Revolution controller

Looks weird. If that is it, let's hope it works. If it doesn't work then we're all screwed.
Puts the boomerang to shame. Does anyone else fathom how impossible this would make it to play games? Eventually you are going to have to have buttons since there are only so many types of directions and other ways of inputting into it, aside from licking it or rubbing your testicles with it. Maybe it has led's which become buttons. That would be cool.
Why would someone abandon buttons on a console controller anyway?

If it is real, and it's gonna make or break Revolution. Probably break.
That one has already been confirmed fake as far as I'm aware. IGN certainly seem to think so.

I think we need a thread dedicated to Revolution controller rumours.
If the Revolution is supposed to let us play old nes/snes games etc... how the hell would we play those games without the good ol buttons? Wouldn't be the same feeling. Fake imo.
Ti133700N said:
If the Revolution is supposed to let us play old nes/snes games etc... how the hell would we play those games without the good ol buttons? Wouldn't be the same feeling. Fake imo.
Maybe the Revolution's controller can morph into previous Nintendo controllers!
WTF with the new consoles controllers !?
first the PS3 which looks like a sex toy , now this =\
It is fake, and i'm sure a lot of you are unaware but there is a TON of speculation around the internet on all kinds of things dealing with the revolution, as well as a huge amount of controller concepts and supposed "leaked" pictures and whatnot. As far as i'm concerned, I won't be convinced until Nintendo officially unveils the controller themselves.
ThomasToad said:
It is fake, and i'm sure a lot of you are unaware but there is a TON of speculation around the internet on all kinds of things dealing with the revolution, as well as a huge amount of controller concepts and supposed "leaked" pictures and whatnot. As far as i'm concerned, I won't be convinced until Nintendo officially unveils the controller themselves.

Actually I hope that's not fake..sounds kinda neat.
Probably fake, as for whoever asked how to play the old games, theres GC/N64 & SNES controller ports hidden under some flap thing that folds up... its CRAZY

I like it, and I doubt its the controller but I have faith in nintendo... but

virtual boy
I think it'd be amazing for driving/flying games, you wouldn't need a wheel or a joystick, just tilt or turn the controller the way you want to go.

Maybe developers can program ANY part of the controller to be a button, how cool would that be? Every inch of it could be pressure sensitive meaning buttons wherever you want.

^^^^ © COPYRIGHTED ME 2005
it's pretty :O and looks "revolutionary" I guess.. like something out of a futuristic movie.
StardogChampion said:
I think it'd be amazing for driving/flying games, you wouldn't need a wheel or a joystick, just tilt or turn the controller the way you want to go.

Maybe developers can program ANY part of the controller to be a button, how cool would that be? Every inch of it could be pressure sensitive meaning buttons wherever you want.

^^^^ © COPYRIGHTED ME 2005
That would be awesome for driving and flying games but what about other games? That would somewhat awkward. Nintendo needs their own fast paced, third person, sword fighting, action adventure game. Playstation 2 has Devil May Cry and the Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, Nintendo should join the bandwagon.
StardogChampion said:
I think it'd be amazing for driving/flying games, you wouldn't need a wheel or a joystick, just tilt or turn the controller the way you want to go.

Maybe developers can program ANY part of the controller to be a button, how cool would that be? Every inch of it could be pressure sensitive meaning buttons wherever you want.

^^^^ © COPYRIGHTED ME 2005

That actually sounds pretty good. Pressure sensitivity might actually work if the technology is well manufactured. The developers would be able to put as many buttons as they want on their controller, and then save the results in the game memory. Then as the game boots up, the button layout would glow on the blank controller skin to show you where you should press on the controller to play the game. :D
A True Canadian said:
That actually sounds pretty good. Pressure sensitivity might actually work if the technology is well manufactured. The developers would be able to put as many buttons as they want on their controller, and then save the results in the game memory. Then as the game boots up, the button layout would glow on the blank controller skin to show you where you should press on the controller to play the game. :D

I just cleaned these pants you mother****er, and now I have to put on a new pair! :D

That could be very awesome. Maybe, like a sport's scoreboard, you'll see all the possible buttons very faded out, but then when you pop in a game, the controller loads up from the game's disc the default configuration, and those buttons or whatever light up. Then, while in-game, you could re-configure each control to better fit you.

The only problem I see is it being hard to go from playing one game to another. It'd take some time to get used to all of that.
Prince of China said:
That would be awesome for driving and flying games but what about other games? That would somewhat awkward. Nintendo needs their own fast paced, third person, sword fighting, action adventure game. Playstation 2 has Devil May Cry and the Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, Nintendo should join the bandwagon.

Nintendo has Zelda. 'Nuff said.
Reginald said:
Nintendo has Zelda. 'Nuff said.
But it's not along the lines of Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden. Can Link run up walls and pull off multiple aerial combos?
Prince of China said:
But it's not along the lines of Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden. Can Link run up walls and pull off multiple aerial combos?

He can do seemingly impossible backflips on really stumpy legs... :|
Actually, I think that whole "jump on the bandwagon" idea is precisely what Nintendo is trying to avoid. They're pushing themselves as the low-cost, revolutionary company: trying to get in on what Sony and Microsoft have would probably blow all their efforts to distinguish themselves from said giants.
I like the idea of no buttons, and the controllers looks very sleak and simple.

I like it, I like the blue led's too, I think Sony needs to take a big look at this controller...then make it silver.
Then make it shiny black again because I have just suddenly realized that PS3 silver looks very late 90s.
So very true,

I think sony should go with a black/red color scheme. They already had a Black/blue color scheme..and I would continue to go with black. Thats the color I want to see on a console. Plus Red LED + black casing looks good.

I was thinking about that, and why after releasing a sleek looking ps2/psp...would sony go out and make that ugly looking ps3? That has nothing to do with the previous designs...
Tilting to control a POV has been done before. Logitech tried it in the nineties and it didn't work. People don't generally hold the pad still enough to avoid unintended commands.
jonbob said:
Tilting to control a POV has been done before. Logitech tried it in the nineties and it didn't work. People don't generally hold the pad still enough to avoid unintended commands.

That's what I have always thought when people talk about gyro controls. Seems unlikely to me.
Prince of China said:
But it's not along the lines of Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden. Can Link run up walls and pull off multiple aerial combos?

Did you just insinuate that DMC is better then Zelda? :rolling: