Resident Evil 5

Aww but I'm loving RE4. :(

'US, July 18, 2007 - Being able to see new footage of Resident Evil 5 was one of our E3 highlights, even though the new trailer didn't really tell us too much about the game. Enter the latest issue of Famitsu, which is home to an interview in which producer Jun Takeuchi shared some of the details we were looking for.

Takeuchi only provided vague hints about the storyline. As many have guessed from the insignia that appears in the footage, Chris is a member of a group called BSAA. According to Takeuchi, something has happened in the desert area that serves as the game's setting, and BSAA has dispatched Chris to investigate.

Once on the scene, Chris encounters a new form of enemy. Takeuchi described the game's enemies as something of human form that has intelligence. However, the foes are neither zombie nor ganado (in reference to the creatures from RE4).

In addition to the new enemy, a certain girl will make an appearance in the game. She's someone whom fans of the series will recognize. In the full version of the E3 trailer (which will be distributed on Xbox Live and PSN later this month), she appears just briefly, but Takeuchi expects her to have a more significant role in the next trailer (no ETA given on that, unfortunately). In the game proper, she will have a big part both in the story and as part of the gameplay.

On the topic of gameplay systems, Takeuchi admitted to the magazine that the hardest part of development so far has been in mixing new elements with part 4's basic gameplay. For the most part, RE5 will be played from a perspective similar to that of part 4, with Chris appearing on the left side of the screen. However, Takeuchi also promised a big surprise addition that he believes is an obvious evolution for the gameplay.

According to Takeuchi, if, after seeing the E3 trailer, you feel RE5 looks like RE4 now, you'll be left with a completely different impression following the next trailer.

Previously, Takeuchi has spoken about the importance of light in the game. In this latest interview, he offered an example of how light will play a role. Say Chris enters a doorless building. The surroundings are bright and the interior is dark, so it takes Chris a few moments to adapt before he can see. The game will replicate this, along with the opposite effect of going into a bright area after being in the dark for an extended period. This is where you can expect to encounter some of the series' trademark fear, this time from the inability to aim or see.

Takeuchi wouldn't provide a solid release date for RE5, but he seemed to come to a general consensus with the interviewer on the year 2008. It will be a long wait, but then again so was the wait for RE4, and that one turned out pretty good.'

'Takeuchi also promised a big surprise addition that he believes is an obvious evolution for the gameplay' sounds very interesting.

It may be a little early to say this, and i'm not one to easily give into hype, but omg RE5 ftmfw GOTY!!

ahem :)
So...this won't be an RE4 or anything like the older games?

Previously, Takeuchi has spoken about the importance of light in the game. In this latest interview, he offered an example of how light will play a role. Say Chris enters a doorless building. The surroundings are bright and the interior is dark, so it takes Chris a few moments to adapt before he can see. The game will replicate this, along with the opposite effect of going into a bright area after being in the dark for an extended period. This is where you can expect to encounter some of the series' trademark fear, this time from the inability to aim or see.
Ah cool. Been waiting for this feature. So far, I haven't seen this effect in games.

I believe the engine TES: Oblivion uses had the ability but it wasn't used very well.

I don't know. In the ini there are values you can change for eye adjust but I didn't notice any difference when messing with them.

Imagine what all could happen in the time it takes for your eyes to adjust to the sun or to darkness. Awesome as hell.
So...this won't be an RE4 or anything like the older games?


Well, they're 'mixing new elements with part 4's basic gameplay. For the most part, RE5 will be played from a perspective similar to that of part 4 ...'

I'm thinking RE4 controls but better :)

All aboard the hype train, woooo woooo :bounce:
I havent played so much resident evil games but I have seem tons of firends playing it,and when playing RE4 I really noted it didnt have that "survivor" feel of the clasic of going around in a place picking objects and exploring, RE4 was more like a tipical on a rail fps and I hope the 5 brings back the classic feeling
VirusType2, that has been in Day of Defeat Source for example, where it's known as HDR; run in from a dark room to the outside with HDR on and you get pretty much blinded for a very short while(like IRL), but you can still fire your weapon(Which you can in IRL as well).
Ah cool. Been waiting for this feature. So far, I haven't seen this effect in games.

I believe the engine TES: Oblivion uses had the ability but it wasn't used very well.

I don't know. In the ini there are values you can change for eye adjust but I didn't notice any difference when messing with them.

Imagine what all could happen in the time it takes for your eyes to adjust to the sun or to darkness. Awesome as hell.

Your kidding right? 0_0
Your kidding right? 0_0

About what? The fact that I think it's awesome, or about the fact that Oblivion seems to have this feature?

I think it's called HDRbrighteyeadjustspeed and HDRdarkeyeadjustspeed or something like that.


here, copied and pasted:



It's called HDR.
It's called HDR.

