Revolution IGN Channel Opened

the only problem i forsee is third-party development, since it will be very difficult to develop for this console along with the others in a multi-platform game, since not only is the processing power and graphics power far below the other consoles, but they also have to program for the new controller... hopefully they get the third-party support, as I have always liked Nintendo (even if I didn't buy a gamecube) but they could be in deep shit if third-party developers don;t feel like dealing with the hassle
I see tons of 3rd party support.
I don't see tons of ports to it though.

Imagine your a Developer, you've just upgraded your team from 20 to 100 people. Now imagine you see the Revolution and you relize you could make a really cool game out of it.
+Easy to code for!
+Don't have to have star graphics allowing you to use a smaller team and focus time on other things.
+Alot less money to make the game.
+Alot of Developers have already comeneted on how much they like the controller.

Basically it allows alot of Developers to focus on the Xbox 360 or Ps3 and the Revolution.
Minerel said:
I see tons of 3rd party support.
I don't see tons of ports to it though.

Imagine your a Developer, you've just upgraded your team from 20 to 100 people. Now imagine you see the Revolution and you relize you could make a really cool game out of it.
+Easy to code for!
+Don't have to have star graphics allowing you to use a smaller team and focus time on other things.
+Alot less money to make the game.
+Alot of Developers have already comeneted on how much they like the controller.

Basically it allows alot of Developers to focus on the Xbox 360 or Ps3 and the Revolution.
But if there's low sales for the system, it'll certainly make third parties wary - I'm certainly hoping Nintendo gets the support, I'm just saying that companies that can make games that are easily portable between PC, PS3, and X360 may not want to downgrade and change everything so it can play on the Revolution

Of course, hopefully this means a lot of really innovative and fun games on the Revolution
Third party developers should be looking at this new interface as a great opportunity to create games that are step away from the current set-up.

It may come down to a game being released on PS3 and 360 that's the same on both formats gameplay wise, and the same title being released on Revolution but with a different gameplay initiative.

If I remember rightly, many third-party based developers stayed clear of the Gamecube because of the discs, but that was just a rumour I heard, nothing concrete.

We can only hope Nintendo have a ton of new games under-wraps for the system they know best at the moment, and have some great ways to implement the new controller scheme.
Icarusintel said:
But if there's low sales for the system, it'll certainly make third parties wary - I'm certainly hoping Nintendo gets the support, I'm just saying that companies that can make games that are easily portable between PC, PS3, and X360 may not want to downgrade and change everything so it can play on the Revolution

Of course, hopefully this means a lot of really innovative and fun games on the Revolution
I could care less what 3rd parties release on the revolution. Nintendo will drop bombs like a mother****er cuz thats what they do.

They have like what 9/10 top ten most popular game franchises ever? I seriously hope they can make all their gems ten's

score 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 on their best games ... or even some 9's and 9.5's and who the heck wouldn't pay a measly $100 -$150 dollars for a Revolution. :bounce:

I tell you what, i miss the days when the consoles came with a game or 2. We aren't going to see too much of that anymore
I am certainly not worried about third party support for the Revolution in any way, shape or form. Worst case scenario, I think they'll have more third party support than the GameCube simply due to hardware and development issues. That's enough for me. Like someone above said, first party franchises are all I care about, especially if the cost of system itself is so low.
The high powered console wars are being fought by Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo will be the one sitting on the sidelines slowly winning gamers on a completely different front.

The question is no longer "which of the three consoles will you buy?" But rather "Are you going to buy a Revolution with that PS3 and/or 360?"

I will be getting a Revolution no matter what. For my high-powered traditional gaming I will be using my PC.
I am so happy that Nintendo is not caught up in the HD "era" crap. I think they are doing the right thing in terms of graphics and in gameplay... 2 times better looking than the gamecube is a lot. RE4 on GC looked better than most XBOX games. And the price is amazing! $149 american!! At least I hope. I can't wait for this system.
Icarusintel said:
But if there's low sales for the system, it'll certainly make third parties wary - I'm certainly hoping Nintendo gets the support, I'm just saying that companies that can make games that are easily portable between PC, PS3, and X360 may not want to downgrade and change everything so it can play on the Revolution

Of course, hopefully this means a lot of really innovative and fun games on the Revolution
I see sales being much higher than they were for the Gamecube. I mean the price point alone will be enough to make a lot of hardcore gamers buy it. Add on to that the fact that it will be the only system that current non-gamers will be interested in and I can actually see the system pulling off second place in sales even though there is really no longer any point in comparing it to the other two.

