Reviewing games here on


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I think people judge games way too quickly here on, always buying the game, playing for an hour then coming here straight away to review it, they almost always say it's good, when most of the time it's not. I think before anyone reviews a game they should play the game for 7 days and THEN judge it.

Think about it, whenever you get a new game it's usually always good because it's different from what you usually play, as you've never owned the game before, so for the first little while of owning it, you think it's better then it is. Think about all the games you own now. You are not going to say most games you own are the best games ever. I'd bet that most of you only own like 5 'best games ever'. The rest are just ok games.

Anyone agree? (Probably not, no one ever agrees with me on this god damn site)

In conclusion: Play the game a bit longer before you judge it.

In conclusion; Cry some more.

This site is susceptible to a bit of hype, but I'd trust the views on games of most of the people here much more than anywhere else.
Example: Spore.

Everyone absolutely loved the game the first 2 days, after that there was nothing but complaints. 'Oh just a bunch of mini games' 'not enough customization' 'this game sucks'. So it went from the game of games to just another game.
i agree that some people rush into reviewing games and the fact that it's new a different has alot to do with the high rating
i personally try to spend as much time as possible with a game before giving it a score, but sometimes you just KNOW a game is great within the first hour or so
it's also important to explain your reason for liking or disliking a game rather than simply giving it some arbitrary number score
In the Far Cry 2 thread, people are posting small opinions as they explore the game, which is really cool, rather than summarising the whole thing. I think there is a great mix in that thread. I enjoy reading and replying to it.

The same can't be said for Fallout 3 though, lol. :D
I don't understand. As their experience with a game changes their opinion does as well? And you're mad because... they posted about it?
some people rush into reviewing games and the fact that it's new a different has alot to do with the high rating

Pretty much this is what I was trying to say.
Take everything with a grain of salt. This site is far more reliable for reviews than anywhere else I've gone.

Halo is still evil in my book.

I like Halo (I), does that makes me gay?
I like Halo (I), does that makes me gay?

Isn't Halo 1 the one that everybody says is the best?
The way I hear it Halo was awesome, Halo 2 was good, but not as good as Halo 1, and Halo 3 was good but overrated and overhyped.
Apart from the copy+paste bug part, it's nice.

Edit: I'll go reinstall it.
Isn't Halo 1 the one that everybody says is the best?
The way I hear it Halo was awesome, Halo 2 was good, but not as good as Halo 1, and Halo 3 was good but overrated and overhyped.

I personally enjoyed 2 more.
I think Dog-- posts threads way too quickly here on, always posting the thread, replying for an hour then a mod coming in straight away to have it closed, he almost always says it's good, when most of the time it's not. I think before Dog-- posts a thread he should think about it for 7 seconds and THEN post it.

It wouldn't be without 7 threads per hour from Dog--.


Seriously though, I have 2 threads in hte games forum and like 2 in the image/flash forum.

How is that alot?


I was totally joking.


I don't really have anything else to add.



On an unrelated note, RA3 will be rad. I'll give you a blow by blow account.
You guys must be bored out of your gourds or something for posting random threads like this.


Try playing the game a little more instead of posting here all the time and then you'd be able to give an accurate review.


Not that anyone cares though.


Fallout 3 NEgatuve pieace of sheeit/10 lololol,ol

Fable 2 1o032u53 **** YEAH/10 lkflolololol

Gears of War 2 Better than teh first out of 10 oh lordy


I agree with Willie's views on the subject.