

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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i noticed that when people are rendering there stuff it looks really cool.. kinda clear and the shadows and stuff look just right.. i have been trying to get the same kinda stuff with max and been failing.. was just wondering what people are using to render and where i can get it from... i heard of global lighting plugins dunno if thats what i need :S
Brasil is a very good rendering program and alot of ppl use it due to the gr8 results it produces.
have you got the link to the site and is it free??? im a cheap basterd :P
no unfortunatly its not free, PM nw909 he's got a link to a good free rendering thingy (i think its him anywhom)

or if it isn't try sidewinder
Brazil is very expensive and they took the public beta off the website so you have to buy it. If you have Max 5, what I usually do is just make one omni light, around .6 brightness multiplier, then put it in a good position so that you can see the shadows, but so that it's also shining so that you can see the model aswell. Then, put a Skylight into the scene directly above the model, but very high up. I usually change the color of the skylight to a little more saturated and any color of my choice. Then what you do is go to Rendering > Advanced Lighting and select "Light Tracer" from the drop down menu. You can play around a little with the settings there to see the results. Here's an example of a render I did like that: clicky.
Originally posted by Stone
no unfortunatly its not free, PM nw909 he's got a link to a good free rendering thingy (i think its him anywhom)

or if it isn't try sidewinder


No I warezed Brazil.
*ankalar gets nw909's IP and sends it to SplutterFish.
Originally posted by ankalar
*ankalar gets nw909's IP and sends it to SplutterFish.

Lol, I don't model or hardly ever use max, just experiment with teapots and shadows, oooo.
if you use XSI it comes with Mental Ray. (as used in such films as Star Wars Ep II ) As does, if I am not mistaken, MAX 6.

In the free version of XSI you get a watermark on it, and the render size is limited to something like 500x500 but for playing around and test rendering its fine.

It comes with all the effects like final gathering, caustics, Global Illumination, yadda yadda whatnot fishstick shoehorn and your kitchen sink.

to wield the power of mental ray, simply hit Q and draw a box around whatever you are trying to render. For advice on advanced features such as the shoehorn, please consult your nearest XSI or Mental ray tutorial page.

Good luck.

w000000t ankalar you is the 13370r :P just what i wanted thanx dude :D
Originally posted by ankalar
*ankalar gets nw909's IP and sends it to SplutterFish.

And I am sure you paid for your copy of 3dsmax 5....:hmph:
Personally, no, I didn't. The thing is, I have a perfectly legal copy of everything that I use. I really can't tell you how I got these programs because it may get me in trouble, but I can assure you it's completely legal.
I didn't pay for mine, either. My previous employer did :)
If you don't have Max 5, you can fake skylights by making a ring of omnis high above the model with .4 intensity, and then one omni closer to provide the actualy light.
suprisingly it works more stable under Max 5!:bounce: :cheers:
Is that Nodbugger from the Renegade forums?
You can always fake a GI dome. Just set a spot/directional light at ground zero pointing at your gun, then duplicate in an arch so the last spot point directly down towards the gun. Duplicate all the lights and mirror it so you get an 180 degrees arch and duplicate all of these again rotate them in y-axis 3-4 times. Rememper to set the intensity to extremely low and you might want to use dmap shadows. Then you set a regular two or threepoint lighting to compensate for the real lightsource in the scene. The GI is actually just a lot of bouncing lightrays :) enjoy. Of course, in brazil you have to klick 10 buttons and hit render. It's easier.
Originally posted by ankalar
Personally, no, I didn't. The thing is, I have a perfectly legal copy of everything that I use. I really can't tell you how I got these programs because it may get me in trouble, but I can assure you it's completely legal.

It's completely legal, but it might get you in trouble

LOL dude! :cheers: Sound like a Reagan quote :D