Review here.

theGreenBunny said:
What is this? The thread where hl2 world members suck up to their own site?
Oh sorry... Should we be sucking up to yours? Do we have to do that to stay here... :naughty:

+ uncluttered, readable layout
+ fairly to-the-point writing style
+ moderately 'clean' forum look (no giant sigs and avatars, but animated avatars and coloured sigs are a drawback)
+ some level-headed moderators
+ Valve info thread

- forum is too busy
- too many nonsense and duplicate threads
- too many young posters
- too Valve friendly
- too many moderators, some of them not behaving according to the function
- censoring of rival HL2 fansite url(s)
- Valve info thread

HL2 World:

+ linking to illegally posted copyrighted content is a convenient vice

- website and forum layout designed by a monkey on crack
- frontpage could perhaps be updated more often
- too many nonsense threads
- too many juvenile posters
- large, animated avatars, ditto sigs
- according to their headers, no moderation in several forums
Brian Damage said:
I like pictures too. Here's mine.

Yet, surprise surprise, there isnt any development in there other than unskinned mp5s and ak47s :)

Thats not creativity.

- website and forum layout designed by a monkey on crack
- frontpage could perhaps be updated more often
- too many nonsense threads
- too many juvenile posters
- large, animated avatars, ditto sigs
- according to their headers, no moderation in several forums

Our layout is for fun, and dedicated to gabe. Like we said, its a looser forum. Not hardcore nerd HL2.
We dont care too much about news of mods, only about HL2
We only allow nonsense threads in 2 forums
Few juvenile posters. They get weeded out by the regulars
I hardly thing 400x100 is a big sig. Avatars are 150x150 which isnt bad.
Only forum with no moderation (or little anyways) is the flamehaus. The rest are only moderated to keep legal and to keep personal arguements out.

It seems we've got a case of judging a book by its cover ;)

+ linking to illegally posted copyrighted content is a convenient vice

FYI, we dont allow links to anything illegal. We allow the discussion of illegal topics, but if you so much as think about posting a link to, lets say the cracked CS:S, you will get an instant ban, no questions asked. HL2World is a place to discuss the development of HL2. Not the distribution of illegal copies.

We support valve and help them... A whole lot more than you guys do :)
hl2w0rld seems more to me like Rockstar Games. The "i dont give a crap attitutude, anything is fair game" kinda site

You do know that Rockstar Games, your symbol of freedom and "don't give a crap attitude" are completely, 100% owned by Take Two, a large publisher, don't you? Tsk.
Travis said:
FYI, we dont allow links to anything illegal

You allow links to magazine scans in your forum.

As for the moderation, it was probably the "moderators: none" text on the main forum pages that threw me off track.

The juvenile argument is probably one of perspective; the overall HL2 World style is too 'PC Acceleratorish' for my taste, others may find it suits them well.
we all ****in know that the admins as well as all the other hl2 fanboys out there go to h2lworld to check out the illegal shit anyways, so i think all you people need to stfu.
So you're admitting that there is "illegal shit" at hl2 world then? So why have so many people spent so long denying it?

Obviously, your intent when starting this thread was to stir up trouble. Well done, you now have my full attention.

I have to question your intelligence when you come on to and say " think all you people need to stfu."
Travis said:
Yet, surprise surprise, there isnt any development in there other than unskinned mp5s and ak47s :)

Thats not creativity.

Unskinned mp4s and ak47s in the Art forum? Try again.

And there are all sorts of creative mod ideas in the Dev section, as well as some very nice skinned models of one-off characters and vehicles and other unique things. Guess you couldn't be bothered to look properly.

Surprise surprise :p.
For crying out loud. I think this thread has gone far enough.
Munro said:
If you want to be immature and talk about illegally obtained material then feel free to go to HL2 World, but don’t bring it to my forums. Don’t try to bypass the forum censors they are there for a reason.

