Resident Evil 4 PC


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
It's just another shitty port.
They didn't even bother to convert the controls properly.
No mouse support at all.
Stick with your console version.
NOOOOO!!!!!! Another "console game" I was planning on buying for the PC. Oh well, somewhat expected I guess - but seriously how can it be called a PC game without mouse support? I do have a console-style controller, but I don't like using it much (especailly for a FPS).

More reviews anyone?
*sigh* That sucks. I would have bought it in a second if it wasn't like the 1990 version FPS.

no version for me, sad I would have bought it with mouse support.
What the hell?
When was it released?

I see no reviews for it anywhere...
It would be pretty pointless to port it without mouse support.
Yeah... I heard before. I would have considered to get the PC-version if it had mouse support, but I might as well play the game on my PS2 if it doesn't have mouse support.
It does support gamepads, so it`s not a complete loss, besides, would have been to easy on a mouse.
looks like a good game for the gamecube (might have even got it if I sitll had my gamecube - my sister stole it for uni :(). But for this PC port it looks like they went retarded. No mouse support? :\. They obviously aren't clued up on what PC gamers like nowadays.
No mouse support?! What a pile of shit. Are Capcom ****ing retarded? I was looking forward to this too :(
well that is the shittest news i've heard in gaming for a while

this was the only game i was planning on buying in the forseeable future. ****ed it right up haven't they
Jeez, I really wanted this game. Ah well, I might as well just get the gamecube version for my wii.
That looks like a complete sack of rubbish horse faeces.

God, these craptacular ports makes me want to jump off a cliff.
i cannot for the life of me get my head round took them ****ing ages to 'port' and they decided to port the playstation 2 version of the game

honestly, there must be some absolute stupid ****ing idiots working in the gaming industry because the casual retard would be able to tell you that it would make more sense to port the original superior version

i'm so pissed off with this its unbelieveable. ubisoft letting the world down yet a-****ing-gain...well done you bunch of dick cheeses, you've ruined yet another game for me
Well, that sucks. So you think i should get it for the PS2? Considering i dont have a Gamecube?
It doesn`t look as good as the GC version vecause they ported the PS2 version, the game is still pretty good anyway.
Dude I have the ps2 version, it looks stunning, not as good as the GC version, but a shit load better then the pc port.
Dude I have the ps2 version, it looks stunning, not as good as the GC version, but a shit load better then the pc port.

That may be, but does that effect the game? No, the controls are the same as the console versions, they had no mouse either.

The graphics are not as good, doesn`t effect the gameplay, it`s still enjoyable.
why they dint put mouse support?

did they port on a old PC whit no mouse?

Now come, it could`ve been worse, and lets be honest, it still plays just as good as the console versions.
Well, that sucks. So you think i should get it for the PS2? Considering i dont have a Gamecube?

Yes, I wouldn't recommend buying it though (unless it's on sale or something...), it's more of a rental I think.
Funny, I was just playing through it on Gamecube again. Looks rather dashing. Shame they ****ed up the port.
People should play it before giving it the chop
i cannot for the life of me get my head round took them ****ing ages to 'port' and they decided to port the playstation 2 version of the game

honestly, there must be some absolute stupid ****ing idiots working in the gaming industry because the casual retard would be able to tell you that it would make more sense to port the original superior version

i'm so pissed off with this its unbelieveable. ubisoft letting the world down yet a-****ing-gain...well done you bunch of dick cheeses, you've ruined yet another game for me

Isn't this more of Capcom's fault? IIRC, they have a history of absolute shit console-PC ports, so there weren't really any reason to get your hopes up for the RE4 port...

As for you acquiring it, I hope you have a gamepad adapter available otherwise I can feel it being an absolute waste of time / bandwidth playing it on a keyboard.
Now come, it could`ve been worse, and lets be honest, it still plays just as good as the console versions.

Not if I have to aim with the arrow keys, it doesn't. Give me a comfy analogue stick any day.
Well it has gamepad support so...

It should have mouse support, what's the point of porting it to the PC if it still needs a gamepad?
Might as well just play it on the consoles.
It should have mouse support, what's the point of porting it to the PC if it still needs a gamepad?
Might as well just play it on the consoles.

It was expected. Every single PC port of these types of games (Silent Hill, DMC3:SE, etc) are awful. Actually, they're beyond awful and some of the decisions they make are just confusing as all hell.
It's possible to use a mouse with a third party plugin... But it's still not worth the effort.
Just got it for the PS2 after reading this. :/
No mouse support? That's quite an impressive oversight when porting a game to PC. I just saw the remake of Dawn of the Dead last week and was on the verge of buying RE4 for PC, lucky I found this thread :\
It`s amazing how many people are going to overlook this just because of no muse support, use the gamepad and enjoy the game, the graphics are not as good as the consoles, that is true, but they are good enough to still enjoy the game.
It`s amazing how many people are going to overlook this just because of no muse support, use the gamepad and enjoy the game, the graphics are not as good as the consoles, that is true, but they are good enough to still enjoy the game.

but you must understand that everything that was promised for the pc such as enhanced gfx were just not delivered. everything that made the idea attractive to it being on pc has just not might aswell play it on the consoles. its pointless getting it on pc because playing it on pc with gamepad is like just playing it on console

would've been nice to play with mouse
I can overlook the crappy textures(they look relatively fine), I can overlook the mouse support(the game was designed for an analog stick, using arow keys to look around is fair enough) but what's up with crappy non-existent lighting? The game looks like it's in fullbright, just ugly...
I wanted to buy this so bad for the PC, but no matter how much I want it, I can't buy it out of good conscience and encourage more crappy waste-of-money ports. At the very LEAST they should have maintained quality & properly supported standard PC controls.
It`s amazing how many people are going to overlook this just because of no muse support, use the gamepad and enjoy the game
I'm not buying a damn gamepad or whatever just to play a bad port. If they can't even put in mouse support on a game that largly invloves aiming they're too damn stupid to deserve my money.