Resistance Vs. Combine Trailer Release



The RvC mod team has released a trailer showcasing one of their maps.
You can download it over at:;36247

[br]In it you will find video footage of a WIP map with working objectives.
  • We have our first build of the mod working, with a team select menu, and soon a weapon/class select menu.
  • We are also working on objective spawn points. For example: if objective a is destroyed, start to spawn near objective b.
  • Our coder erik is also creating new entities info_player_combine and info_player_resistance
They are also currently looking for mappers, a modeller and a skinner to join the team.[br]To learn more, visit their site at:
Nice to have the first trailer, but the map seems a bit "boring"
Not many interactive elements, the map is a bit "bold" and there are a bit TO much bodys next to the long window.
And if it was meant to look like they were executed then I would change the wall behind em.

Very cool though anyway
intresting, not bad, could do with less hl2 stuff and more of your own though, but still intresting
looks nice with a good gameplay element......but my lord, the music, my ears bled all over my keyboard. the designs a little plain though, but a good start, and the whole thing with "do not press this button, it blows up the generator" could have been more creative.
Since it's a trailer for the mod, i would like to see some actual elements from it. What we saw could just as well be a standard HL2 map.
Maps like this (Combines vs. resistance) has also been done for HL2MP (also with objectives). What new elements will this mod feature other than simple team based objectives?
Hmmm, the video seems very pland, single camera angles are used for too long and doesn't have any real power. The general map design for this mod is very basic and needs a lot of work. Areas are way to wide open and it would leave players vunrable all the time, infact i don;t think you could go building to building without been sure of been dead. The general idea for the mod is quite good, but its not backed up by the quality in work. Keep working at it guys and good luck.
sorry, but every bit of that had amateur written all over it. It's either gonna be really disappointing or, as usual, people need to get a lot more done before they release WIP.
Not to mention, if you';re going to release a mod "trailer" don't use fraps. You can capture completely lossless video with Source....why not go that route?
Generally the mod seems very rushed, its like they just want to get it finished and released. But that will never make a good mod and it takes time.
that was very dissapointing for the download size, too rushed, if your gonna make a trailer at least include some custom models, not just a box map thrown together with some triggers
Seriously I can do better in making a video :) They used fraps lol while hl2 has a built in movie recording system :)
Damn that was boring.. When the beat started I thought we finally get some action, but he was still just walking and looking around with a weapon (!!) on his hand.. that could've been cut into a 2 minutes trailer easily, would've been a bit more interesting -_- (how long was that anyway? *checks* 4:33 :S felt like 15 :p)

Oh well, the music was very original sounding.
The mod is still being worked on. We are currently trying to get some of my models in-game and usable. We are planning on a future trailer release soon with some new and very cool things :)
I was thinking of a resistance vs combine mod when the game first came out, i think my idea was better. Have bases that you have to take over and give them viechels like the combine chopper, that van thing etc etc.. cbf going into detail. I also doubt that hl2 will allow that kind of viechle control?