Retail install can't run from Steam


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
I installed HL2 from a retail CD.

I activated and have played for several days.

Yesterday I log into Steam and start HL2. It goes to resolution change, Goes to black screen, changes to low-res image of "something" and sits there and I can't even see my task manager to see what the FK is wrong.

I've let it sit for over 10 minutes but nothing. I've logged into steam and HL2 is in my games list, but no matter if I start via Steam shortcut ot desktop shortcut it don't work.

My CD is in the drive and I can play Offline, but starting with Steam running is no go.

I've tried to go into Steam's website and find an answer, but that site is FKd up too. I have an account but have to create a new one for support. So I do.

Then I go to post but it won't accept my login, says I have to register there is no user with that name. Then I go to register and it says there is already a user with that name.

All this while dealing with the constant "Database error. Emailing Support." I've gotten that screen constantly all day from work and this evening too.

God, I'm beginning to hate Steam. Love the Game. Hate Steam. Valve needs to fix their support options. The site isn't working.