Resident Evil 4 to the PC in March?


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
OK, here is the information which I have at the moment about this:

1) It looks as though RE4 will be released on PC in Europe this year. PLEASE NOTE: this is not confirmed yet. I don't have hard and fast information yet (which is why I said 'looks like')

2) as we do not have much experience with PC titles nowadays (it's been a long time since we released a big PC title in Europe) we are looking for a distribution partner to work with. So:

3)(it looks as though) RE4 will be released in Europe, but not by Capcom Europe. It looks as though the game will be released by someone else.

Who? When? I hear you ask. Well, I would tell you if I could. There's no information available about this yet.

Source, found it on Gamefaqs.

Hm, I wonder how the controls are going to be.
Good news though, I hope it’s all true so PC-fans can enjoy this game.
You know, the whole time I was playign it (for the PS2), I was thinking how ridiculously easy this game would be with a keyboard/mouse. I probably feel that was because I am just not used to using the analog stick for aiming a gun (I don't play FPSs on my consoles :eek:).

This sounds great though, especially if they keep Ada's missions in there and maybe even add more stuff/increase graphics/etc. This should be good (if its true of course).

really? great news............ :D I hop the graphics doesn't suk like it did with the ps2
Gorgon said:
I hop the graphics doesn't suk like it did with the ps2
Are you serious? The PS2 graphics were extremely good by virtually everyone's estimation. You sir are very hard to please!
Too bad this sounds about as reliable as stock quotes from a Teletubbie, but I'll wait and see.
VictimOfScience, indeed, Gorgon's t3h graphicwhore!
And as stated, I do believe this game'd be far too easy with keyboard and mouse..:\
This is awesome news, but I can't see how it would translate to PC... I mean, it's a console game. Period. The whole thing was designed around the 'cube's controller, and while porting it to PS2 is one thing, bringing it to the mouse and keyboard is another entirely. Still, if it's good, I will buy it in a second. Can't wait to see how they revamp the graphics and add new content :D
lol i was just playing this game with a friend last night wishing this would come out for PC and it does lol . You guys can thank me later
Getting it FORSURE if it comes out on pc.
Well damn. I recently bought this for ps2 not too long ago, and now they might have it on pc?

Oh well, it's an awesome game either way...
Anthraxxx said:
Well damn. I recently bought this for ps2 not too long ago, and now they might have it on pc?

Oh well, it's an awesome game either way...
hahahahaha YOU FOOL!!!!
Anthraxxx said:
Well damn. I recently bought this for ps2 not too long ago, and now they might have it on pc?

Oh well, it's an awesome game either way...

Don't worry - i'd be suprised if the pc version was anywhere near as good as the GC and PS2 versions. The thought of sitting at my desk and playing RE4 on a monitor, and with a mouse and keyboard, is so wrong.
Kind of like playing GTA:SA on the PC, except the increased draw distance + higher resolution made it at least worthwhile. RE4...not sure if there's rooms for significant graphical improvements, maybe there'll be a few more tree's?
Warbie said:
Don't worry - i'd be suprised if the pc version was anywhere near as good as the GC and PS2 versions. The thought of sitting at my desk and playing RE4 on a monitor, and with a mouse and keyboard, is so wrong.
Yeah i dont think it will ever compare to the Gamecube version. Mouse aiming would be way too easy. But the graphics will of course, be awesome. I'll rent it
Quite interesting to see how it turns out. The graphics are great on GC but with alittle Antialias turned on it would look even better.

Boohuu scary !
I think mouse aiming would make it significantly easier, however we can always bump up the difficulty setting. I played it a little on gamecube & would absolutely love to see this hit PC.
Assuming they don't change the way difficulty is set (where you have to beat the game once to unlock the 'professional'), I really don't see much of an incentive to play this game if you already beat it. Aside from the slightly improved graphics, unless you missed out on the bonus exp. for the PS2, it'll be virtually the same game except much easier due to mouse aiming. Granted, the resolution and slightly higher textures will help (AA / AF possibly), I don't see Capcom upgrading the graphics far enough to warrant a second playthrough. (ex. Onimusha 3)