Review here.



Just wanted to see what you guys think of each website. Feel free to add more websites that you think are worthy to mention. Here are my thoughts. obviously the most popular unofficial website out there so far. Its been cited on numerous media outlets, but with that comes its downside. Its too PC (meaning too politically correct). This website seems to serve the younger crowd, i feel restricted with what i can write, and sometimes the admins here can be a little testy. just my opinon. I think this site has the best resources, meaning the layout of its website as well as its links to videos/screenshots. They are good in that portion. I haven't really checked out their forums but yeah, they seem to be squared away.

snip...: This is by far my most favorite HL2 website because of its lax forum rules and such. Links to scans and other HL2 beta FAQ's, have made this site its claim to infamy. This website serves the older HL2 crowd, modders, warez afficionados, and experienced gamers.

again, this is just my opinion, what do you all feel about these websites. again, feel free to add more if u like.
I don't think you can have that 3rd website listed there... its to politically uncorrect

also hl2fallout is smaller but has a lot nicer and tamer crowd than the zoo we have here :-P
" - Worst"

Really? I'd say these boards have their fair share of a-holes and ass clowns running rampant. But, I find it more tolerable than HL Fallout and CS forums. Besides, name a forum that doesn't have ass clowns and a-holes. So, in a way, they all suck...
Yeah, she made a point. What forum does this belong in?
I dun even know.
Either off-topic or Site Discussion.

or not at all, depending on your stance. :p
Well the political correctness can go either way, personally I don't think most mature adults go around all the time constantly swearing and insulting each other but I could be wrong.
Hl2world - Umm if your looking for something like scans, or porated stuff they are the place to go. - Bit busy

fallout - overly moderated.
Yea i agree with the "Bit busy" part... people post so fast on this board

Seems on a lot of topics you make even if it isn't uber important you'll have a couple of replies in a min or two

moves really fast
If you think HL2world caters to the older folks because of their lack of rules, i'd say your logic is flawed. They cater to the experienced gamers? Meh..
thefiznut said:
If you think HL2world caters to the older folks because of their lack of rules, i'd say your logic is flawed. They cater to the experienced gamers? Meh..

well, hl2w0rld doesnt baby the forum viewers, unlike in is fulla ****ing fanboys thats for sure, and most of the time you post a reply or something, it gets flooded like 2 pages and no one ever looks at it

hl2w0rld is my style, it allows pessimism and different views on things.

hl2fallout has the best site and forum design, but im not sure how the community is.. its probably just a shrunk down version of
cheese04 said:
well, hl2w0rld doesnt baby the forum viewers, unlike in

Baby the forum viewers? We enfore rules to keep the conversations civil and orderly, not to pamper.
If you want to be immature and talk about illegally obtained material then feel free to go to HL2 World, but don’t bring it to my forums. Don’t try to bypass the forum censors they are there for a reason.
Dirtball said:
Hl2world - Umm if your looking for something like scans, or porated stuff they are the place to go. - Bit busy

fallout - overly moderated. Obviously my favorite.

HLFallout: Can't see anything really wrong with it, I just havn't been over there much.

The other site: Would better if its members didn't constantly bash other HL2 fansites and have the occasional member that wants to "organize" attacks on :upstare:
i can understand the reasoning behind's heavily gestapo tactic forum enforcement. it is a busy site after all and this site is rated E for everyone. but then again, isn't HL2 rated M+
cheese04 said:
i can understand the reasoning behind's heavily gestapo tactic forum enforcement. it is a busy site after all and this site is rated E for everyone. but then again, isn't HL2 rated M+
You aren't exactly providing good advertising for your favorite site. If you really want mature people then at least act mature yourself by not insulting everyone just because you can. :)
aeroripper said:
Yea i agree with the "Bit busy" part... people post so fast on this board

Seems on a lot of topics you make even if it isn't uber important you'll have a couple of replies in a min or two

moves really fast

Which is why I prefer this board -- fast answers. This place is like McDonalds.
The Mullinator said:
You aren't exactly providing good advertising for your favorite site. If you really want mature people then at least act mature yourself by not insulting everyone just because you can. :)

first of all im not trying to advertise hl2w0rld, im putting my 2 cents in as to which website i fancy most. obviously u don't understand that.
'Cept without lumbering fat people and vermin.

...actually, considering past experiences here that's a fairly good analogy.

HL2 is obviously my favourite. Hell, that's what everyone's going to say, except for people who want to advertise alternate sites or just generally troll. What's the point of this thread, really?

"OMG, mods suck, go elsewhere for fantastic illegal content, wot wot!"