I know what HDR is. It creates an illusion of the way your eyes see brightness.

high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) is a set of techniques that allow a far greater dynamic range of exposures (i.e. a large range of values between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDRI is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to the deepest shadows.

What we are talking about is how when walking into a dark room, you can barely make anything out, and it takes quite a few moments for you to be able to see better, and vise versa.

-Talking about the process of your eyes adjusting to brightness or darkness.
Erm, that's what I was talking about too, in DoDS and CSS or any source maps/games with proper HDR, walk into a dark room from a very bright outside, its very dark and hard to see with your eyes gradually adjusting, go outside from a dark room the opposite happens, it becomes too bright to see and your eyes have to adjust, so its not something new and groundbreaking..
Erm, that's what I was talking about too, in DoDS and CSS or any source maps/games with proper HDR, walk into a dark room from a very bright outside, its very dark and hard to see with your eyes gradually adjusting, go outside from a dark room the opposite happens, it becomes too bright to see and your eyes have to adjust, so its not something new and groundbreaking..

I understand, and have understood your posts, I'm right with you. Several posts back, I only said I hadn't seen it in games before. (I haven't played CSS or DoDS.)

I was replying to PsychoFreak.

Anyhow, HDR is definately new (and welcome) to Resident Evil.

The setting reminds me so much of Blood Diamond (perhaps where they got the idea from?)

Blood Diamond was so fantastic. Especially the part with the Rocket Launchers. (wow)
Hypnosos, this has already been known for quite some time that the camera from RE4 would stay, but its always nice with extra confirmation.
Please don't let it be true, please don't, I want this the next year, not the next-next year..
This sucks. :(

I'm sure it will be worth the wait though. :D
I'd rather it was amazingly good than rushed out.
No idea why games didn't make more use of the static camera idea from the earlier RE days (or in fact most horror games). I mean the PS2 could use them and get photorealistic backgrounds.

And call me an oldie, but I really prefer RE2 over RE4. specially the way you're on low health, and stumbling around, then as soon as you need to climb a flight of stairs you're suddenly all better 'till you reach the top.
****ing hillarious.
wow dunno if this has been mentioned but they're hoping to ship the game before 2010 (according to IGN)
bet it'll be worth the wait though :P
They already did that on the GameCube a few years ago.
That was a remake, though. Changing the way the camera works would ruin the entire game, since every event is built around using the camera angles to heighten the fear and tension.
Funny how some people just love to come up with a racism card on Capcom and RE5.

It's ok to kill spanish people, but it's not ok to kill blacks.

Bunch of hypocrite ****s...
Holy ****

That was quite possibly the coolest in game action i've seen in 20 years of gaming :)

Doesn't matter when this comes out - GOTY
keep yah pants on Warbie ;P

but still, Playing Res Evil 4 on the Wii (first time for me, dunno don't ask why I didn't get the cube version) and it's really awesome, but clearly has zonal limits that don't seem as apparent in res evil 5.

+ shedloads of zombies.

Bring in Frank, he'd sort em out.
Looked pretty damn good. Tense, exciting, certainly looked cool.

"I have a job to do, and I'm gonna see it throught!" Oh dear. :rolleyes:
I loved the punch to the face. It looks like close combat is being given decent make over.
Looked pretty damn good. Tense, exciting, certainly looked cool.

"I have a job to do, and I'm gonna see it throught!" Oh dear. :rolleyes:
When he said that I immediately thought of you.
I'll probably be anally raped by rabid RE4 fanboys for saying this, but I'm dissappointed, I had been hoping for an RE that had a less action-focus and more old-style puzzle focus, this looks to have JUST as much if not even MORE action than RE4.:(
Well, I loved RE4, and I'm totally looking forward to another game of the same calibur, but I'd certainly love to see a return to the ol' survival horror.
To be fair, there's no telling just what the puzzle element will be. I've never found RE games to be too taxing in that regard to be honest.

I like how Capcom are doing things a little differently, let's hope they attach a little bit more of a story on this time round.

"You're small time."
I'm sure we'll be getting plenty of traditional RE creeping around in the dark and jumping at the slightest noise as well as more action orientated gameplay. The contrast between the two could prove to be very effective. It also looks to me like the scares may be returning to the series - that black dude 'turning' was genuinely creepy and being swarmed by an entire crowd of machete wielding loonies will be frantic to say the least.

28 Days Later meets RE4 in Africa?

I really hope there's fast ones. Really fast ones that makes lots of noise so you can hear them as you run away :)
Really good trailer, it does resemble RE4's gameplay in a way but it will mainly depend on how much ammo is given to the player overall, so we still could be running away possibly. Anyway it still looks awesome to me and it definitely seems more scarier than RE4. BTW those things are confirmed not to be ganados or zombies, they're something else.