Retard says, "I love halo its so much better then half live"

Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
I've been on forums a long time but never encountered what's been called a least to MY knowledge. Would this be an example of such a person? what other kind of stupid things have you seen people on forums post for the sole purpose of pissing everyone else off?
the 'mac is alot better than windows' thread...that guy got owned
People who post anti-american remarks in a thread completely unrelated to the USA. People like Sol....wait im not gonna mention any names but there is one specific jackass flooding up the forums with these such remarks, also adding a pinch of sensationalist bullshit in the mixture...
A troll, in my mind is someone who posts only bullsh*t and is fueled by attention.
Honestly, does anyone actually remember that sort of junk?
People who downloaded an illegal copy of HL2 then ask for support on why their game won't work.
I consider numbers a troll.
I've become a bit troll-like sometimes, just like the Jerk Flame-warrior.

I'm ashamed, but sometimes I just flame idiots, like the ones with the dumb mod ideas or stupid Half-life 2 theories, am I just sad, or does it annoy anyone else?

(I'm looking at you, Mr. Chi)
Remember EvilEwok? He's the troll I remember the most. Actually, most of the trolls I remember were probably his many accounts. He was the most persistant one I've ever seem. His bans were in the double digits and he actually tried to sound reasonable a couple times so we wouldn't suspect it was him, but he couldn't keep it up and always reverted back to "Doom 3 will be the greatest game ever, anyone who disagrees is a fanboy!"