Resonance Cascade 10/21/08


Jan 25, 2008
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Get you crowbars ready, because on October 21, the CERN Large Hadon Collider, or LHC, will be activated. The obvious result: a Resonance Cascade of epic proportions, duh! Expect HEADCRAB ZOMBIE GHOASTS, antlions, bullsquids, and the Combine.
You will be eaten first.

I, for one, will welcome our new brain-maggot overlords.
It's no longer funny to make jokes about the LHC. She's a sexy beast.
IMO it would be simultaneously cool and horrific if a HL style event did happen.

Quick, lets sabotage the LHC.
IMO it would be simultaneously cool and horrific if a HL style event did happen.

Quick, lets sabotage the LHC.

I second this. But thats only a least scale scenerio, the worst that could happen is that Earth blows up.
I watched a Science Channel special on this thing. It is [almost] Impossible for somthing to go wrong.

The guys word's were (If i can remember) "It's very unlikely that the LHC could create a black hole. If it [the LHC] did, it [the black hole] would be very unlikely that it could grow in size, eventually eating the earth. But it's extremly unlikely :)."

So what's to worry about? :hmph:
It's not funny to make jokes of the LHC when it probably won't actually be activated then and you'll look like a right fool when I bring this thread back on the 21st and go "Heh, LHC, where is it?"
What does this have to do with the Half-Life series?
I've watched a documentary a couple of years ago on discovery channel and it showed scientists only managed to teleport a light beam between 2 "geographically distinct locations"(<<this means that I forgot where and where). And that doesn't they are well on their way to making portals, and I don't even think there are/will be such things as a portal.

And just as Lizardizzle said, the event of a large black hole is very unlikely.
They've also managed to teleport matter, but that doesn't imply anything about teleporting visible items let alone living beings.
Eh, I have a small problem with staying up to date with forums. I'm kind of surprised that my account is still around.
My god, I'm surprised you remembered your Username and Password :D
Does anybody else ever read it, or misspell it as "Large Hardon Collider"...or is that just me?
Tis the end of the world my companions!
I'm going to make my own HEV suit and grow a goatee.
God knows if I'll look like anything remotely awesome.
His explanation will be that he googled colliding hardons. I've tried that, though, it's actually surprisingly good.
Tis the end of the world my companions!
I'm going to make my own HEV suit and grow a goatee.
God knows if I'll look like anything remotely awesome.
Don't forget the crowbar...