Request a picture


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
OK, I have made this thread for selfish reasons but I hope it can benifit alot of people. Basicaly if you are having trouble finding a pic you want, request it. Please just post a link to a pic rather than the pic its self to save us poor dial-upers the grief :angel:

My request:
I can't find a bloody decent sized pic of a Mammoth Tank Mark 2 from Tiberian Sun.
Ahem, pop onto MSN dude...i'll show ya
One Mammoth MKII commin' right up! Ok how's this one eh?
I want a picture of two heterosexual men cuddling on a park bench with a small child playing with a firetruck in front of them. And not a toy firetruck, i mean a full-sized one.
I have pictures of hawt people but not much else
Bikinis ftw
I want a picture of a fat granny with a Darth Vader mask :laugh: