Resistance & Liberation Updates - Click The Image

I like the comics more than the updates :D:D
Another brilliant update by the world's funniest news journalist.

Are you still keyboardless or doing this for fun?

in response to this:

Yes you are posting something which is good. BUT (and a big but here), your news posting is a recipe for disaster. You don't post anything informative besides a link to the actual news.

here's an example of what i'm talking about:

I did prefer it when the front page news was kept serious and of a more informative tone. I mean yeah, the infos at the links but whats the point in coming here to read the news if I have to go to steam powered to actually get it?

All you give people is a link out of, you are sending visitors away with no reason for them to come back. Expect your traffic numbers to go down. It just doesn't make sense, these aren't news posts, you're just telling people to leave

I like this site, that's why I care:farmer:
Reason to come back: To see people going crazy about a guy having fun posting some news. I never really read the bulk of news posts, I click the link and click the images. I've read every single of Sui's posts.

Summary; May God smite all you naysayers.
Pretty lame update, it reads like a patch changes log... and unskinned weapon renders? Why do they even bother?
I really like some of the art that sui's doing. And yes, I've noticed how dead hl2 news has been, so really... I don't mind a little bit of humor in a dry spell of real news.

I'll continue to come to this site, mostly, no matter what.
what is wrong with you people....the comics are funny, and creative....

loosen up or ill ban you from the internet
I would rather a website with soul and personality any day over some stale text-generator. Thanks for the cartoons.
I would rather a website with soul and personality any day over some stale text-generator. Thanks for the cartoons.

QFT. And Sui I've said it before, keep up the good work and whenever you get a new keyboard. Try and combine a small comic with some sum up of the news so we can accomodate all these whining naysayers while still keeping your awsome comics.
I don't think this is how to present media updates. If I wanted to read comics I'd visit a comic website, not a HL2 news website.
All you give people is a link out of, you are sending visitors away with no reason for them to come back. Expect your traffic numbers to go down. It just doesn't make sense, these aren't news posts, you're just telling people to leave

Eh? The reason you would look at the news page is because it's a collection of news rather than individual items. I could go invidually to all 100 mod sites a day to check for news or I could just come here...

I don't think this is how to present media updates. If I wanted to read comics I'd visit a comic website, not a HL2 news website.

I think these news posts are original and interesting. This isn't CNN and you're not reading up on world affairs or business, you're reading about a game.. you know.. entertainment - so having entertaining news posts is great. Good stuff Sui.
I love the comics, myself. It's hilarious and totally unexpected. And the site will probably be back to normal operation soon/eventually - he can't go on for ever (it would get annoying...or would it?). To be honest, I think it works. You've got a big picture, which you can quickly glance at and work out what's going on, and then you just click on it. In some ways it's better than reading two paragraphs of text.

However, there have been some pretty nasty complaints. Some people simply find them annoying and distracting. I can't say I agree but I'm not them.

We also can't tell what Joe-Doesn't-Bother-Posting-On-The-Site thinks, and it's likely he's the majority.

Perhaps a combination of text...and pictures?
Sui = win

and yes I had to register to just say that. And to you complaining don't be so bloody uptight and booring. I mean its Ninjas, Boobs, Zombies... what more do you need? ...Well a pirate and a viking would be nice but meh ;)
I don't think this is how to present media updates. If I wanted to read comics I'd visit a comic website, not a HL2 news website.

Well said. A news site is about news, not comics.

By all means draw up your comics and put them in the forums or create your own site with which you are those that want to view them can. Otherwise you'll turn away those coming to for the hl2 (and mod) news.
I'm just saying, most of the older and longer standing members; are enjoying this... So am i!

I know to some it may seem a little stuipd, but it's better than a drag "information" "picture" "link" format.

True it might have to stop somewhere, but i'd love to see a Sui Comic newspost appear now and then even after his keyboard is fixed / bought.

good job mate.
There should be a balance between the two. Comics with regular post that way no one can complain.
Wow... Anyone that could possibly even be the slightest bit angry or upset about the way the news is done on this site is a sad and pathetic human being.

Not only is this a VIDEO GAME news site that isn't meant to be taken seriously in the first place, its a privately run site centered around a single game. This isn't IGN or Gamespot... Its a small community based news bulletin for hl2 and related games. Hell the big sites could benefit from some lighthearted news reporting like this, especially gamespot.

So in short, complainers, stick it up your ass, douchebags.
"GRR! How dare you run your privately-owned website the way YOU want to! Frigging Communists! >: O"

For the record, I absolutely love the comics. Just another example of how is so much more endearing and just plain more entertaining than other fansites. And also why I keep coming back :D
Those comics are not funny at all, and Im not intrested in them. Im intrested in the HL2 and mod news, nothing more!

God forbit I try and do something intresting instead of typing a crappy sentence with a couple of hyperlinks, like other websites
You guys can go on if you want but maybe its time for me to move on to those 'other websites' with normal news posts! I like those 'crappy sentences with a couple of hyperlinks', thats why I visit NEWS sites and not comic sites.

Wow... Anyone that could possibly even be the slightest bit angry or upset about the way the news is done on this site is a sad and pathetic human being.
So be it... I have an opinion and I dont care how you think about me.
You're all acting as if you're paying for a subscription to this site or something. But guess what?


No, I'll wait, you can figure it out.


No? Okay. YOU'RE NOT PAYING FOR IT. If you can't stand this break from monotony, there are thousands of other sites around here that deliver the exact same news that gets delivered here, all in exactly the same format as the last.

It's called freedom of the press. But we seem to be the only ones who are using it. :hmph:
You're all acting as if you're paying for a subscription to this site or something. But guess what?
No, but whats a community site without members? Really, you guys can do whatever you want but always remember you are nothing without your members. I only said I dont like it and Im moving on to another community site that still has normal news posts!

Then click on the gigantic image and don't read it
On another site I dont have to click, problem solved.

Not only do you make some of your members unhappy, but you also take away the honor mod-project get for being on the front page. This comic guy is getting all the credits.

Last post!
Whatever. news posts rock my nuts off. In all honesty I don't really give a rat's about most mods. But these news posts keep me coming back; it's not what is said, but how. :D