Review here.

yo teddy im from brissie too and i also think hl2wooorld is great. i dont post there much, mainly just read. why? because they are so informative you dont need to ask any extra questions, so funny you dont need to post your own jokes, and dont annoy me enough to flame.
the only flamers you will see there are joke flamers or people from condemning h2world for having illegal stuff.

also, i love the laughing smiley.
hl2world is my favorite. Most of us will be downloading their maps and mods when hl2 releases and its a great site to learn about how things work! I like hlfallout and equally.
hl2w0rld - best, mappers, modelers, really good with news. - dont like the mods unrespectable. biggest.
hl2fallout - nice mods good info.
My only objection to hl2net's forums isnt so much the censorship of bad words or direct links to illegal stuff, but censoring hl2wrld and others seems going a bit far. No, the aforementioned (and always controversial) site doesnt host illegal content, forum-goers have to take that risk and use their own serverspace for bad stuff. Those boards are meant for open, unrestricted discussion on ALL issues, no matter how controversial. Hl2net will have the occasional argument thread of "this versus that," but rarely are controversial threads allowed to flourish that transcend the superficial.

By censoring links to other hl2 websites, hlnet has only isolated itself, alienated inquisitive forum-goers, and deprived its own registerees of a chance to go seek a second source for their info on HL2. Much of the bad blood between hl2net and the beforementioned site stems from this censorship which the other site's members find unreasonable, then also the usual back and forth bickering about the morality of toying with the leaked beta and whatnot.

So HL2 comes out on 11/16, and as a community we're split right in half. Its critical that the mod talent in all 3 major hl2 communities can work together with some level of harmony instead of bitter feuding (although friendly rivalry is always fair game) chracterized by the interactions between their respective members.
Kabukiavenger said:
My only objection to hl2net's forums isnt so much the censorship of bad words or direct links to illegal stuff, but censoring hl2wrld and others seems going a bit far. No, the aforementioned (and always controversial) site doesnt host illegal content, forum-goers have to take that risk and use their own serverspace for bad stuff. Those boards are meant for open, unrestricted discussion on ALL issues, no matter how controversial. Hl2net will have the occasional argument thread of "this versus that," but rarely are controversial threads allowed to flourish that transcend the superficial.

By censoring links to other hl2 websites, hlnet has only isolated itself, alienated inquisitive forum-goers, and deprived its own registerees of a chance to go seek a second source for their info on HL2. Much of the bad blood between hl2net and the beforementioned site stems from this censorship which the other site's members find unreasonable, then also the usual back and forth bickering about the morality of toying with the leaked beta and whatnot.

So HL2 comes out on 11/16, and as a community we're split right in half. Its critical that the mod talent in all 3 major hl2 communities can work together with some level of harmony instead of bitter feuding (although friendly rivalry is always fair game) chracterized by the interactions between their respective members.
Well its not just the idea of the questionable HL2 content they have over there. Posting regular porn sites aren't allowed here either and HL2w0rld is rife with porn.
I'm going to compare this the best way I can to, guess what, books.

HL2Fallout is like 1984-The general mass is uninformed fanboys who censor everything and won't stand for a word against HL2. There's no mapping/modeling/modding talent at all in the community. is like Farenhiet 451-Censors a lot, edits quite a bit, but still allows some good info to get through without serious punishment.

HL2 World is like a playboy mag-Unrescricted. Anything can be posted there without punishment. Anything at all. I see it as the meeting place of the biggest HL2 fans. After all, who's gonna be famiiler with the SDK and Hammer editor when the final comes out? The beta mappers, of course. Who gave new skins and maps to play during the CS:S beta (And still now)? The beta mappers and skinners. If you have creative talent and high speed internet, you go to HL2 World to show off your maps and such.