Teacher: Who knows the orgin to 1337 sp33k?!
Little Jimmy: *raises hand*OOOH OOH, I do mister. 1337 sp33k was created because on the internet people couldn't say things like hacker or, or, uhm warez, also people who search for those words. The hackers then made up their own leet speak which replaces letters with symbols numbers and other letters.
Teacher: thats right, 1337 sp33k became so big and varried there was no way to censor it all, so eventually they gave up

"1 4|\/| 4|\| 31337 |-|4x0|2".

everybody falls in love with hl2world. their members are much smarter, funnier and happier than people.

they have a lot of fun and support valve more than you.

and they figured out how to make animated sprays first too
rrm said:
everybody falls in love with hl2world. their members are much smarter, funnier and happier than people.

they have a lot of fun and support valve more than you.

and they figured out how to make animated sprays first too

I guess that's just a giant glob of your opinion, rather than fact, isn't it?

That kinda reminds me of "my Dad is bigger than your Dad!" debates.
rrm said:
everybody falls in love with hl2world. their members are much smarter, funnier and happier than people.

they have a lot of fun and support valve more than you.

and they figured out how to make animated sprays first too

this is sarcasem right?
cheese04 said:
wow it seems as though u know more about hl2w0rld than i do. thanks for the detailed instructions on how to get to the pr0n. also with the swearing, dont see much of that neither, or it could be that im so used to swearing that i consider it normal. also if u dont like the swearing/pr0n u can buy netnanny. here i'll give u a headstart.
If you needed "detailed instructions" for how to find porn over there (by the way its "porn" not "pr0n") then all I can say is that you either force yourself to ignore it (looks like you don't even need netnanny then) or you are extremelly new over there.

Also the reason I don't like swearing is because it really doesn't get you anywhere, I can get the exact same message across much more intelligently by not swearing. Perhaps you havn't noticed before but people will respect your opinion more if you aren't walking around going **** you motha****er all the time.

Travis said:
1) If you're too stupid to ignore the warning, then you deserve any trouble that may come from you looking at porn.

2) We have NEVER organized an attack on or any other forum. EVER. So get your facts straight you moron. We've been attacked just as much as you guys, except we are ready for it and have tools to both prevent it, and get rid of it before anybody sees it.

I'm sorry if you feel threatend in that HL2world is doing something for the community and is helping valve.. But you really need to watch your mouth son. We have tried to deal with the fued between the two forums but the shit we got for it wasn't worth it. So now we, for the most part, just ignore you fools. Of course we do find it fun to laugh at some of the more nerdy tools who spend their sad, sad lives here.

To sum it up : Get your facts straight or stop running your god damn mouth.
1) All I am saying is regular porn sites are not allowed here and if you have ever looked at porn sites then you will know that most of them have warnings as well.

2) I never said you did organize an attack, just that I have seen members over there saying that you should.

Also why do you think I feel threatened? And why should I believe that you try to ignore us? This is the first thread in a very long time that even mentioned you guys and surprise surprise the first thing that happens is we get an influx of HL2w0rld members comming over here posting about why you think HL2w0rld is better. I mean really, so far I have seen no one from here posting in your thread so now who do you think is more insecure?

Finally if you really were trying to "deal" with this "feud" then why may I ask are you insulting all members in the same post?

I don't need to get my facts straight because so far I havn't posted any facts that have been disputed, the only things that are in dispute are my opinions. Get your facts straight.
how do u know forsure that all the pro hl2w0rld posters are coming from hl2w0rld. yeah some are, but some arent. no need to over generalize. oh btw, hl2w0rld rox0rz!1!!1one!
So what exactly is your point? You prefer HL2 World over Great. Well done. Here's your medal. Run along now.

Not the answer you were after? How about his:

OMGz0rS!!! hL2W0rLd pwnz0r3D uS!!!!!
Yes! You win! Expect the mass exodus of users from here any day now!

