Renegade X: The Dead 6 - The First To Die


Nov 10, 2003
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A few weeks earlier, I’d been offered a new command; outside the Corps. It’s all legit. It was to be a new, top secret, international Special Forces unit working for the Special Operations Group Echo/Black Ops 9 operating under the UNGDA doctrine. A conspiracy freak’s dream kind of top secret. The KIA kind of top secret. I bet the brass found the thought of me being killed in action ironically satisfying, despite just being staged for the benefit of records and operations of the SOGE.
Heh… the Corps was eager to get rid of me.

This was to be my last mission. I was going to die.
We got the order a day before, at Camp Pendleton; it came along with a nice assortment of worthless intel, some keyhole satellite imagery and a CIA spook to explain it all to us jarheads.
Orders and attack plans in hand, my team and the spook took a ride to the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), a Nimitz class carrier deployed in the South Pacific. That’s where the Agent informed me of Group Echo’s plan.

The operation was simple enough. The extremely dangerous, Force Recon-required, terrorist bomb makers and drug lords kind of simple; this is what we were trained for, this is what we do.
We were to do a night H.A.L.O. drop right into the forests of Southern Chile, nine clicks north of an ancient Mayan temple, around which the terrorists were reportedly entrenched.

On January 19, 1993, 21:40 Zulu we boarded the Osprey and launched the mission into Southern Chile. One hour later the rotorcraft was holding steady above the drop zone; allowing the seven man crew to H.A.L.O. drop and begin the silent glide, nine click approach to the engagement area.
forgive my inquisition, but what is that?
oh wait... i get it, the OES mod... duhhhhhhh

nah, we really aren't doing it that way, this will most likely be the only fiction we release, just more of a "yeah, we are working on our script right now since we have to wait for sdk" type of message.