Reservoir Dogs.

I still don't get how that movie would make a good game.
It probably wouldn't. They don't do it to make a good game. They do it to rape the franchise and make some money.
It doesn't have to be very good to beat the movie.

I'm so edgy.
Ick. No thanks. Where the f*ck is the creativity in the gaming industry that they have to go to this crap to make a game??

(Sorry, but I thought the movie was vastly overrated.)
You two go to hell.

The movie was amazing, and the game will likely be an abomination. The very idea that it shows everything the movie merely alluded to and left up to the imagination goes against the whole style and idea.

Not as bad of a concept as the Scarface game though. Tony Montana somehow survives that hail of gunfire he took, mountain of cocain he snorted, and final plunge into the fountain and goes on to "rebuild his empire." Now that's ****ing terrible.

Oh yeah and the Godfather game sucked shit too. What's next? Taxi Driver? Once Upon a Time in America? Eventually we're gonna end up with Citizen Kane: The Game.
Funny how alot of reviewers disagree on The Godfather, I played it for the xbox... and it's quite solid.
Music, movement, combat, sound, voice work... it's all really well done.
It's by no means a masterpiece though.

Oh and for the record, Reservoir Dogs was a bit of bore imo.
It had its funny moments, but it's my least favorite Tarantino film.
The game has you talking and bitching the entire time... with no bank robbery actually taking being shown. Exciting.
The game's probably gonna be a bunch of dick. Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.