Return to Castle Wolfenstein sequel announced

Xbox360 is the leader for next generation technology. Give it about 4-5months after the release of the console and the PC will be back on track and leading the way as before. So games like RTCW will most likly be on PC first, if you get me? The only reason they are leading on Xbox360 is simply because its new and everyone wants a peace of it.
IchI said:
Xbox360 is the leader for next generation technology. Give it about 4-5months after the release of the console and the PC will be back on track and leading the way as before.
How do you figure? A top of the line PC right now will kick the crap out of the 360 no matter what game you are talking about. Plus it can run loads of other productivity software at the same time that the 360 can't, so I don't see how the 360 is doing anything a PC can't at this moment.
IchI said:
So games like RTCW will most likly be on PC first, if you get me?
Uh, I don't think that is so(see below):

No special title or release date was specifically mentioned, but it was announced that the Xbox 360 would be the exclusive first platform to receive the title.
VictimOfScience said:
How do you figure? A top of the line PC right now will kick the crap out of the 360 no matter what game you are talking about. Plus it can run loads of other productivity software at the same time that the 360 can't, so I don't see how the 360 is doing anything a PC can't at this moment.
Because a top of the line PC costs triple that of a 360.
operative x said:
Because a top of the line PC costs triple that of a 360.
Riiiiight...and how exactly does that translate into being a leader in next gen technology? The hardware that is in the 360 isn't exactly stuff we haven't seen in the PC market, so please kindly explain this logic to me. Thanks! :rolling:
It doesn't really matter to developers if it's truely "The Next Gen" in hardware, the graphics are close to that of a top of the line pc, so as a developer more people will buy your game because the 360 is more affordable than a top of the line pc.

Add to that the fact that whether a top-of-the-line PC really is capable of reproducing the 360's visuals is highly debatable, then theres clearly room for argument here.
operative x said:
the graphics are close to that of a top of the line pc
My point exactly, demonstrating why this quote(not from you but we're discussing it) "Xbox360 is the leader for next generation technology. Give it about 4-5 months after the release of the console and the PC will be back on track and leading the way as before" is inaccurate. "Close to that of a top of the line PC" does not mean "leader of next generation technology." Thank you for proving my point! :cheers:

Direwolf said:
Add to that the fact that whether a top-of-the-line PC really is capable of reproducing the 360's visuals is highly debatable, then theres clearly room for argument here.

Hmm, that's why Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter's 360 graphics are dumbed down from what the PC version is getting. No room for argument here, its just a fact :).
But again, "next gen" doesn’t necessarily have to be pure graphics, the "next generation hardware" could mean something that performs great at an affordable cost. If you were making a new game would you develop it so that only 15 people could play, or would you make it so that 50 people can play it? Remember, game studios are out to make money. The PC needs some kind of new hardware or device that can bring it back to the cutting edge and breath new life into it.
OCybrManO said:
The whole "one huge game world" thing isn't really big news anymore. Sure, it's a very nice feature... but it's no longer unique. In this case, it probably came about as a result of pressure from UE3. I mean, so far it looks like everything id Software has done with their latest engine(s) is available in UE3... and more. This seems to happen just about every new cycle of engines since the Unreal series began. id Software releases their fancy new engine, and everything looks good... until Epic unveils their new engine that is planned to release about a year later. I think they live for that moment. It's like they wait for John Carmack to set the graphical bar... then they crank it up to the next level right after he spent all that time working on his new engine... just to spite him. Those bastards! :laugh:

Uh, no...UE3 doesn't have MegaTexture-like tech. UE3 can stream levels, but that just allows for a seamless version of what Half Life and Half Life 2 do. MegaTexture tech is for streaming textures...there's just one big level, no seperate smaller levels. Quake Wars for example has a 32,000 by 32,000 texture on the landscape, and uses the MegaTexture tech to stream the texture data at different resolutions which lets it render all the way to the horizon. Wolfenstein will stream the textures as you move around, which is all they need to let them have one huge world without loading seperate levels. That plus from what Carmack said in his QuakeCon keynote, there can be extremely high-res textures used on things...the artists don't have to hold back.
RTCW single player was awesome. Ubersoldat ftw :D. Just hope they don't screw it up in the sequel
operative x said:
the "next generation hardware" could mean something that performs great at an affordable cost.
No, that would be this-gen technology then. Next-gen technology will never perform great at an affordable cost--that's what makes it "next-gen."