

Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I'm sorry, but what does gabe mean when he says that they have reworked certian elements of the game? From what I can see, nobody seems bothered by this at all, not even to the point of asking what was changed.

What did they change and how. Thats the question that I want answered when I've finished the game. Or now, whenever.
i read somewhere that the completely scrapped the ai, and made it more like they wanted it...
It just means that some things that they originally had one way, they decided to go another direction on, it happens in a game development, an idea sounds cool but the implementation doesnt work out, so they do something else. At least that is my opinion, it brings up nothing to worry about.
because no one nows what was there to begin with that they reworked..

maybe just maybe its hl3 they are working on not 2..
Well, the way I read it, the implication was that they scrapped certian elements for the sake of timeous release.
herbster said:
Well, the way I read it, the implication was that they scrapped certian elements for the sake of timeous release.
I dont think that "reworked" implies scrapping anything. I think maybe some features were just too advanced or tricky to implement, they did the same thing with HL1, they wanted things in but just couldnt do it, so they put those things in HL2. I dont think he meant to imply that they scrapped huge portions of the game, but more of they re thought thru some parts and changed, tweaked, added, and cut. So it all works out.
Perhaps they scrapped things that were not moving the story forward, like Peter Jackson did in LOTR. But on the other hand Peter Jackson should be beheaded for skipping the Tom Bombadil scene :E
i'm sure it's nothing to worry about, as citizen said, we don't know what was there in the first place, so it might not be such a loss.
herbster said:
I'm sorry, but what does gabe mean when he says that they have reworked certian elements of the game? From what I can see, nobody seems bothered by this at all, not even to the point of asking what was changed.

What did they change and how. Thats the question that I want answered when I've finished the game. Or now, whenever.

When and where did you hear this?
Jeez mate, read some news sites on Half Life 2 said:
We here at IGN are looking forward to the awesome Half-Life 2. It's been completely changed recently, and we think it's for the better! Half Life 2 has been awesomely re-invented as a frantic france-theme-dance-puzzle game! Wow, isn't that awesome, Valve let us preview some of their new mind bending puzzles, featuring, yes, you guessed it Valves, and Steam!!! It looks totally cool and awesome and we've got some special screenies for Insiders!

-IGN team
ooooh! i love france-themed-dance-puzzle games!
In my opinion, it just sounds as though they are trying to make a better game. A good thing ;)
guchi said:
i read somewhere that the completely scrapped the ai, and made it more like they wanted it...
????? link? never heard that before....
I'm not a fan of star wars but thought that was still pretty damn funny
As far as I have understood they didnt change ANYTHING to the gameplay due to the cracker, theyve made some changes to the engine itself to make it harder to make cheats using the code that was taken by the anonomous cracker. However makeing the levels and tweaking the gameplay making sound effects etc was not nearly done so ofcourse there have alot of been additions and alterations there but not because of the cracker but because it was still to be done.


EDIT: Wee post 1k :D
I guess it really doesn't matter what's been changed since we never knew what it was prior.
They probably reworked some of the levels and puzzles. Maybe the netcode and things. and things...
Since when was the world reworked a synonym for scrapped?
its just like in half life 1 if they didnt delay a year and rework it we would have a very cheap game... if u looked at the old screen shots of half life before the delay.

same thing is happening to half life 2... its gonna be way better then the current screenshots
1. where did you hear about this "reworking"
2. why hasnt valve said anything about what they "reworked"
3. is "reworked" another excuse for "we're delaying the game again"
If it is true, I'd assume Gabe would be talking about changes such as re-working the inventory system whereby last year we saw that you could only hold a few weapons at a time, now it's like HL1 where you can hold everything you get. They'd only be small things like that I reckon.
IIRC, this has happened before when someone found an article about how VALVe reworked the original Half Life, and thought that the article was about HL2...
They've rewritten the entire net-code...
Well, the bits that were vulnerable, anyway. And that's not really what's suggested by "Reworking the game"...
If it is true, I'd assume Gabe would be talking about changes such as re-working the inventory system whereby last year we saw that you could only hold a few weapons at a time, now it's like HL1 where you can hold everything you get. They'd only be small things like that I reckon.

Really? I think that'll be a turn for the worse then, limiting weapons adds elements to the game...
Well, they've already said they changed that back to how it was in HL. They decided it didn't work for HL2...
In a game like HL i don't think limiting the guns is necessary, in the mods it is always an interesting thing to do but beyond that there is little point.
Rupertvdb said:
In a game like HL i don't think limiting the guns is necessary, in the mods it is always an interesting thing to do but beyond that there is little point.

what he said