Rented Snatch on DVD


May 24, 2003
Reaction score

So I did, great movie, I forgot how much I love dark humor. I don’t know, there is something in the way Guy tells the story. Ah, amazing movie, one of the favorite parts is the way Avi flied from USA to England, and back.

Ahaha, oh yeah and great performance, as always, from Brad Pitt. I had no idea what the heck he was saying, but it was so damn funny in the same moment.

Anyway, now I need to re-watch Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels once again. I say dark humor is the best!

P.C. Too bad Guy switched to making stupid movies like Swept Away, stupid Madonna, when will she die already? She is ugly, always been ugly and always be!
Hmmm I like pie. Do you want a slice? well you can't have it!
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Hmmm I like pie. Do you want a slice? well you can't have it!

At least you could try and share your opinion about the movie next time, not post some idiotic remarks that are not even on topic.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Ahaha, oh yeah and great performance, as always, from Brad Pitt. I had no idea what the heck he was saying, but it was so damn funny in the same moment.

Watch it again with the "pikey" subtitles- go to the subtitles menu, there should be an option called "Pikey" it only subtitles what he says :)

its a great movie!
Re: Re: Rented Snatch on DVD

Originally posted by SpuD
Watch it again with the "pikey" subtitles- go to the subtitles menu, there should be an option called "Pikey" it only subtitles what he says :)

its a great movie!

Yeah I knew about subtitles, but I didn’t want to use them, I wanted to be as confused as other two characters were :)

By the way, we have some Brits here, can you guys explain me something about pikey? Who are these guys?
Para, don't spam pointlessly, otherwise soon enough you'll be finding another forum to do it in. Thanks.

Mr.Reak, I too loved Snatch and Lock Stock, I own both on DVD and just watched Snatch again a few nights ago. Simply fantastic humour - British humour for a long time has been high above that of American humour, in my opinion.
Originally posted by rec
Para, don't spam pointlessly, otherwise soon enough you'll be finding another forum to do it in. Thanks.

Mr.Reak, I too loved Snatch and Lock Stock, I own both on DVD and just watched Snatch again a few nights ago. Simply fantastic humour - British humour for a long time has been high above that of American humour, in my opinion.

I agree, only exception is toilet humor, because it gets old :) By the way, believe it or not, I never saw Pulp Fiction. Is it dark humor as well, should I watch it? Some people say that Guy copied some ideas from that movie.
I've never seen Pulp Fiction either, but I've been told it's a brilliant, brilliant movie. If that's not enough, I've told told it's better than brilliant x2 if you're on acid. :P

I'll be seeing it sometime soon, that's for sure.
Yes, I loved both of Ritchie's two first movies. I haven't watched Swept Away and probably never will. But a fourth movie called Revolver is in the making with Rithie directing.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
one of the favorite parts is the way Avi flied from USA to England, and back.

Those parts are HILARIOUS!!!!
I love that movie.

Did you rent the special edition?
Re: Re: Rented Snatch on DVD

Originally posted by Fender357
Those parts are HILARIOUS!!!!
I love that movie.

Did you rent the special edition?

I don't really know, it was without any cover. It is on two DVDs.
I rented Snatch before it was on DVD last year, great movie. I would have to say my favorite part is when they tried to rob the bookie joint.. thought they got locked in, but they were pushing on a pull door, classic :)

Anyhow, yes, very good movie, most enjoyable
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
At least you could try and share your opinion about the movie next time, not post some idiotic remarks that are not even on topic.

The movie is almost four years old. And Rec I'm right here.
It was a simple request Para. We know this is the off topic forum, but that doesn't mean posting stuff like "Hmmm pie" is acceptable. Other people want to discuss this movie, quite clearly, so if you don't want to you don't have to.

Anyway, Snatch is a brilliant movie. Some brilliant quotes in that film. The one that gets me cracking up, it's not even that funny.

Turkish "Why have you got a gun, Tommy?"
Tommy "Protection, Turkish"
Turkish "Protection? From what? 'zee Germans'?"
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
The movie is almost four years old.

Wow! You are such a fantastic guy, if only everyone knew that it was four years old and how stupid they were for not watching it yet and how absolutely fantastically astonishing you are for knowing that it is in fact 4 years old and belittling them all because of it. Your my hero.