Besides, the only people who will know how powerful the Revolution is will be hardcore gamers on gaming websites. We are a minority in the gaming world. Everyone else will go by how the games actually look which considering the the power of the gamecube and seeing what it can produce:
Then multiplying that power by 2 and maybe 3 in some cases you can start to see that the graphical differences between the systems won't be as noticable as many are thinking.

Heck none of this is even taking into account the new controller which judging from what developers and people who have used it have said will probably only turn off those people who are way to self concious about the way they look.

EDIT: I just found this

Of course it may not be true but it is still a good sign for the Revolutions graphics.
assuming that the CPU of the revolution is only 2 times faster than the gamecube and there is only 128 mb of RAM, how much could an insane GPU boost the performance? In other words, could the power of the GPU be the secret that could really boost the power of the revolution?
Well if the GPU is insane, a slower cpu would still limit it.
if its only 99 dollars or even 150 ill buy one.
VirusType2 said:
They have like what 9/10 top ten most popular game franchises ever? I seriously hope they can make all their gems ten's

And there's the problem right there.

Nintendo's ****ing franchises. If the most I have to look forward to is the 10th iteration of Super Mario with a different control scheme, then count me out.
Absinthe said:
And there's the problem right there.

Nintendo's ****ing franchises. If the most I have to look forward to is the 10th iteration of Super Mario with a different control scheme, then count me out.
The only real similarities though between the Mario series though are just the characters. I don't think anyone could ever argue that the first Mario game is at all similar in the way it plays to Mario 64.
Absinthe said:
And there's the problem right there.

Nintendo's ****ing franchises. If the most I have to look forward to is the 10th iteration of Super Mario with a different control scheme, then count me out.
i have to agree with this, though i think they will finally have a chance to innovate on their franchises with the new controller, of course, if they fail to do so, well, then they've got problems

the only franchise i truly look forward to anymore is zelda, and even that's starting to wear thin
The Mullinator said:
The only real similarities though between the Mario series though are just the characters. I don't think anyone could ever argue that the first Mario game is at all similar in the way it plays to Mario 64.

The core themes and gameplay ideas, however, remain the same. Besides, characters and settings play a large part in a game.

I hope that the revolution gets good 3rd party support, because Nintendo's homegrown selection grew stale to me long ago.
Nintendo has classically done two things:

The first and most common is to innovate within their existing franchises. As has been pointed out, Mario now and then are entirely different, and the same holds for Zelda and practically any other character you want to name.

The second is that they DO make new stuff when its called for. Metroid got resurrected, and "classics" like Super Smash Brothers are only two games old. They just do it slower than most, ensuring quality and entertainment.
I'm not bothered about games coming from the same franchise, tbh very few new games have interested me or made me want to buy them. Spore being an exception of course. :D

I play all my old Nintendo games to death, so newer games in the same franchise are perfect for me. I can see people getting sick and tired of the same characters though.

Nintendo are a little like an indie record label, they're not going to be the biggest sellers, they're not going to be the most popular, but they appeal to a totally different crowd anyway, and the already converted fans will still love them.

That's probably a crap analogy, but I tried to make it fabulous.
Absinthe said:
I'm going to strangle you with your intestines!


Absinthe, you made a good point about re-hashing old games like mario and how you aren't interested.

I know what you are saying becuase when zelda and mario made the switch to 3D, Im one of the people that didn't like it.

I don't think the world was entirely ready for it yet.

But I am a big Metriod and Zelda fan.

I think if they can get the Metroid controls better(i would have prefered a conventional FPS type control scheme ( i hate lock-on targeting))and change the save points to quick saves or something and excel on zelda than they will have perfected their change to 3D.

