Renegade X - UT3 mod(imminent release)


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score

If ever there was a reason to own Unreal Tournament 3, this is it.

It's essentially Commander & Conquer Renegade remade on UE3.
If anything more needs to be said then get out of this thread.

Release is at the end of the month!

edit: Oh and here's their Moddb page.

I've had this mod on watch for several years, had NO IDEA they were about to release though! C&C Renegade is one of my favorite underrated games ever and I actually had this mod in mind when I dropped the cash for UT3 a year or two ago.

I am playing this as soon as it comes out. We should go server hopping together. I miss Renegade so much.
I really really hope they get a Steam announcement when they release, UT3 has a dying community but I'm sure there's plenty of Renegade fans that would love to see their game remade with UE3's graphics.
I'd be tempted to buy UT3 just for Renegade X if it fulfills its potential.
Wow, didn't know this was in development :o

Will be fun to see how it plays :D
Holy shit ...

Nostalgia + Surprisingly High Quality of Video + $8 Price tag = Impulse Buy

I am now an owner of UT3 ... a game I never thought I would buy. This is a shining example of why developers need to support mods.

I ****ing love Renegade.
Looks like we have a good group of players to take this thing for a spin once it gets out. I really wonder how well it recreates the gameplay, I've missed that game terribly. Its glory days in terms of online play are so long past at this point.
Nothing beats the "boink!" sound the demo had when you killed soldiers.
Damn, UT3 is turning out to be the most worthwhile shitty game I've ever bought.
Damn, UT3 is turning out to be the most worthwhile shitty game I've ever bought.

My roommate has launched into a manic vanilla UT3 phase and continues insisting that I reinstall it while I eye my box (which has been untouched since a few weeks after I got it at launch) dubiously.
Does anyone still even play it online? It was pretty deserted last time I tried. I keep mine installed because cool mods come along fairly often.
I'm definitely going to be trying this.
Does anyone still even play it online? It was pretty deserted last time I tried. I keep mine installed because cool mods come along fairly often.

There still are a handful of servers with regular players... However I've never been a fan of playing UT online. I'm perfectly content with blowing bots to bits on a ton of custom maps and mods. Which is why I hope this mod has proper bot support.
If I like this mod I might consider making some physics/destructible maps for it.
I think it's a shame that they didn't try and change the style. I never liked the Renegade flame tanks and stealth tanks. Looks awesome none the less.

Edit: And wasn't the reason the Tiberium fields were so sparse in the original due to limitations in graphics and power? Why didn't they improve them?
I think the tiberium fields worked just fine the way they were.
Don't fix it if it aint broke applies here.

I also never really had any issue with how anything looked, was too busy playing the game and having fun.
This looks good. Never got Renegade but wanted to. Now I'm starting to feel the need to upgrade even more.
Releasing tomorrow around noon EST.

And to give you an idea of what to expect here's a list of what the beta will have:
The beta will feature all of the following:

The Global Defense Initiative: A globalized and multinational military task force, colloquially known and referred to as GDI, the Global Defense Initiative originated from a secret military alliance between the most industrialized and advanced countries under the United Nations umbrella.

The Brotherhood of Nod: An ancient and secret society that allegedly predates most of civilization\'s recorded history, the Brotherhood of Nod represents a globalized as well as a futuristic cult, and a network of militant cells worldwide.

GDI Advanced Guard Tower: The main GDI defense tower, armed with four machine guns and Tomahawk missiles
GDI Barracks: This allows you to purchase higher classes of infantry
GDI Weapons Factory: This allows you to purchase vehicles
GDI Refinery: This structure sends out an automated Harvester to collect Tiberium resources and return to refine it into usable credits for the team.

Nod Obelisk: The main Nod defense tower, armed with a powerful laser
Nod Turrets: A turret fires tank shells at enemies within range
Hand of Nod: This allows you to purchase higher classes of infantry
Nod Airstrip: This allows you to purchase vehicles
Nod Refinery: This structure sends out an automated Harvester to collect Tiberium resources and return to refine it into usable credits for the team.

-Powerplant coming soon!

GDI Humvee: GDI\'s basic scout vehicle, armed with a heavy machine gun.
GDI APC: An Armoured Personnel Carrier with room for five passengers and a heavy machine gun.
GDI MRLS: A Mobile Rocket Launcher System that can provide long ranged firepower.
GDI Medium Tank: An M1A1 Medium Tank with a large anti-tank cannon and heavy armour
GDI Mammoth Tank: A massive tank with dual cannons and dual tusk-missile launchers

Nod Buggy: The Brotherhood\'s basic scout vehicle, armed with a heavy machine gun.
Nod APC: An Armoured Personnel Carrier with room for five passengers and a heavy machine gun.
Nod Artillery: A long-ranged G6 Howitzer capable of providing heavy artillery.
Nod Flame Tank: A dual-barreled flame vehicle.
Nod Light Tank: Nod\'s basic combat tank, both fast and effective
Nod Stealth Tank: A stealthed vehicle armed with dual short-ranged homing missiles per clip

-Orca, Apache, Chinook helicopter, and more coming soon!

All of the following are armed with a pistol and at least one timed C4.

GDI Soldier: Basic rifle infantry.
GDI Shotgunner: Basic infantry armed with a shotgun.
GDI Grenadier: Basic infantry armed with an automatic grenade launcher.
GDI Engineer: Armed with a repair gun and remote explosives.
GDI Officer: Special character armed with a heavy chaingun
GDI Sniper: Special character armed with a sniper rifle
GDI Gunner: Dead 6 Commando armed with a heavy rocket launcher
GDI Personal Ion Cannon Havoc (temporary): Havoc the Commando is back, but with this build he will be carrying the PIC until our Sydney is done
GDI Hotwire: Special engineer unit armed with an additional timed C4, proximity mines, and an advanced repair gun

Nod Soldier: Basic rifle infantry
Nod Shotgunner: Basic infantry armed with a shotgun.
Nod Flamethrower: Basic infantry armed with a flamethrower
Nod Engineer: Armed with a repair gun and remote explosives.
Nod Officer: Special character armed with a heavy chaingun
Nod Black Hand Sniper: Special character armed with a sniper rifle
Nod Stealth Black Hand: A stealth trooper armed with a laser-rifle
Nod Railgun (Sakura, temporary) : Sakura is back, but with this build she will be carrying the Railgun
Nod Technician: Special engineer unit armed with an additional timed C4, proximity mines, and an advanced repair gun

10 more infantry coming soon!

Ion Cannon beacon: A giant beam shot by a space-based satellite at a selected target.
Nuclear Strike beacon: A tactical nuclear blast at a selected target.

Islands: A beautiful group of islands linked by land bridges on a clear-blue-skied setting, with no automated defenses.
Field: A dark grassland setting with a waterfall, river and a barn, with a large field for action
I'm pretty sure one of the Nod high-end characters had a railgun. Can't remember his name, though.

Anyway - no powerplant? That's going to affect how Field plays.
I'm sure they're compensating until they add one.
*Cough* Nod doesn't have railguns, GDI does...

Raveshaw carried one in Renegade MP and the weapon was captured from Nod by Havoc in SP (though IIRC the weapon was actually called a Mass Driver. The GDI equivlent during TW1 was actually the Personal Ion Cannon. But its a railgun.
Looks like they're having some issues with their release.

I really need to get my damn gaming PC back up now that this is about to be out.
Is there any way to install this to somewhere other than "Documents/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3"? All my space is on my other drive.
That's the folder that mods need to be installed to.

Anyways, I honestly believe they shouldn't have released this yet.

For one: The ingame server browser doesn't even support the damn mod yet so we're forced to use an awful third-party server browser to join games.
So up to this point, I haven't even been able to join one damn server and the server list seems devoid of any players and there's 10 servers.

They really screwed this release up. :|
The server browser works for me, but I agree that it's probably too complicated for most people which is why we aren't seeing too many players in the servers. Though I did just play a game with a few others, very impressed. They should've ironed out some of the user-friendliness kinks but other than that it's amazing, especially a first release.

Seriously, has anyone gotten in and played it? It's really ****ing good ... downright incredible for a mod. I can't believe this is the first release, I was expecting a completely unplayable mess (as usual with mods).
How the **** did you get it working?
1. I opened up the "Renegade-X" program in the "C:\Users\Scott\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade" path

2. Pointed the "UT3.exe Location" dialogue box to the UT3 exe ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\unreal tournament 3\Binaries" if you have the Steam version)

3. Then joined one of the servers and played for a bit.

There were 3 of us, played for a bit on Field, blew up the Hand of Nod ... then the game ended soon after. After that it switched to Islands and there was a glitch where the other players got dropped and my name got changed to "Player." Definitely some UI problems but the actual game portion of it seemed very well made.
This is odd.
I try joining a server and it hangs at the menu and doesn't actually do anything pertaining to connecting to the game.
Yeah I forgot to mention that part. It did that the first time I joined, then after awhile it finally connected. Gotta wait for it.

Another thing - my server list says they all have 0 players, but that isn't true, just another bug. I've yet to join an empty one. Just played another 2v2 game ... so far 3-0 being MVP every time :p .

EDIT: Join the non-official servers, they have more players. Just had a 6v6 game.
I'm 100% in. Thanks for bringing this up, can't wait to try it out.
We should try and sort out a game.
I'd be glad to once I can actually get into a game.
I had a play around with it offline, and it's a pretty faithful conversion. Kind of. I'm glad they removed the invisible safety walls that Westwood had to put in to prevent you from hurting yourself by falling off things.
Some things have changed regarding gameplay, though. I did a quick test on Field - after taking out the Nod turret, I drove a GDI APC in to the Nod base and up to the obelisk so I could run in and blow it up. True to forum, the APC survives the first hit and you can get up close. However, the obelisk then hit me from directly above when I was stood next to it, so it seems to have greater accuracy or field of view than the original.
I also did a test on Islands - I planted a beacon in the harvester entrance to the refinery, and parked a buggy there to block the harvester's return, but it just basically ran it over and pushed it out of the way.
I'm intrigued to see how it plays with a large group, though.
awesome pereson said:
It's essentially Commander & Conquer Renegade
