Resident Evil 5 demo on Xbox live JAPAN

PLEASE WORK PLEASE WORK PLEASE WORK (without me getting in legal issues)
yes, proceed with caution
i don't know whether or not you could be banned for doing this so...
went through the process but when i try to download the demo it says it's not available from my location
i suppose it must check your IP :(

anyone else have better luck?
Man, if this were in the US I would break out the 50' ethernet cable and plug my 360 in for once. So when the heck are we getting it?? I guess MS decided to buy some exclusiveness for the demo in a territory where they need help (Japan) as opposed to some where they are doing just fine (everywhere else). Boy do I want to play this like crazy. :rolling:
NA demo is due "soon after" Japan release

As for legal issues, I doubt it. I've had a false US account for like a year now and it still works fine.
Double posting ftw.

DON'T BOTHER MAKING A JAPANESE ACCOUNT. Microsoft is wise to people downloading it from other regions and has locked that shit down. Even with a JP account you get the error "not available in your region." You might want to add this to the OP to prevent anyone else from wasting a free gold account. :P

Not sure if it's entirely legal, so I won't link it here, but someone over at neogaf has uploaded the demo somehow. Apparently you can burn it to a disc, shove it in the 360 and it'll show up in your demos menu. If anyone wants to go to that much trouble...
All you do is download the 5 part rar into the same directory, extract them all and it'll form into one, then just copy and paste the "content" folder into a blank disc and burn. Make a Tuna Melt sandwich(which is probably harder to do) That's it. Easy.
Edit - I'm a dumbass. Few corrections below... in case anyone actually read this.

So I may or may not have downloaded and/or played the demo (oh balls with it, it's a ****ing demo, who cares).

It's pretty darn awesome. Mostly. Some impressions for those who can't/won't play...


+ Awesome graphics. From the videos it kind of looked like it was just going to be an upgraded RE4, and in a couple of ways it is, but the detail is INSANE and it all runs and animates beautifully. It's one of those games that needs to be seen/played.

+ Controls better, for the most part. Minor improvements, really, as it still controls basically identical to RE4, and there's nothing much wrong with that. For a start, you can now strafe/move freely while walking, like in Gears of War or something. Once you get into a run you're locked to just turning, and you still have to stand in place to shoot or reload, but it helps. Also the controls and aiming are just a lot smoother, and in general it just 'feels' better. Overall, they're intuitive enough to not be too frustrating, but restrictive enough to create a bit of extra tension - how a horror game should be.

+ It's ****ing intense. Ammo, at least in the demo, is a total luxury, and needs to be shared wisely between the two characters. Not only that, but the enemies are more numerous and (I think) aggressive, you never really feel safe when they're out in force, always being backed into a corner. Playing coop with the GF (who also loved it, if that tells you anything), we survived the encounter with a chainsaw dude with literally less than 10 bullets between us, some of which had to be salvaged DURING the battle. It was down to the wire the whole time, and we were loving it. If this continues on into the full game, as opposed to RE4 where ammo was abundant and challenge was fairly sparse in many parts, it will be EPIC (and I use that word sincerely and in a non-4chan kind of way).

+ Coop. As touched on above, it's fun as hell to play with a friend, and still totally tense. You'll always be keeping a banter going, watching eachother's back, trading off ammo. It seems like it's going to be a really unique experience (barring possibly L4D, which I don't have), far beyond something like Gears of War where you can effectively just let the other guy 'do his own thing.' The inventory options are pretty intuitive as well, allowing you to trade and request any item if you're close enough, and health sprays even effect both characters if you're both standing in range.


- Some niggling control issues. Despite improvements, it still controls essentially the same as RE4, which is mostly fine as I mentioned, the only problem being that it doesn't always jive with the ramped up enemy numbers. In the first level of the demo I was totally swamped by zombies, had to bumrush through any available gaps just to survive, and when I turned around to start popping them off they were generally right on my tail. Which is fine, I love a challenge and the tension is great, but you feel like they could've tightened up the controls a bit more to account for the increase in difficulty. The small things just seem to add up in certain scenarios - like being frozen in place for a second or two whenever you fire the bolt action sniper rifle as Chris loads in another shot - something you can't skip or delay by moving - making you prime chainsaw fodder for a moment. In fact, it would've been really awesome if they just let you reload while moving, but maybe that's wishful thinking in an RE title.

