already downloaded and ready to use, instead of having to wait for it to finish.

Currently hunting for a download manager with something like azureus web interface feature, but so far, no joy.
Well, yes, thank you. However, thats what I am currently doing and its a total pain in the arse as my work conections so slow.

Why couldn't it work? As I say azureus already has this feature for torrents.

*Edit - Found something, god bless sourcefourge

*Edit 2 - Ok, so apparently sourceforge hates windows, still looking