Retailers putting Half Life 2 for Xbox 360 and PS3 up.

rgr. This is going to be interesting.
What the hell? Just do the damn episodes! No one needs HL2 on another system; by that time it'll be played to death already.

The episodes will do better, I think. HL2 has been out for over a year now; it's not exactly considered very revolutionary.
This is going to be great, by the time we are on what ... the 2nd or 3rd Episode .. we will have people that are just starting hl2 coming on the forum all over again :p
Why do I have a gut feeling it's gonna be like Far Cry Instincts: Predator and have HL2 and Episode 1 bundled together?

Or maybe it'll be an actual non-Half-Life game? Anyone ever thought of that? :p
'Wii' sounds like the dying squeal of an injured piglet. Revolution sounds a lot better, even if it is unimaginative.
TonicBH said:
Or maybe it'll be an actual non-Half-Life game? Anyone ever thought of that? :p

Not really considering it says Half-life 2: Xbox 360....
It seems like its just speculation. But they did say they were working on something for the 360, didn't they?
Samon said:
Not really considering it says Half-life 2: Xbox 360....

*glances at Half-Life 2: Episode 1... remembering its original name...* ;)