Revolver! Holy sh*t this movie is confusing!


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score

I justed watched this movie and wtf?

Crazy good movie 10/10 in everyway. But omg i need to watch it again i serious dont know whats truth and whats the final meaning. Maybe there isnt any. Wow one of my favorite movies of all time.
Your the only person I know who has praised the film. I haven't seen it yet though.
Its a 50/50 battle on imdb. This person said it best.

"It's not a matter of 'I get it so I'm smarter'. It comes down to whether or not someone cares enough when watching a movie to really pay attention and think or if they just want Michael Bay to make pretty pictures for them. This movie is a chess lovers dream."
That quote is stupid
I hate when people think only "smart" people can enjoy "smart" movies, and people who don't like a certain movie are stupid and should stick to Michael Bay
Raziel-Jcd said:
Its a 50/50 battle on imdb. This person said it best.

"It's not a matter of 'I get it so I'm smarter'. It comes down to whether or not someone cares enough when watching a movie to really pay attention and think or if they just want Michael Bay to make pretty pictures for them. This movie is a chess lovers dream."

No that's rubbish.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Its a 50/50 battle on imdb. This person said it best.

"It's not a matter of 'I get it so I'm smarter'. It comes down to whether or not someone cares enough when watching a movie to really pay attention and think or if they just want Michael Bay to make pretty pictures for them. This movie is a chess lovers dream."

That's just as pretentious as saying "I get it so I'm smarter".

There's a fine line between thought-provoking and wank.
No the way i see that quote its. People dont really care to understand it. They can but dont want to. They just dont care about this kind of movie.
I'd agree that less smarter people should stick with Michael Bay films...

but "getting" a film doesn't make you smarter. I have not seen Revolver yet to pass judgement (though all I see are bad reviews...).
I've seen this film, and i enjoyed it really. I didn't get some bits, but i probably would if i saw it again. :)
Raziel-Jcd said:
No the way i see that quote its. People dont really care to understand it. They can but dont want to. They just dont care about this kind of movie.

It still smells of this BS movegoer elitism where you need to get something for it to be good. Let's be honest, an understanding of a film does not make it good. I can understand complexity in a film, but it is often a guise of intelligence masking a load of shit. The guy you quoted is an asshole if he thinks that you need to stick to Michael Bay films if the movie didn't appeal to you. Perhaps, just perhaps, Revolver is a pretentious waste of time and he got suckered into some kind of idea that he's now intelligent and broad-minded for having seen it.

A good film should not require you to get it. It should be able to draw you in on its own terms, even if things aren't comprehensible all at once. Then, if you really want to, you can go back and make sense of everything. But I should not have to slave on a film in order to gain some golden cookie as a prize.

Mulholland Dr. is a good example. I did not understand what the **** was going on around the latter half of the film, but it worked. It intrigued me, it kept me interested, and it clicked in a way that, although I did not entirely understand it, I didn't walk away feeling cheated.
Ok, Raziel gave it 10/10 in every way. Its common knowledge you over-rate everything, so if I ever watch it, I'll go in with lower expectations.
Raziel-Jcd said:
No the way i see that quote its. People dont really care to understand it. They can but dont want to. They just dont care about this kind of movie.

No, it's just you. You have poor taste and poor judgement, for one thing: having the main character dictate his lines is POOR storytelling not to mention the fact that he never ****ing shuts up. Plus the jackass director obviously stole popular scenes from other movies such as Kill Bill, Matrix, Usual Suspects tossing everything in there in a desperate attempt to salvage his POS script. And Ray Liotta in his underpants is revolting to say the least.

This movie was like watching experimental theater done by a bunch of college kids on acid, it sucked balls.

Oh another thing, they kept repeating the same ****ing lines of dialogue over and over during the entire movie. What was it again? "To get smarter you have to play a smarter opponent"? oh right okay I get it, there's no need to repeat it every five minutes for two hours.
Yeah this movie is shit. Tried to be an intelligent piece of celluloid and comes off as overly pretentious.
Samon said:
Ok, Raziel gave it 10/10 in every way. Its common knowledge you over-rate everything, so if I ever watch it, I'll go in with lower expectations.
A truer sentence, has never been posted on this site.
Raziel-Jcd said:
No the way i see that quote its. People dont really care to understand it. They can but dont want to. They just dont care about this kind of movie.
Talk about wild assumptions
Haven't seen the movie, but I'll way in on the debate.

Honestly, it just depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes, I feel like "Brazil" or "Requiem for a Dream" (although Dream can ruin my freaking day. God, it's depressing). Other days, I'll feel like "Resident Evil (the movie. And the first one. God I hated the second) or "The Fifth Element".

Depends on my vibe, you know.
Requiem For A Dream is like masochism. I really liked it. It's a great movie. But I feel no urge to see it more than once.
Absinthe said:
Requiem For A Dream is like masochism. I really liked it. It's a great movie. But I feel no urge to see it more than once.

I show it to my friends, when I want to stun them into horrified revulsion.

...that post could be mis-interpreted.