RIAA, but for games


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
If RIAA is responsible for music distirution and copyrights, then who is respondible for games? I am in a critical need of your answer. After I get an answer mods can close the thread.:o
Ya games don't really have anything. Its mostly up to the individual publishers and developers to try and slow illegal downloads by implementing whatever security measures they can.
Hmmm me needs to start GIAA and make beeeellliiiooonnss of dollars sueing 12 year old kids.
Originally posted by alehm
Hmmm me needs to start GIAA and make beeeellliiiooonnss of dollars sueing 12 year old kids.

heh. Those poor people who got picked, i feel sorry for them.
Originally posted by Loshadka
If RIAA is responsible for music distirution and copyrights, then who is respondible for games? I am in a critical need of your answer. After I get an answer mods can close the thread.:o

The closest thing would be the BSA, which deals with software in general.
Too bad they can’t stop it, but they can blame companies like Comcast for giving us Cable/DSL, whatever. I don’t think a lot of people were downloading games 3 years ago.