Are you really this stupid, or is it just a front?
cheese04 said:
how do u know forsure that all the pro hl2w0rld posters are coming from hl2w0rld. yeah some are, but some arent. no need to over generalize. oh btw, hl2w0rld rox0rz!1!!1one!
Well I know Travis, Kabukiavenger, RomeoJguy, and I am pretty certain yourself and X-vector are also from HL2w0rld. My post was directed to Travis who thought I felt threatened by HL2w0rld and I just pointed out that if he really didn't feel threatened then he wouldn't be over here insulting us.

I was not generalizing at all.

Most other people in this thread who support you guys already post here sometimes so I really don't mind them as long as they don't start throwing insults around.
My personal take on the different boards: - Spamfest

HLFallout - Lagfest

HL2World - Sh*tfest

Interpret it as you like.

I prefer these boards.
The Mullinator said:
If you needed "detailed instructions" for how to find porn over there (by the way its "porn" not "pr0n") then all I can say is that you either force yourself to ignore it (looks like you don't even need netnanny then) or you are extremelly new over there.

Also the reason I don't like swearing is because it really doesn't get you anywhere, I can get the exact same message across much more intelligently by not swearing. Perhaps you havn't noticed before but people will respect your opinion more if you aren't walking around going **** you motha****er all the time.

1) All I am saying is regular porn sites are not allowed here and if you have ever looked at porn sites then you will know that most of them have warnings as well.

2) I never said you did organize an attack, just that I have seen members over there saying that you should.

Also why do you think I feel threatened? And why should I believe that you try to ignore us? This is the first thread in a very long time that even mentioned you guys and surprise surprise the first thing that happens is we get an influx of HL2w0rld members comming over here posting about why you think HL2w0rld is better. I mean really, so far I have seen no one from here posting in your thread so now who do you think is more insecure?

Finally if you really were trying to "deal" with this "feud" then why may I ask are you insulting all members in the same post?

I don't need to get my facts straight because so far I havn't posted any facts that have been disputed, the only things that are in dispute are my opinions. Get your facts straight.

Weak, Clearly you dont like porn. Well if you dont go in the 1 board that is allowed to have porn what is your problem?
911error said:
Weak, Clearly you dont like porn. Well if you dont go in the 1 board that is allowed to have porn what is your problem?
err... I'm talking about why HL2w0rld is censored, not about what I like or dislike.

And if its a weak argument then please explain why. You can't just say "weak" and expect everyone to simply accept that. At least start by explaining why the points I gave are weak.
HL2W is censored not because it hosts illegal content, but because of its casual attitude towards links pointing to illegal content. And the aforementioned porn, come to think of it.
aeroripper said:
I don't think you can have that 3rd website listed there... its to politically uncorrect

also hl2fallout is smaller but has a lot nicer and tamer crowd than the zoo we have here :-P

pshh, this place is like a church compared to HL2
Edcrab said:
HL2W is censored not because it hosts illegal content, but because of its casual attitude towards links pointing to illegal content. And the aforementioned porn, come to think of it.
Is that a moral or a legal decision? If I link to a thread which links to a website which has information on the leak, did I do something illegal? If it's a legal decision, I suppose I could understand it.
OK again I ask...

You guys dont allow illegal files but I wonder where these skins come from .
RomeoJGuy said:
OK again I ask...

You guys dont allow illegal files but I wonder where these skins come from .

Every custom skin, material, animated spray, or new map you guys so gleefully download was produced with the aid of either knowledge or tools we acquired or developed from the leak last year.....its a dirty job and you guys are glad you have someone else to pin moral responsibility on while enjoying these small addons. You'd like to have your cake and eat it too.
Kabukiavenger said:
Every custom skin, material, animated spray, or new map you guys so gleefully download was produced with the aid of either knowledge or tools we acquired or developed from the leak last year.....its a dirty job and you guys are glad you have someone else to pin moral responsibility on while enjoying these small addons. You'd like to have your cake and eat it too.
Congradulations, you are the current leaders in the editing community. Do you want a medal? Most people here could care less who developed these methods because sooner or later they would have been discovered whether you guys were working with legitimate tools or not. Also why do you think so many people here downloaded things that you guys produced? Do you have any statistics?
koopa said:
Is that a moral or a legal decision? If I link to a thread which links to a website which has information on the leak, did I do something illegal? If it's a legal decision, I suppose I could understand it.

