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he's been consistant in that he insists he hand drew it even though he earlier stated he didnt ..even when I asked for an explanation it was ignored and he reiterated he had drew it by hand

anyways I'm tired of debating points with unreasonable people who just cant understand simple logic
he's been consistant in the fact he hand drew it even though he stated he didnt ..even when I asked for an explanation it was ignored and he reiterated he had handdrawn it when I know he hasnt again ..vageta you are not really a good judge as to whether he did indeed hand draw it
I'm not judging that. That has nothing to do with what I'm trying to tell you. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Yes it would be logical because of what he said but that's only logic leading to what SEEMS LIKE is the truth, but it's not irrefutable proof.

And could you please stop personally insulting me?
give me a break ..although not impossible by any means YOU YOURSELF SAID IT WASNT HANDDRAWN

You know something Stern, I just about had it. First off, don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say it was not handdrawn. I said that it was. I use references to help me out, or is that a crime too?!!

I just like to do things the hard way, or is that a crime too?

But you know, think whatever you like of me, say whatever you like about me, I don't care. As your quote says, "Can't we all just get along?"

Also, when I wrote the following: Here's a link to the tutorial on how I went on about into doing this

This was pretty much to show how to save the vector illustration with the fake transparent backdrop as a JPEG. That was it. I know how to save it as the other file formats I was just showing how to save it as a JPEG. Because you can't save an illustration with a transparency as a JPEG.
I'm not judging that. That has nothing to do with what I'm trying to tell you. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Yes it would be logical because of what he said but that's only logic leading to what SEEMS LIKE is the truth, but it's not irrefutable proof.

Have you ever used illustrator? Ever used photoshop? If so for how long?

You have no place to be commenting on this as if stern was a dick. Its pretty obvious this guy did not do this work, yet he tried to play it off as if he did. His portfolio looks nice, but when you post something you did not create and then say you did create it don't blame me for not believing you did anything else in that portfolio.
There you go Stern. It was a misunderstanding. Matter ended?

No Limit: My knowledge on illustrator or photoshop has nothing to do with what I'm saying in this thread. :rolleyes:
I saw Stern jumping to conclusions and accusing the artist of lying, and I'm trying to stick up for him.

And the artist has just disproved what seemed to be a contradiction.

So there you go. Now you really don't have any proof so please be quiet.

But I'm going to guess that your still going to call him a liar anyway.
No Limit: My knowledge on illustrator or photoshop has nothing to do with what I'm saying in this thread. :rolleyes:
I saw Stern jumping to conclusions and accusing the artist of lying, and I'm trying to stick up for him.

And the artist has just disproved what seemed to be a contradiction.

So there you go. Now you really don't have any proof so please be quiet.

But I'm going to guess that your still going to call him a liar anyway.

Your knowledge on the matter has everything to do with it. You made it a point to come in to a thread and comment on something you knew nothing about. I have plenty of proof that he did not do this by hand, that proof comes from the fact that I have worked with illustrator and other adobe design products for a very long time. If you have that kind of experiance you can tell when an effect was used on an image from a mile away. This was the case here. But before you reply to this with more of the same "you don't have proof" watch the following video:

Specifically look at the comic art drop down a few seconds in to this video. It will look identical to what the "author" here has done.

So do us all a favor, next time before you comment on something you know nothing about simply don't. It makes matters a lot worse than they already are.
Showing that the method available in the program yeilds the same result as what he has done doesn't prove it. Do you know what the word proof means? It doesn't mean "very likely" it means "I have evidence that is inarguable, and that no other explanation is possible" Guess what? Other methods ARE possible. That's why he did it. He was TRYING to make it look like that. This was his challenge. A video showing the technique doesn't prove anything. Yes, we all know that the shortcut looks very similar to what he did, but that doesn't prove that that is what he did, because it's still very possible to do what he claims he did.

And again I don't need to know the program to know what proof is. It's possible to do that freehand or however he said he did it, and you all agreed on that, so that's all that matters.

My lord, I had no idea the internet was full of so many untrusting people. It's incredibly rude to jump on the guy like that when you don't have solid proof to back up your claims. Leave him alone.
Showing that the method available in the program yeilds the same result as what he has done doesn't prove it. Do you know what the word proof means? It doesn't mean "very likely" it means "I have evidence that is inarguable, and that no other explanation is possible" Guess what? Other methods ARE possible. That's why he did it. He was TRYING to make it look like that. This was his challenge. A video showing the technique doesn't prove anything. Yes, we all know that the shortcut looks very similar to what he did, but that doesn't prove that that is what he did, because it's still very possible to do what he claims he did.

And again I don't need to know the program to know what proof is. It's possible to do that freehand or however he said he did it, and you all agreed on that, so that's all that matters.

My lord, I had no idea the internet was full of so many untrusting people. It's incredibly rude to jump on the guy like that when you don't have solid proof to back up your claims. Leave him alone.

He can post his source images if he wants. Since I have CS2 I will apply that effect and I will gurnatee you the image will be identical, not similar, identical. Which means he didn't do it by hand.

You would have to be naive to think he spent a month doing something that would have taken him 5 minutes with an effect. If he spent that much time doing this he would have made the image his own, not copy it exactly. If you want to be naive, be naive. Anyone that has used illustrators live trace effect knows exactly what he did. You argument that the proof has to be undisputable might work in an american court with a fancy lawyer, it will not work here.
lol, what? That's what proof is, buddy. When you prove something, there has to be no doubt that it's true. I can't prove something by giving evidence that it's very likely. I know almost nothing about "american court" nor what that has to do with the definition of proof, this is common sense. Unless you can ELIMINATE the chance that he did this freehand, you still have not done your job, and should leave the thread until you can.

I've spent lots of time doing things in MS Paint that I could do in another program instead. It helps me learn about how things work like anti aliasing in my pixel art and it's also a fun challenge.
Believe what you want to believe, like I said, anyone that has used live trace knows exactly what he did. You want to be naive and say you need to see him do this before you believe it thats up to you. Im done with this thread.
Forget it Vegeta, it's no use. Just forget it. It's time to move on. There's no use arguing over this. I'm just going to start anew. I apprerciate you sticking up for me. Don't waste anymore of your energy. I'll take the verdict as seen fit.