Republicans: Eliminate the IRS

:D Then they can steal from our pockets directly!!!

edit: on the more serious side, it sounds like the wealthy trying to escape taxes again...
I am speaking as an accounting major who has an emphasis in tax.

No way, no how. VAT taxes are great, but the US tax system is way to convoluted to be thrown away. You can't escape a VAT if you are rich or poor. Think of VAT as a national sales tax. Our current tax system provides tax relief for many disadvantaged people, a VAT system can't do that directly.

Not to mention that every self-respecting CPA in the land would be against this.
DreamThrall said:
So how else is our country supposed to run... Donations?

LOL, worked for 4chan :)

Oh wait...
You guys stop complaining about tax, here in Finland we pay up to 40% of our salary in tax, plus tax on everything else is very high, for example tax on cars is 120%.
CyberSh33p said:
are you guys better or worse than sweden?
They're better of than us.
But that doesnt stop the fact that they really belong to us! Get back here, you stray province! :frog:
Heh, they don't call it rip off Britain for nothing.

You Americans should think yourself lucky, everything is soo cheap. Although, I noticed in California the tax was pretty high on although still a lot cheaper than here, it was closer than most places. That crazy adding the tax onto the price tag really bugs me when I go to the US.
It seems that, at least the Swedish (I don't know about the rest of your scandanavians) pay higher traight out tax than we do, but you have more highly paid jobs floating around.
Farrowlesparrow said:
It seems that, at least the Swedish (I don't know about the rest of your scandanavians) pay higher traight out tax than we do, but you have more highly paid jobs floating around.
Plus public health care, social security, rather advanced infrastructure, etc etc.
It's worth it :)
Yeah, you do have much smaller populations as well, which funnily enough seems to help.

We do have those things you listed, and really they aren't that bad but the media likes to display the bad experiences of a few people. They do need a lot of work if they are going to carry on though, but the government is useless.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah, you do have much smaller populations as well, which funnily enough seems to help.
Hehe, yeah. You've got more people in London then we've got in our entire country :| :P
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, they don't call it rip off Britain for nothing.
You Americans should think yourself lucky, everything is soo cheap.
Yes, but in Britain we have that little thing called the NHS, which is where a lot of taxes go. I don't care that it gets some bad press, we're extremely lucky to have it and it pisses me off when people whine about it. I'm not saying you were, Farrow - just a general gripe of mine.
Yeah, I like the NHS, because of the NHS I am still here today, twice in fact...uh...Yeah that sort of makes sense. Although I think the government could run it more efficiently than they do.
Well, sadly a lot of money gets tied up in red tape and I'm pretty sure that some even goes "missing" along the line. Even so, the thought of this country not having the free healthcare is one that scares me; I get my epilepsy medication free and the idea of having to pay for pills that keep me conscious isn't one I like. Nor do I like the idea of paying for operations etc etc etc. Medical attention is a right, not a privelage.
Iirc us finns pay more in tax then what the swedes do, but hey, look what we get.
Yeh to much red tape and penpushers in the british goverment!