Resident Evil 5 Trailer Leaked


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Has anybody here seen the leaked/recalled (not sure which) RE5 trailer? It was on big sites like Gamestop and IGN for a little bit, then they took it down. I ended up Limewiring it, cause I couldn't find it online. And boooooy, is it pretty. I recommend checking it out, wherever you can find it.
Wow, I didn't know it was leaked. I thought it was an official release.

If you still want to see it, has it up.
i thought it looked pretty coo. no spoils for you lazy bastards
It looks good but there wasn't any pure gameplay feed in the presentation.
It was indeed rendered in real-time, but not off of the PS3/360 API.

You are not missing much--wait for TGS or E3.

In other news....when did begin using word placement advertising?
In other news....when did begin using word placement advertising?

A while ago I believe... I think it's annoying, personally.

Was this the trailer where you see him walking through this town that looks really hot. and they do a close-up of him holding his gun up and such?

Or is there a new one?
Polykarbon said:
In other news....when did begin using word placement advertising?

There is a workaround for this, a very easy one if I may add, but I can`t post it or Munro will kill me...
saw the trailer, was amazed. cant wait for the new consoles to come out.

DRUELLL..... lol


EDIT: but if it was leaked then why the creator talked about it like if it was a presentation?