respond to a troll in any way, and u admit the troll is smarter than u

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Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
this includes the detached, holier-than-thou "oh isn't the troll pathetic" posts. and the "i'm just posting 'cos it's so stupid it's funny" posts.

just think about it for a sec:

by posting here a troll is saying "these guys are so predicatable and transparent, i can tell exactly what pushes their buttons. i bet i can make a post that will get them so worked up, they can't stop themselves from responding".

unless u ignore it, the troll is absolutley right in it's assessment of u.
Soal_Fish said:
Actually, he's right. Ironic for you to be saying "idiotic".
Apparently it went right over your head there.
*holds breath as he passes by yet another troll topic*

I guess that means fragShader is the troll, and fragShader is smarter than me.

You know there is this nice little button called "Report Bad Post." This has nothing to do with HL2.
Apparently it went right over your head there.

You learned nothing from your thread on cheating. Take your holier-than-thou attitude elsewhere. It's annoying.
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