Requests for TDM Maps


Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Please improve spawn sites! Nothing worse the spawning into a crowd full of rocket launchers and crowbars. It'd be nice to have separate spawn rooms free from campers, snipers, etc to allow people to get their bearings before they run out gunning. Check out some of the CTF maps being served up for ideas.

Just my hopeful idea/opinion for any future maps...keep up the good work :thumbs:
I'd quite like to do something like that - I hate being spawnraped..

So do it I shall :D
totally agree.. but part of the fun of deathmatch is occassionally waking up to the 1 second duration of a toilet hitting your head. :D
Don't you have a second or two of invinciblity?
(Its funny when you spawn in and a second after that an orb bounces off of you and your accused of cheating)
Not sure about the invincibility... Getting your head handed to you on a platter before you can even move is no fun. Why do you have to spawn right off when joining a server? You gotta clear the server's welcome info off and then start moving....once again you're toast. :frown:
Yeah thats annoying too. Why isnt there a spec mode?