Reminds me of this time some guy made a "favourite co-op mod" post at a particular forum :hmph:
cheese04 said:
i can understand the reasoning behind's heavily gestapo tactic forum enforcement. it is a busy site after all and this site is rated E for everyone. but then again, isn't HL2 rated M+

Acting in a childish manner does not make you any more mature. You honestly think the HL2world community are a more mature crowd than here? Sorry for the generalization here, but there is not much maturity to be found around those parts. There's a few good folks though.
cheese04 said:
first of all im not trying to advertise hl2w0rld, im putting my 2 cents in as to which website i fancy most. obviously u don't understand that.
Maybe your not conciously advertising but whether you like it or not you are doing it. The idea of advertising is to let people know about a site and then give reasons why you think people would like it better, thats exactly what you are doing here.
This place is decent actually, cause theres good debating, and alot of people are here. All useful for my hidden agenda...
cheese04 said:
i can understand the reasoning behind's heavily gestapo tactic forum enforcement. it is a busy site after all and this site is rated E for everyone. but then again, isn't HL2 rated M+

I don’t run these forums so kids can play around on them. I run them in a way that’s respectful and courteous to the people who use them. It’s not heavily censored or a Gestapo as you mentioned. I simply don’t want to put up with swearing and stupid abuse everywhere as well as indecent pornographic images and illegal material in every thread. I’m sure no one else here does either, except you of course.
DoctorGordon said:
This place is decent actually, cause theres good debating, and alot of people are here. All useful for my hidden agenda...
Conquering the world?
Is it just me, or has the community grown a lot lately?

I keep seeing this people I don't really reconize.

Damn lack of post count.

Must be due to the gold announcement
I've always wanted a hidden agenda. But, how do you do it? Peel the radar-proof stealth material off a jet and plate your diary with it?

There are plenty of forums more "Nazi" than this, and hundreds which allow any old shit.

Hell, on one forum I know you might have already been banned simply for annoying a mod.

Baal said:
Is it just me, or has the community grown a lot lately?

I keep seeing this people I don't really reconize.

Damn lack of post count.

Must be due to the gold announcement
Ya as soon as it hit gold we had a huge influx of new members. Most of them so far have seemed like decent people so its all good so far.
Net: the gold standard for HL2 sites, very stable, conservative but willing to tolerate dissent and reasoned discucssion

Fallout: the happily perpetually perky HL2 site - nothing ever gets these people down

World: the drunken $20 hooker of HL2 sites
Munro said:
I don’t run these forums so kids can play around on them. I run them in a way that’s respectful and courteous to the people who use them. It’s not heavily censored or a Gestapo as you mentioned. I simply don’t want to put up with swearing and stupid abuse everywhere as well as indecent pornographic images and illegal material in every thread. I’m sure no one else here does either, except you of course.

irrelevant subjects and/or pornographics links like u mentioned of course, shouldn't be allowed. yet at the same time on i see a lot of threads like "what will you be wearing on nov 16," or "what will you eat as you play hl2" threads a lot lately. it seems as tho the obsession with hl2 has gone overboard. its not necessarily a bad thing but it would be good to keep those kinds of threads to a minimum. i also feel that dissent should be welcome here. often times threads are rejected because its anti-hl2. its not just this forum but other hl2 fanboy sites as well.
This is a HL2 forum- of course we're all Half-Life fanboys...

It's like logging into Arsenal's official website and explaining to all and sundry that Manchester is the superior side... bias, in that respect at least, is to be expected. Anti-HL2 threads are flame bait, pure and simple.
cheese04 said:
irrelevant subjects and/or pornographics links like u mentioned of course, shouldn't be allowed. yet at the same time on i see a lot of threads like "what will you be wearing on nov 16," or "what will you eat as you play hl2" threads a lot lately. it seems as tho the obsession with hl2 has gone overboard. its not necessarily a bad thing but it would be good to keep those kinds of threads to a minimum. i also feel that dissent should be welcome here. often times threads are rejected because its anti-hl2. its not just this forum but other hl2 fanboy sites as well.

I do agree there are some scary light hearted threads that pop up such as “what will you eat as you play hl2” but we do have some young members whose minds are a little soft from playing Counter-Strike. We do our best to keep these under control, though these aren’t threads that are likely to deeply offend people.

You feel we should allow more disputes? Usually the content of Anti-HL2 posts consist of “HL2 sucks Doom3 r teh pwn0rz teh oneoneonoen!11111” so yes they get deleted rather sharpish as do other pointless threads by trolls. If people were to sensibly discuss the faults of Half-Life 2 constructively without saying “sucks” or “crap” in the thread then I would have no problem with it. You have to remember this is a Half-Life 2 fan site though, there is no point being here if you are not a fan of the game or its series. If someone were to just post nothing but negative comments about the game they really need to think about doing something different in their life rather then wasting time moaning about a game that they don’t even play.

This is a friendly forum so no, you probably won’t find us allowing big pointless arguments any time soon. Discussion and debates in a civilised matter... feel free.
This is my fav site. fallout isnt so bad ether.