Revolutions: Verdict?

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Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, guess what everyone. Its really good. See it now.
I've heard people say it's crappy, some say it's not bad... but I'd rather see it and judge it myself.
Oh dammit, someone else has started a thread. But thats spoiler-packed, so this doesnt have to closed just yet. Yay.
Holy Sh*t I saw this last night, me and my mate Levi sprinted down from the train station to Canterbury Cinema..... and got the last two tickets on the opening night....

Let me just say: My god, its so f*cking good.... it's insane.... :D
Fantastic movie, while still not as good as the first (hard to top), far, far better than the second.
Originally posted by rec
Fantastic movie, while still not as good as the first (hard to top), far, far better than the second.

glad to hear that.....the second one was a big disapointment.
There are 2 other threads just like this. Use one of them please.
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