My 2 cents is now in the conversation!
The Mullinator said:
Well its not just the idea of the questionable HL2 content they have over there. Posting regular porn sites aren't allowed here either and HL2w0rld is rife with porn.

hl2w0rld has a dedicated NSFW forum, which explicitly WARNS forumgoers of the potentially unsafe content within: Where posters can get all the porn, flaming, spamming, and other indulgences out of their system so they can be productive on the rest of the boards. Basically, if you have a dispute, need to vent, or got a hot new pic via email, take it to the flamehaus. - I've had no problems with admins personally, but I hear they can be a bit anal retentive. The level of fanboys here though is through the roof. But if you like to see unskineed mp5s and ak47s, then is definitely the place to go.

HL2Fallout - What can I say other than..... "gaben" hehehe

HL2World - Older crowd, fewer fanboys, the only site for custom CS:S maps. While other forums sit and pick their noses, hl2world learns and spends time making maps (has anybody seen the two assaults being made? mmm). has quanitity

hl2world has quality

hl2fallout has gabe

'nuff said.
Travis said: - I've had no problems with admins personally, but I hear they can be a bit anal retentive. The level of fanboys here though is through the roof. But if you like to see unskineed mp5s and ak47s, then is definitely the place to go.

HL2Fallout - What can I say other than..... "gaben" hehehe

HL2World - Older crowd, fewer fanboys, the only site for custom CS:S maps. While other forums sit and pick their noses, hl2world learns and spends time making maps (has anybody seen the two assaults being made? mmm). has quanitity

hl2world has quality

hl2fallout has gabe

'nuff said.

you forgot militia, biaz!
Kabukiavenger said:
you forgot militia, biaz!

One screenshot isn't enough to judge a map by :rolling:

Did I mention that I don't like the emos on this site :(
Evanm said:
One screenshot isn't enough to judge a map by :rolling:

Did I mention that I don't like the emos on this site :(

yeah one screen --- that was at like 20% brushwork completed -- i got 100% done, doing displacement now. Expect loads of pics on the hl2w map forums in the next day or so
There are worse places than the world. All one has to look for is a radio.

Only vets will understand. ;)
************* by far has the best community and forums.. They are not suck up pussys
I used to post here under the alias Patsy Umbegalia. But then I found my home and now reside in hl2world.
I'm here every now and then conversing with members and sharing information. I find the staff here somewhat fair and well organized, and most of all respectable. I have spoken with a couple of moderators from time to time. Even played on your css servers under the alias [HL2World]ByteMyAss, and when i join there is a bit of rivalry, but are good games. But hl2w0rld is a great place if you are looking for recources and information. There are extremely talented users that do outstanding work, and they are happy to be sharing their work.
Whoa, what do you mean HL2Fallout has Gabe? He lurks in those forums? How does he hide?
Kabukiavenger said:
hl2w0rld has a dedicated NSFW forum, which explicitly WARNS forumgoers of the potentially unsafe content within: Where posters can get all the porn, flaming, spamming, and other indulgences out of their system so they can be productive on the rest of the boards. Basically, if you have a dispute, need to vent, or got a hot new pic via email, take it to the flamehaus.
Oh no a warning. Unless you aren't like any normal male then you would know that the majority of porn sites also have a "warning".

I realize its only one of the boards there that has all that crap but still, you guys have it.

Also why do you think most people here care about the maps you guys are making? HL2w0rld is an editing community more than anything and the majority of HL2 fans aren't modders so why does it even matter?

Also I don't dislike HL2w0rld, I just can't stand it when people are big enough idiots to make feeble attempts to organize attacks on another website, or who simply can't accept that not everyone may like them and then proceed to act immature by trying to spam another forum. I mean really, you say you are more mature but if that was the case you would simply have said "meh, let them talk crap" and then left it at that.

Finally I suspect you tell yourself that you don't care about "" but if that were the case then why are you even here arguing with us? Stay in your forums and bitch all you want there.
The Mullinator said:
Oh no a warning. Unless you aren't like any normal male then you would know that the majority of porn sites also have a "warning".

I realize its only one of the boards there that has all that crap but still, you guys have it.

Also why do you think most people here care about the maps you guys are making? HL2w0rld is an editing community more than anything and the majority of HL2 fans aren't modders so why does it even matter?

