Request - wallpaper

Dont listen to KA.

Inferior minds, or people who just like to say...

"STFU Kenji"
Even a simple request is to much for inferior minds...

First of all, it's not a simple request, seeing as you're not even clear what the **** you mean by "combine these 2 to look like 1 pic", and second of all how are we the 'inferior minds' when you're the one asking us for help doing something that we all obviously know more about.
Do you have any idea how things work at all?

I lol'd heartily at this and Naudian's piece.

But anyway, I thought it might be fun to try something strange. If you want it in a better resolution, get bigger original images. Otherwise, go **** yourself because I still hate you.

Fine you want me to explain?
I want the two pictures pack to back
Red on the Right White on the Left
That can't be done without looking incredibly bad, at wallpaper size.

Also it's incredibly easy to do it, you should be able to do it yourself.
1) sorry for the inferior minds comment -_- i was rather pissed at the moment(parents being assholes)
2) I've no clue as to what i'm doing. I can't even make shit in MS Paint
Looks great Pesh
As a side note is there any way to make the middle look slightly faded together?
Don't contradict me in front of the kids Pesh.
Don't contradict me in front of the kids Pesh.

I still like my first attempt the best. It's like the evil Tyrael is emanating from the good one. An evil Tyrael is being speculated as the main antagonist in Diablo 3, something I much look forward to discovering.
I was looking at the Diablo Wiki and i thought...we still have 2 evils to kill
Azmodan and Belial
The wiki even says on both pages "Blizzard has confirmed him being in Diablo III" or close to it
So it's either or both
They're lesser evils like Duriel or Andariel. They might be bosses but not the focus. Tyrael, however, is the gap between heaven and Sanctuary, and has played a critical role in the development of the Sin War.

His meddling in the realm of man is frowned upon by Heaven, and he seems to have taken a darker form on the diablo 3 official website. Destroying a corrupted world stone seems to inherit huge personal consequences, too :|