Rent a World of Warcraft ...errr. ...ho


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
why? who? when? wtf? who would be stupid enough to bid on this:

"Kick back, relax and let me take care of you! I will do anything, yes ANYTHING you want me to. Let me dance my sultry Night Elf dance for you. Let me run my fingers through your hair and shower you with kisses. Want some hot girl on girl action? I'll invite one of my girlfriends over and the 2 of us will blow your mind [till it's discovered one of the "hot girls" is in reality some overweight middle aged guy named Bob pretending to be a woman ]. I am waiting for you to command me!

What you are bidding on is one, in game, hour of my time. During that hour I will do anything you ask of me that is possible using emote, character control and chat interface. The winning bidder can either roll a character on my server, or I'll roll one on your server. We will set up a day and time to meet and spend our hour together. I have several sexy outfits I can wear for you and getting new ones every day. I love to dress up <3. You are welcome to take screenshots and make movies of our time together. I am very photogenic! "

you'd have to be a sick little monkey or completely out of touch with reality to get aroused by this ..but to each his own I guess
I find it disturbing that this doesn't surprise me. :eek:
this is even better than that guy who rented himself out as a Battlefield 2 mercenary

btw I never thought a thread with the word "Ho" in it would get so little attention ...HOES dammit HOES!

oh... erm...

yeah like i would never be such a geek as to pay for cybersechs.
$10 bux! And I don't even own the game damnit. HOES!
I'll never forgive myself for this....

wow lol
yup, to be shocked, or if u need a laugh, just log onto ebay and look at some of the listings :LOL:
I'd ask her to run straight into the most enemy-infested area nearby, and then sell tickets to watch & laugh. :p
Most intriguing name, this ebayer has...
Lol you should change the name of the thread to "Hire a World Of Warcraft Escort Service" :naughty:

BTW, I'd hit it