I'm looking forward to it all
I hope Nintendo pulls this off right. I'll definately be getting a Revolution at launch either way(actually a few, ginormous profits on ebay ftw). Camping out in front of best buy makes for some great fun.
There's definetly no way I'm not getting a Revolution, what with the multitude of Gamecube games I have.

I still believe Nintendo have something to give that's simple, fun and innovative at the same time, and I'm still eagerly awaiting Twilight Princess.
I wasn't planning on getting any consoles this time around, but if the Revolution is so cheap then I might aswell just get one.
StardogChampion said:
I wasn't planning on getting any consoles this time around, but if the Revolution is so cheap then I might aswell just get one.
Yeah, im with you sister.

If its that cheap...fabulous!
I have absolutely no idea how real this guy is but a number of forums have now started linking too him. Anyway all I can say is that if he is 100% real and if some of the things he has said about the Revolution are real then consider me giddy for the Revolution:

Basically the blog is made by a European developer working for some development company in the planning stages of a new Revolution game.

Some of the things he has said that get me excited:
After this point we started to discuss the online plans. The NOE's told us Nintendo is working on improving the current Nintendo WiFi Connection for Nintendo DS and started to implent Revolution connectivity for online gameplay. It looks we will be able to get 64 players online and according to them it's posible this number could grow in the future as Nintendo is working/tweaking. So because the online plans of Nintendo WiFi Connection aren't finisht yet we couldn't discuss to much.
First of all, the so called "Metroid Prime 3" leaked pictures. Since it's fanmade and not related in any way with Nintendo's Metroid Prime 3 game I'd like to confirm to you it's fake, not real, so in other words, doesn't excist. Even thought I'm involved in any way with the development of Metroid Prime 3 or other Nintendo projects, I've seen a presentation running behind closed doors not even that long ago. The visuals I saw there are alot better than this. Now ofcourse you want me to give you an exemple of how good they did actually look. I'm not allowed to, so I can only tell you Metroid Prime 3 does have the visuals of a true Next-Gen game.
Now I've read IGN claimed to have heart from an annonymous studio current Revolution development kits are just slightly faster/better than the xbox hardware. This is funny, because this is both true and fake.
Why you ask?

Two months ago our studio aswell was still working with a Revolution development kit that had slightly more power than the current xbox. Less than a month ago however, we've again received upgraded development kits. Now I suspect ( no I'm actually positive ) this studio talked with IGN just before Nintendo handed over new development kits. It's also posible by the way, as I'm not sure how big this annonymous studio is, hasn't received the upgraded development kits as of yet. Mostly of the time the "big" studio's receive upgraded development kits a few weeks before the small ones do, because it's not a cheap job to replace development kits every time.
Well since Nintendo confirmed it already, it's not really a surprise. Nintendo Revolution will not feature HD Support, and there fore we do not have development kits providing this feature. Does it matter? In my personal opinion it doesn't because what Nintendo will offer to compensate HD is even better than HD. The third revolutionary aspect, will be the feature which will provide you the replacement for HD as I've said before.
I know some of this sounds too good to be true which is why I am so wary. For now however this is helping me be more optimistic. Anyway just read a couple entries in the blog, I know that from what I posted here it just seems like a totally fake Revolution promotion blog but it really isn't. Or at least it certainly isn't presented that way once you read what is actually in it.
I know I'm a bit behind in this thread but I thought I'd mention it anyway:
VirusType2 said:
I know what you are saying becuase when zelda and mario made the switch to 3D, Im one of the people that didn't like it.

I don't think the world was entirely ready for it yet.
The world wasn't ready for them... despite the fact that both Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time were critically acclaimed and sold tons of copies? They are both generally considered to be among the greatest games ever made... with Ocarina of Time almost always at, or near, the top of the lists. I don't know how much more ready you can get than that...
Well, based on the great success of the DS, I'd say Nintendo is making the right choices here with the Revolution. They truely are forcing an "and me" situation as opposed to an "or me" situation. And if the rumored prices are true....that's a crazy steal. $99-150 for anywhere from 2-4 times the power of the the innovation. I mean, the Gamecube produced, arguably, next-gen quality gfx with Resident Evil's all about how you use what you have. This is gonna be awesome. Speachless.