- Questionable AI. I didn't really play enough single player to form a full opinion, but it seems like the AI partner could be a little less than stellar (correction: it's not too bad once you're used to it). Granted it's no mean feat to code a persistent partner who fends for themself, protects you, maintains their own ammunition and health, etc etc, but playing this way really seems to be disadvantageous to playing in coop. The first and most obvious reason is that, like Gears of War and other such games, in coop you have the option to revive your teammate. Which is helpful, by the looks of it you'll need it a lot. However, in SP you have no such luxury. Death is final, and not only that, the death of your AI partner means a game over as well, which could be extremely frustrating if she proves to be less than competent, or worse, could turn the game into a total babysitting job (also not true, once I got into the swing of it I found I needed saving more than her, which she was generally able to help with, and she never really gets herself into dire situations that often). Aside from that, I noticed she was a bit too eager to chew through much-needed ammo in certain situations (workaround: just let her take all the pistol ammo and keep the good weapons for yourself :P), but thankfully she's all too happy to share and only seems to pick up items by herself when she really needs them. False -> One more minor issue: there doesn't seem to be any way to make her prep for "partner actions." This is things like vaulting your partner over a wall or gap - the first person to interact with it crouches down, the second person vaults over. However, she never seems to want to prep, so she always ends up being the one who makes the jump. And, given these scenarios tend to involve some sticky close-combat situations, could result in her getting herself killed a lot<- False (Sheva always does the vault/jump, even if you prep her first in coop, so it's not an SP issue at all). But again, these are all 'maybes' since, like I said, I didn't spend much time with it.

- Split screen. When playing offline coop, the way the screen splits (on a widescreen setup, at least) is less than ideal. Playing with two players, you have about a quarter of the screen each to move around in, maybe a bit more. The boxes are both off-set from one another, so there's blank space on either side, and it only seems to use up the middle of the screen (ie - the space a 4:3 setup would use). This results in a lot of wasted screen real estate and a little bit of squinting, not to mention the graphics are a lot less impressive at such a limited scope. If there was an option for a horizontal split it would perhaps be a lot more bearable. Actually... I ought to check in the options for that, come to think of it. :P (checked the options, no such luck)

Overall, I liked it quite a bit. It does come off a bit derivative, and I just know a lot of people are going to start crying "Resi 4.5!", but in my books that's not a particularly bad thing. It improves on 4's formula enough to feel fresh (just like Gears 2 did, but moreso), and introduces a great new setting that's leagues apart from RE4 in tone but still as intense. Even ignoring all that, I'm convinced the coop alone is going to make this worthy of a purchase. I'm even considering buying two copies so the GF and I can play system link - that's how awesome it is.


[/wallotext] :P

v False.

A small addition to the control concerns - switching weapons. In a way it's better than RE 4, in another way it's not. To switch now, you simply press the Y button, a 9-grid "quick" inventory appears and you select whichever gun/ammo/herb/whatever you want. One press of A brings up a little menu with options like "equip, use, trade," another press activates the option. Seems simple enough? Except for one thing - it doesn't pause during. To switch weapons in combat, you need to bring up the inventory, move to the weapon, and double tap A. A little too complicated for my liking - the addition of a quick-switch to last weapon or something like that would've made things A LOT smoother, but no such luck by the looks of it. =/

^ False.

Wow, can't believe that for all my comparing it to Gears of War I never even tried the d-pad. The first clue should have been the 9 by 9 grid inventory... basically if you put weapons/grenades/herbs on the top, left, right or bottom grid of the inventory, it'll map it to that direction on the d-pad. The switch is really quick too, makes everything so much smoother. Hurrah!
Nice little review(or big) Bad, pretty much covered everything everybody talks about or will when it's officially released outside of Japan.

Something that stood out to me other than the points you addressed is the character animation detail is amazing, I can knife an enemy on the otherside of a window, he'll get knocked down and I jump through and land on his body and he actually responds to me landing on him. It's something little but a lot of games don't pay attention to little stuff like this that makes the experience THAT much richer. I don't think RE4 had any of that, but the body mechanics from RE4 is in 5. Things such as shooting an enemy's arm and he'll drop his molotov cocktail and end up setting himself on fire, or shoot an enemy charging at you and he'll lose his footing resulting in a gnarley roll down the hill he's coming from.
TBH now that L4D is out I probably wont be getting this :P
what bugs me is, coming from what ive seen and heard, theres still no move and shoot? wtf?
i cant believe they still havent fixed it. forget responsive, next-gen game worlds, advanced AI,
how about being able to move - and shoot and the same time. RADICAL
Dodn't think much to the demo tbh, it was like playing RE4 all over again, which I thought was extremely lacking in the gameplay department.