Also I don't dislike HL2w0rld, I just can't stand it when people are big enough idiots to make feeble attempts to organize attacks on another website, or who simply can't accept that not everyone may like them and then proceed to act immature by trying to spam another forum. I mean really, you say you are more mature but if that was the case you would simply have said "meh, let them talk crap" and then left it at that.

Finally I suspect you tell yourself that you don't care about "" but if that were the case then why are you even here arguing with us? Stay in your forums and bitch all you want there.

it seems as though some of the viewers of are expressing their growing dislike for the administrators. the admins are getting uncomfortable with the fact that in this thread, it seems as though HL2w0rld seems to be favored more so than the other hl2 sites. I would think of as the sister companion site of and planethalflife is owned by gamespy, a fairly large online gaming company. hl2w0rld seems more to me like Rockstar Games. The "i dont give a crap attitutude, anything is fair game" kinda site. i bet 70 percent of the content in the forums section of hl2w0rld would be easily erased if it were on

also, i have yet to see a porn link on hl2world. i've never encountered porn on its website.
cheese04 said:
it seems as though some of the viewers of are expressing their growing dislike for the administrators. the admins are getting uncomfortable with the fact that in this thread, it seems as though HL2w0rld seems to be favored more so than the other hl2 sites. I would think of as the sister companion site of and planethalflife is owned by gamespy, a fairly large online gaming company. hl2w0rld seems more to me like Rockstar Games. The "i dont give a crap attitutude, anything is fair game" kinda site. i bet 70 percent of the content in the forums section of hl2w0rld would be easily erased if it were on
heh, last I checked 20 different posters does not represent the majority of people here. Especially when alot of them probably got here from this thread:
(you fill in the blanked part)

Also I would just like to know why you suddenly think that the majority of HL2 fans would prefer the "I don't give a damn atmosphere?" The reason I along with alot of others post here is because it is much more structured. I don't have to put up with constant swearing, and nothing staying on topic for more than 5 posts. I know alot of people like that but guess what? I don't and I suspect most people here don't either, if they did then wouldn't they already be over at HL2w0rld.

Stop making the pathetic claim that HL2w0rld is better. Neither site is better than the other, we tailor to different kinds of people. Can you accept that?

cheese04 said:
also, i have yet to see a porn link on hl2world. i've never encountered porn on its website.
Now thats just laughable. Go into your "The forum formerly known as Flamehaus" board and go into the thread titled "IMAGE ONLY thread NSFW" then just start scrolling.
well someone visits often :D^^ BTW if you dont like HL2w0rld dont go there. Easy as That!
The Mullinator said:
heh, last I checked 20 different posters does not represent the majority of people here. Especially when alot of them probably got here from this thread:
(you fill in the blanked part)

Also I would just like to know why you suddenly think that the majority of HL2 fans would prefer the "I don't give a damn atmosphere?" The reason I along with alot of others post here because it is much more structured. I don't have to put up with constant swearing, and nothing staying on topic for more than 5 posts. I know alot of people like that but guess what? I don't and I suspect most people here don't either, if they did then wouldn't they already be over at HL2w0rld.

Stop making the pathetic claim that HL2w0rld is better. Neither site is better than the other, we tailor to different kinds of people. Can you accept that?


Now thats just laughable. Go into your "The forum formerly known as Flamehaus" board and go into the thread titled "IMAGE ONLY thread NSFW" then just start scrolling.

wow it seems as though u know more about hl2w0rld than i do. thanks for the detailed instructions on how to get to the pr0n. also with the swearing, dont see much of that neither, or it could be that im so used to swearing that i consider it normal. also if u dont like the swearing/pr0n u can buy netnanny. here i'll give u a headstart.
This really deserves no thread because it is clear many people who are members here and against the website still come to our site and download our files for css.

And another thing that confuses me. You guys forbid anything made with leak yet I looked in the CSS forums and saw skins. The only way to make skins is with the leak tools.

