return of the little roaches

bottom line for 50% of the questions asked here...

desighn decision not technical limitation
I made a label out of that and put it on my shelf lol

it says "It's a design dicision, not a technical limitation"

words to live by.
Originally posted by nw909
Yes, and that movie never really made sense, its just birds killing a bunch of people.

Movies back then didn't have to make sense. Come to think of it neither do modern ones. *coughMulholland Drive*

I think it would be cool to manipulate people, (vids prove we can manipulate dead people) but clothes would be too hard and if you want a nude Alyx then make a patch and then get off on a bunch o pixels. Don't ask the impossible.
Originally posted by Space Cowboy
Movies back then didn't have to make sense. Come to think of it neither do modern ones. *coughMulholland Drive*

That was a very interesting, albeit twisted, movie. It's refreshing to see really original movies like that, and if you really think about it while watching it (for the 2nd or 3rd time) you can actually understand it (or at least an interpretation of it). Very interesting movie.

Back on topic though - talking about the roaches... what about snarks? Will they make a return? I don't know if they'd really suit the atmosphere of HL2 but I guess it's possible. (btw did anyone notice that 'snark' is a reference to lewis carrol's writings?)
aww, I wanna go back in time and make a movie about a lightning bolt that fallows people home and drags them into the sewer and slays them...
Originally posted by Logic
That was a very interesting, albeit twisted, movie. It's refreshing to see really original movies like that, and if you really think about it while watching it (for the 2nd or 3rd time) you can actually understand it (or at least an interpretation of it). Very interesting movie.

Back on topic though - talking about the roaches... what about snarks? Will they make a return? I don't know if they'd really suit the atmosphere of HL2 but I guess it's possible. (btw did anyone notice that 'snark' is a reference to lewis carrol's writings?)

Yeah I like the originality, but still confusing. After searching for a couple of popular reading of Mulholland Drive on the net I think I can now understand it a bit more.

On topic:
I never liked using snarks in HL. Most of the time they would backfire and attack you.
Originally posted by Logic
You can't even make a solid object with three polys
Yes you can, if you place it on the ground :)
Two is harder, you need to place it on the ground against a wall.
One is hardest though, you need it on the ground and against two walls.
I never actually did use snarks in HL. I just picked em up, and never touched them :) Nor did I use any of the trip mines. Or the hornet gun, really. But that cos I did it quickly so I got 2 the end for HL2 (I never finished it when I first go it :) )
When I got the hornet gun that was the only gun i used during the rest of the game because you never ran out of ammo.
You killed Nihilanth and Big Momma (the alien with the egg-sack, forget the name) with the hornet gun? Wow that must have taken a long time.

In MP the hornet gun is quite lame to use, it produces lag, even for LPB's, and it's not a gun for a skilled player.

Wilco I never used the snarks either. I did use the trip mines, they're excellent for outsmarting BlackOps
I never used trip mines. Damn soldiers were sometimes too smart to run into em. I was never good at setting traps.

I prefer to use satchel charges, as I can detonate them at my own discretion.
Trip mines were awsome in MP, you could mine a whole area then stalk your prey: and whenever someone would stop just at the last moment before crossing the beam and turn back you would shoot the tripmine and blow him to kingdom come. Placing them on staircases was one of my specialties :)

Hornet gun was very useful in MP to frag players with low health who run away. You just shoot in their general direction then you hear the "BZZZZZZzzzTT! Thud Thud!!" one free kill with no effort :D

Snarks were just a distraction, you would toss a dozen of them at your enemy from a high vantage point, then spray him with mp5 fire as he struggles to kill all the green eyed bastards.

Halflife DM was pretty fun in the beginning :)