Resolution Time!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Only post new years resolutions if you plan to stick with them! No fakers!

I plan to study music theory more, I always blow it off, since I'm self taught, I always say "Whatever, I'll just study tomorrow! dur!" BUT NO MORE! ****ING 4 HOURS A DAY EVERY DAY STARTING JAN 1! GAW! Basically I'm going to be with music theory like Raz with his GED.

ok now yous.
I'm going to learn to draw better, play more Xbox and generally do the right thing :)

I swear!
I'm going to stop raping, have more confidence in my appearance and myself, spend more time doing work in school and less time flirting with my friendgirl in class, work out more, and stop being a pussy and actually ask out the girls I flirt with which I completed that resolution Saturday night. Woo.
I resolve to not look at porn as much.
Yeah right.

My real resolution is to keep up these grades, and try to actually hit a level cap in an mmo. And like willie, there's this girl I too need to ask out. And get a present for christmas.
Late christmas. :|
I'm not making any New Years resolutins this year because I never stick to them. The funniest one i ever made though was (I think) at the start of 2006. I had resolved to keep a diary nad write in it everyday from the start of the year. About three minutes into the new year I realised I'd already blown that one because I'd forgotten to bring my diary with me to Liverpool! That's gotta be the fastest it's ever taken me to break a New Year's resolution!!
I do not partake in such silly traditions, for I am superior.
I plan to stop playing with my girls' emotions. I'm going to her house on new years eve and I'm going to tell her how I really feel. That doesn't involve engagement rings, though. Nooooooo way. Not me!

Also, lol @ Hectic Glenn ... I'm with you on that one. 75Hz all the way.
To stop ****ing swearing so much, you useless bunch of **** flaps.

I've already incorporated blimey into my vocabulary in preparation.
Meh, stupid New Years only make that to pretend like you give a shit changing yourself.

Why do you need a new year to do it?
I will live with an emphasis in compassion toward all members of the world around me and I will downplay all negative emotions, thus eliminating hatred, regret, and anger. But this is not my New Year's resolution. This is my life resolution. It just so happens my decision to become Buddhist was made near New Years.

My new years resolutions consist of being more studious, practicing more music, and keeping my hands out of the fire. I WILL stop doing things I know will end badly. I WILL.
My new years resolutions consist of being more studious, practicing more music, and keeping my hands out of the fire. I WILL stop doing things I know will end badly. I WILL.

No you won't. You're human, you're drawn in to get hurt! It's fun!

(1) Get drunk more often
(2) Be more extroverted (fake smiles, ahoy)
(3) Play some football.. it's been years since I stepped on the sports field.
(4) Read 2 books a month.


(1) Learn to play the guitar.
(2) Write a simple 3D engine in C (no textures!)
(3) Learn Haskell.
(4) Build a game of snake on USBasp
Start school
Move Out
Buy a Car
Take my workouts to the next level and really go for 10% body fat.

Meh, stupid New Years only make that to pretend like you give a shit changing yourself.

Why do you need a new year to do it?

New Year is as good a time as any. Perhaps better simply because it's a nice arbitrary date where we can all do it together?
Fact: No New Year's resolution has ever been followed through. Not a single one. Not ever.
My new year's resolution is to get my GED!

HAHA SUCKERS. I'm set for the year!
Looking to learn to draw well with my new tablet =D
To kick ass in school this semester and quit smoking.
To kick ass in school this semester and quit smoking.
You better not be talking about 'special' smokes:cheese:, just those stupid nasty donothingforyou ones.
No resolutions. Not because I don't want to improve, but because I don't see why I should make resolutions at this particular time.

You're in school, and you smoke...?

You mean you don't know anyone that's in, say, High School (/Junior High/whatever) and smokes?
Fuck new year's resolutions tbh. I've deliberately started working out again today to not appear to be one of the losers that starts on january 1st and quits a week later.
So you'll be quitting a few days before everyone else! Yay! 2 steps ahead, nice thinking, my man.
So you'll be quitting a few days before everyone else! Yay! 2 steps ahead, nice thinking, my man.

I only quit working out because I had a wrist injury (my left one, and I'm right handed so don't even say it you pervs) :arms:
That's why you never switch, it actually is dangerous to do it lefty.
That's why you never switch, it actually is dangerous to do it lefty.

I once said that I need both hands to hold it up. Only to later realize it's quite pathetic to say you need to hold it up at all. Impotency ftl.
I resolve not to make a new year's resolution next year.

It will work.