I'll stick with L4D
*imagines a Resident Evil that allows you to strafe about and shoot on the move*

It'd be bloody awful.
You can download the demo from torrent sites and burn it to a CD and play. No modded console needed. The demo was nothing special really. Just felt like another RE game. Co-op is a nice touch though.
Is the lack of ragdoll combined with re-used canned Resi 4 animations as dissapointing as it was in the earlier previews?
Is the lack of ragdoll combined with re-used canned Resi 4 animations as dissapointing as it was in the earlier previews?
Yup, to me it basically feels like RE4 with better graphics and a different 'environment'.

Not that that's a bad thing but still, I expected more from a SEQUEL.
Yup, to me it basically feels like RE4 with better graphics and a different 'environment'.

Not that that's a bad thing but still, I expected more from a SEQUEL.

A next gen sequel at that.
hmmm sounds like alot of people are pretty disappointed with it
i know i'll be playing it though cause i can't pass up the opportunity to play co-op :P
You'd best hope not. The PC version of Resi 4 was a piece of shit.

Well, pants.

I played through RE4 on the 'cube like six times. I'm not buying a console just for this, though :(
It was playable, once you installed a mod or two. It didn't have mouse support and the default controls were 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. GENIUS!

It's playable once you get something to change the control layout (this has the side effect of having to try to figure out what buttons equate to what in the quick-time events. Took me being run over by about six boulders to get it right) and add mouse support. Even with mods though the mouse aim is terrible. I found it best to use a mixture of mouse and arrow keys for aiming. Using the mouse for turning and aiming quickly, but the arrow keys for fine-aiming and getting the head-shots. It works out pretty well, though not as good as if it was actually a half-decent port.
i cant believe they still havent fixed it. forget responsive, next-gen game worlds, advanced AI,
how about being able to move - and shoot and the same time. RADICAL

Yeah, thing is, that'd be GoW with (semi) zombies. Having played all the previous games, I'm perfectly happy with the control scheme- it's stupid, yes, but it really adds a sense of urgency to the gameplay. Not to mention that I imagine it'd be veeery difficult to shoot accurately while moving IRL.
I wouldn't call not being able to move and shoot stupid. Could you walk around while accurately shooting at "zombies"?
People moan about not being able to move and shoot at the same time in Resi 5 yet the very same issue isn't regarded as one in Gears of War. Sure, if you argued technicalities you could say you can walk veeery slowly and shoot at the same time in GoW, but who ever does? People need to stop nitpicking and bitching and just appreciate the awesome games that are still being developed. If we were this jaded back in the SNES days we'd never have played a thing.
Meh, that's just Resident Evil's thing. If you don't like it, go play... any other shooter ever. Just because it's the norm doesn't mean every game has to "adapt or be left behind." It works in it's own way, which is creating tense situations where you have to think on your feet (literally) instead of just ****ing circle strafing everything. Or, you know, another goddamn cover system.

Edit - Now I think of it, wasn't RE5 rumoured to have a cover system? Glad that one didn't pan out to be true.
Edit - Now I think of it, wasn't RE5 rumoured to have a cover system? Glad that one didn't pan out to be true.
Yeah, I seem to think I heard that too and I had horrible visions of Gears of Evil...or Resident of War. Either way, not great.

Sad to hear about the lack of any real innovation here. 4.5 is still an improvement I guess.
*imagines a Resident Evil that allows you to strafe about and shoot on the move*

It'd be bloody awful.

Yeah, exactly. It would totally void all of the games tension. Imagine fighting the Right Hand in RE4 if you could strafe and shoot? Wouldn't be anywhere near as pants-shitting as it is.
Yeah, exactly. It would totally void all of the games tension. Imagine fighting the Right Hand in RE4 if you could strafe and shoot? Wouldn't be anywhere near as pants-shitting as it is.
Dead Space had you able to move and shoot and I found it a lot more intense and scary than RE4.
The demo is now available on Xbox live for, what I believe, a week, worldwide.

Looks like they finally had a brainwave and decided the rest of the world should get a peak.

2 levels, co-op online and off, same as the Japanese demo basically.

Personally im not that impressed with it. Another overhyped release I think.
i liked it.
it's basically RE4 with better graphics and online co-op, which is NOT a bad thing imho.
my only gripe is that the weapons, specifically the pistol, "feel" too weak and weightless
Dead Space had you able to move and shoot and I found it a lot more intense and scary than RE4.
True, although Dead Space used fast enemies in tight spaces to ratchet up the tension. RE has more of a hordes-of-enemies-moving-slowly thing that can make it scary, and that requires some different methods to keep the tension.