Resident Evil 5 survivor buddy list

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I'm starting this early.

Post your Live GT or PSN so you can partner up in co-op.

I'm not gonna post mine yet, since I haven't decided which version I should get...
X360 version: Rico21745

I might wait a bit after release to buy it though, not sure about spending 60 bucks on something with little/no replay value. (even though I love the RE franchise)
Alright so I got the game and I'm still on Chapter 2 I believe. Looking for someone else who would like to play through the game with me and isn't going to spoil anything/rush through the levels if they've already beaten the game.

Is anyone interested? The game is a ton of fun co-op.
Xbox 360: BigDrack

Haven't got it yet, but will be doing so once I get paid.