I'm not the guy to ask, but I'd presume it's primarily legal- magazines have directly contacted this site in the past (or so I've been led to believe) in order to demand the removal of copyrighted content. Woo.
The Mullinator said:
Congradulations, you are the current leaders in the editing community. Do you want a medal? Most people here could care less who developed these methods because sooner or later they would have been discovered whether you guys were working with legitimate tools or not. Also why do you think so many people here downloaded things that you guys produced? Do you have any statistics?

everything mentioned above that you would have downloaded to improve css was acquired from either hl2 world or the empiro forums..........mind you we hate empiro's guts because its a scary little warez cult who steal everyone else's work and refuse to give credit--but im sure you heard about that incident.

Anyway, to cite an example: animated sprays are nonintuitive, they require a comprehensive understanding of valve's material formats (vtf and vmt), and can only be compiled with a vtf tool that came with the leak. (Otherwise you're stuck with your 120k 1 frame spray), this is credited ENTIRELY to hl2worlders. Any maps you may download that arent official valve maps were most likely made by hl2worlders (physfun, or the recent ports of de_rats or cs_assault, and soon militia) You may see some maps coming out of the empiro forums, but nothing significant....or often not even made by them (ripped from hl2worlders and not given credit). Furthermore, any custom SKINS you may have for CSS had to be compiled with the leaked tools, methods for vtf conversion pioneered and practiced only by hl2world forum-goers.

So we work our tails off to provide this custom content to the community, and hl2net dismisses us as unproductive prepubescent warez kiddies who like to flame and spam and look at gay porn all day -- which is such a gross mischaracterization that it really gets the blood boiling over at hl2w
Kabukiavenger said:
So we work our tails off to provide this custom content to the community, and hl2net dismisses us as unproductive prepubescent warez kiddies who like to flame and spam and look at gay porn all day -- which is such a gross mischaracterization that it really gets the blood boiling over at hl2w
Perhaps it is a gross mischaracterization, but then again its not like members of HL2w0rld havn't been doing the same thing...

If you want to be treated with respect then you must treat other people with respect. Don't constantly insult a website (like constantly calling them and then expect them to look up to you as amazing people that should be respected for their editing talents. As for this site censoring links to you I can say that I don't really like it but I do understand it. However you sure as hell aren't going to get that censor removed by spending your time insulting all the members of as well as the administration.
The Mullinator said:
Perhaps it is a gross mischaracterization, but then again its not like members of HL2w0rld havn't been doing the same thing...

If you want to be treated with respect then you must treat other people with respect. Don't constantly insult a website (like constantly calling them and then expect them to look up to you as amazing people that should be respected for their editing talents. As for this site censoring links to you I can say that I don't really like it but I do understand it. However you sure as hell aren't going to get that censor removed by spending your time insulting all the members of as well as the administration.

we havent censored for a long time, we took the first step toward mending this little rift.....but no response on hl2net's end. We continue to express our displeasure with how this is being handled and i believe most of us would rather have a friendly rivalry than a blood feud, but so long as you continue to censor perfectly legal links and discussions on the basis of your moral superiority, we'll get nowhere.
This should all be resolved when both the game and the SDK are released which shouldn't be long...


Unless...well should get what I'm saying..
The Mullinator said:
Congradulations, you are the current leaders in the editing community. Do you want a medal? Most people here could care less who developed these methods because sooner or later they would have been discovered whether you guys were working with legitimate tools or not. Also why do you think so many people here downloaded things that you guys produced? Do you have any statistics?

I suppose you could say the same about gravity. Who cares who figured it out, somebody would have someday.

Why do we think people here downloaded things that we produced?


Have you even checked our members list? We require registration to download this stuff ;)


Pi Mu Rho said:
Yes! You win! Expect the mass exodus of users from here any day now!

We dont want your members.