Resolution Time!

Yes, you smoke while you go to school, and you smoke while you're at school. You smoke in elementary, middle school, until you decide to stop. Why are you so shocked.
I only make realistic ones, like exercise every week just wont be kept, I do enough bloody walking as it is anyway.

I suppose ones for this year:
-Actually attend my lessons and pass first year of uni
-Gig to shit, build up a larger fanbase
-Move out in the summer
-See as many bands live as possible

All i can think of at the moment.
I resolve to be more resolute.

Not gonna happen.
You're in school, and you smoke...?

I'm in my second year at the University of North Carolina and I smoke between half a pack and a pack a day.

My resolution is 1920x1200 btw
I resolve to get a job, get my P's, and get a social life.

That would be cool.
I usually make my resolutions on July 4th for some reason. I'll probably aim to do the same stuff as Jintor though.
Sort my course out
Record some music and actually finish some songs for a change
Get over the ex
Pull some more
Keep the exercise up
Be happy omg ^_^
Real list:

-Get my ****ing act together in general
-Do well in school
-Get into some Summer programs
-Get a good at-home work out routine/avoid the gym until February (fat redneck women ftw)
-Win amazing girl

Hopefully up to 1920 next year.

But tbh all I would like to do is move out before next winter, that's all. Pretty happy with my life otherwise.
Pi Mu Rho: so have you resolved to be even meaner in 2009 then?
I only have one resolution: to fail all my resolutions.
But if you fail them, then wouldn't you have won that one?
Ah, yes, but then I'll have failed to fulfil it because OH GOD
- Become "addicted to life" (a term my friend and I coined yesterday morning - just generally become a bit more positive, grab life by the balls etc.) Possibly inspired by the new film Yes Man.

I suppose all the others come under the addicted to life banner, but they're still targets to hit:

- Lose some weight. I'm not fat as such, but could do with "toning up". I went down from 12st 5lbs to 11st 4lbs between April and September but when I lost my job, I started putting on some weight again. Would ideally like to get down to 11st.
- Keep my room and car clean and tidy. I'm a really neat person but struggle to keep things that way sometimes. I always feel better in a tidy environment.
- Do something about a ridiculous situation I'm in regarding a couple of members of the opposite sex. I could describe it here, but I don't want to bore you. Basically SORT OUT LOVE LIFE.

I plan to start all of these tomorrow. Why do they make us make these life-changing changes on the day when most people have the hangover from hell?
- Stop trying to get into a relationship. Because the last time I tried it ended up with awkward conversations, three months of being avoided and finally being told never to go near her again. My love life is a trainwreck.

Also I need to work out because I can wrap my hand around my bicep sometimes. D:
Ah, yes, but then I'll have failed to fulfil it because OH GOD

[ ] Spawn perfect Portman/Johansson hybrid
[ ] Have chair signed by Darkside's doujin penname
[x] Break Sulkdodds
Smoke at least one cigarr a month.

That was mine. I made it up like 20 seconds before midnight when me and another guy was standing there drinking and smoking cigarrs.

Im also going to keep beeing awesome tell you guys about it.
Actually, I thought of one.

Get radio play.

JUST YOU WAIT [shakes fists]
Usually I have some one thing I'd like to change, but I'm just so non caring lately. My New Year's Resolution is to care more.
It all depends on your goals. A strong social connection to peers who share interests, however, is always pretty important. Unless you're a sociopathic serial killer.
It all depends on your goals. A strong social connection to peers who share interests, however, is always pretty important. Unless you're a sociopathic serial killer.

Makes sense.

Sociopath much.
I'm resolving to be more forgiving of others... I generally hold silly things against people, and it has always bothered me, because I know it's not my place to do so, so I'm going to be going through a lot of tough work here... Generally when someone says something stupid I fly off the handle, and rub it in their face, but i do the same shit, and I hate being a hypocrite... So, time for a change. A new year is the best time, right? :D

My resolution is 1152 x 864, btw
I suppose as a resolution I could say try to get better college attendance and try to achieve at least a merit in my assignments.