Removing a Keylogger?


Jun 22, 2003
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Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but it seemed to be the most appropriate.

Does anyone know how to remove a keylogger installed on your computer? A friend of mine's dad put one on his and I was wondering if you have any advice on removing it, or better yet disabling it so he could go about his business without his dad knowing. Preferabbly I would like to know of a way to disable it without the dad having to find out. Any advice would be most welcome :cheers:
Uhm, it is technically his dads computer :)

edit: sorry if there was a misunderstading but my friend is 16. lol
Run MSCONFIG. Go to Startup. Find the name of the program. Uncheck the box. Then click ok. Restart the computer and see if it is still running.
maybe it's not porn, maybe he just types dirty stuff with his friends.........

BS!! IT'S PORN!! WHOOOOOOOO. Only a gay guy would say porn is evil, jk.
RakuraiTenjin said:
This made me laugh reading it. Hehe.

Porno is evil

porn is evil. a friend of mine had so much of it on his comp that after i reformatted the drive with windows on it(not the one with the porno) porno pop-ups came up like crazy before i could install a pop-up blocker.
Don't get rid of the keylogger because the guy's dad has complete [unless the program is illegal =] ] justification in putting it on his computer. If you want to get around it, I suggest your friend does any [all] of the following:

Exclusively uses a different/new computer for personal business.
Uses a new account that the keylogger doesn't have access to [maybe set up another administrator account if possible].
Asks his dad to remove the keylogger.
Does a search in C: for a phrase that only he would use, and search inside files. If that doesn't find the file that the keylogger saves to, do a search for recently modified files and go through all the text files that have been recently modified and look for the one that the keylogger saves. Then edit out the parts [or put in fake ones] where your friend is using the computer.