Anyway ... Yes, Snatch was coooool, though I think I preferred Lock Stock because of the cool entangled ending. They are both very good films :)

I watched Pulp Fiction recently and IMO its not as good as either of the Guy Ritchie films, but it is very funny and has some very strong scenes. Definitely worth a watch.

Pulp Fiction is amazing. There's one really dark comedy moment in there that you probably shouldn't laugh at but you always do.

Basically Samuel L Jackson is driving and John Travolta is in the passenger seat with his pistol, speaking to a black guy in the back that was just helping them on a job. They were all having a discussion when all of a sudden John Travolta's gun goes off and blows off the black guy's head.
I do it once and I get all of you on my back. And you missed my point so nevermind.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Basically Samuel L Jackson is driving and John Travolta is in the passenger seat with his pistol, speaking to a black guy in the back that was just helping them on a job. They were all having a discussion when all of a sudden John Travolta's gun goes off and blows off the black guy's head.

LOL! That bit had me in stiches!!! :)

I also really liked the "I'm going to powder my nose" line!

EDIT: Para were you being emulate-icle of the pie guy, cos if so I take back my comment, I missed the humour. Yes I know its not a word.

Mr.Reak wrote:

'By the way, we have some Brits here, can you guys explain me something about pikey? Who are these guys?'

They're the product of idiot parents. They're breading! and filling the streets :/ .. little shites all of them.

Pikeys should be minced up and fed to each other - untill they all die of mad pikey disease.
How can you say you're a fan of humor noir and you've never seen Pulp Fiction?!?! Blasphemy! That's like saying you're a hard core Christian but you've never bothered to read the bible. Go rent it! Now!

Also check out Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels if you haven't seen that one. It's Guy Richie's (the guy who did Snatch) first movie. I personally think it's better than Snatch, but that's probably cause I saw it way before Snatch.
Originally posted by iamironsam
How can you say you're a fan of humor noir and you've never seen Pulp Fiction?!?! Blasphemy! That's like saying you're a hard core Christian but you've never bothered to read the bible. Go rent it! Now!

Also check out Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels if you haven't seen that one. It's Guy Richie's (the guy who did Snatch) first movie. I personally think it's better than Snatch, but that's probably cause I saw it way before Snatch.

I know, I missed it somehow, still mystery to me how. But I saw the first movie by Guy, need to re-watch it again though.

Oh and Chris, that Zee Germans stuff, in my opinion, are hilarious.

Also, I love Boris, the **** can’t die, ahaha.. That scene where he gets shot from Desert Eagle 5-6 times and still goes out with cursing, ahaha.
Some other good dark humored movies are "Very Bad Things", "4 Rooms", and "Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas."

"Originally a racist term for Gypsies but is now more commonly used to describe common, illiterate arseholes, particular fond of tracksuits, puffer jackets and white baseball caps that stick up at 90 degrees. Although there are sadly many of them in england, none of them have any friends, and so tend to be isolated.

They usually pray on solitary young people much smaller than them, yet despite yelling insults from a distance will run away crying at the first opportunity."

Taken from the Urban Dictionary
I thought "Pikey" was a variation of "Parkey" which derives from "Trailer Park" which is where many modern Gypsies tend to reside.
Trailer park and parkey would be an American way of saying it.

You call them trailers, we call them caravans.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Trailer park and parkey would be an American way of saying it.

You call them trailers, we call them caravans.

Ok then, caravan parks.
Our ones don't stay in caravan parks, they use anywhere they bloody want - school playing fields, public parks. Then they up sticks, leaving behind tons of rubbish and crap, move off and ruin somewhere else (atleast the robberies go down then)

Death to the bloody pikeys!!!
Hey, we'll have no racism of that nature here. There may be pikeys looking at this! You never know, there could be a pikey with a T1 connection going into his caravan who happens to be a fan of HL.
roffle - pikeys with internet :)

Pikey isn't really a racist term - is it? ........ just a term for theiving buggers, some of whom live in caravans and ruin the country side. (near where my parents live a bunch of them were fire bombed by the local residents. I don't condone this sort of behaviour - but it sure got the job done)
Like someone said, it was originally a racist term but I doubt it is anymore.

I think people use the term "gyppos" now. Either way, I don't think anyone would get too offended by the term. It's just slang at the end of the day.