I only ask because I was banned for posting simple Music Videos before and I find that it is no worse than making a skin.
who cares if there's porno in the forums, i've never come across it because im not actively searching it out. i go here because i visit this site every day. i visit here to check if theres any news, which there usually isnt. but i visit hl2 world to see what the community is doing, the ones that weren't kept under and iron thumb by their mothers and have a little thing in their brains called thinking for themselves

and cmon, the way they made fun of that guys picture was hilarious! with the flowers and stuff coming out of his head... it was funny because they werent being serious, just having a laugh.
The Mullinator said:
Oh no a warning. Unless you aren't like any normal male then you would know that the majority of porn sites also have a "warning".

I realize its only one of the boards there that has all that crap but still, you guys have it.

Also why do you think most people here care about the maps you guys are making? HL2w0rld is an editing community more than anything and the majority of HL2 fans aren't modders so why does it even matter?

Also I don't dislike HL2w0rld, I just can't stand it when people are big enough idiots to make feeble attempts to organize attacks on another website, or who simply can't accept that not everyone may like them and then proceed to act immature by trying to spam another forum. I mean really, you say you are more mature but if that was the case you would simply have said "meh, let them talk crap" and then left it at that.

Finally I suspect you tell yourself that you don't care about "" but if that were the case then why are you even here arguing with us? Stay in your forums and bitch all you want there.

1) If you're too stupid to ignore the warning, then you deserve any trouble that may come from you looking at porn.

2) We have NEVER organized an attack on or any other forum. EVER. So get your facts straight you moron. We've been attacked just as much as you guys, except we are ready for it and have tools to both prevent it, and get rid of it before anybody sees it.

I'm sorry if you feel threatend in that HL2world is doing something for the community and is helping valve.. But you really need to watch your mouth son. We have tried to deal with the fued between the two forums but the shit we got for it wasn't worth it. So now we, for the most part, just ignore you fools. Of course we do find it fun to laugh at some of the more nerdy tools who spend their sad, sad lives here.

To sum it up : Get your facts straight or stop running your god damn mouth.
I've been a member here for a little longer than at HL2W0rld. But I haven't posted here very much.
Personally I like the athmos at HL2W a lot. What I especially like is the creativity, and the broad userbase. Someone mentioned political correctness, which I found fun because we have all kinds of people over there, and we don't all agree on everything: Hell, there can be some pretty heated discussions at times; but it's usually just that.
Anyway I find PC to be utter BS, and more damaging than good.
The porn? Well, there's porn on the internet, big deal! If you want to stay away from it/keep it away from whomever theres ways to do that. Personally, I dont give a damn. The way I see it; all the dif. forums we have there just makes the community broader: Some wants porn, some wants to discuss movies, or hardware/software, so theres room for these things.
Then someones mentioning illegality, well, I don't have a problem with that, and anyway; no mods at HL2W wants open discussion on where to obtain such matters, nor are any illegal software hosted there, so it's a moot point. Discussing illegal matters? Well, howdy doo, I believe its whats called free speech. Ya know, I remember back in the day, when there was that leak you know, there was plenty of free speech both here and at Steampowered, these places was where I got my first spoilers, not HL2W. So just leave it with that, mkay?

Anyway, as Mullinator said; the 2 forums cater to different people. Tastes are different. Personally I prefer the broader selection. has the best people, but one or two of the mods in particular seem to enjoy themselves just a bit too much. I'm broadly supportive of what they do though. I think the standard of poster here is way higher than at the world site, far less juvenile flaming/enormous sigs/regulars with bad attitudes. Having said that, censoring the name just makes us look childish and encourages bad feeling, so I wish that would stop. all the way. Fallout is pretty cool, but to be perfectly frank and honest, World gives me a headache.
you think its bad because you are an elitist. you dont like the idea of everyone having an equal discussion where you dont bear over everyone so dogmatically. its all easy come, easy go there, you dont need to worry about getting a ban unless you do something very stupid.
if people there feel you are being overbearing they'll just call you a pathetic nerd. and everyone will have a good old laugh
Wesisapie said:
its all easy come, easy go there, you dont need to worry about getting a ban unless you do something very stupid.
But the downside of that is that it's full of idiots with very large avatars :|
theGreenBunny said:
What is this? The thread where hl2 world members suck up to their own site?

Yeah, you're completely correct.