

Jun 19, 2004
Reaction score
Who here plays the hl1 mod ricochet?

quite fun, should be ported to source imo.
I enjoy it. Play it occassionally, it's easy though... most people playing suck horribly.
I don't really like it myself, but I saw that The_Monkey and someone else were playing it a little while ago on xfire.
i play it all the time at my friends place. he has 2 pc's connected on a lan so we own each other its a really nice concept . are there a lot of servers online ?

usually about 5 all together, 2 with good ping, over here in the uk at least.

-for 24mbs you cant really say no :p
i rather like playing it sometimes. add me to xfire (ennuisatyagraha) and perhaps we'll play at some point.
It was pretty fun back in the days of WON...

But I prefer Tron 2.0 to it. :D
never played tron, might give it a go
W4E said:

usually about 5 all together, 2 with good ping, over here in the uk at least.

-for 24mbs you cant really say no :p

24meg? where in the uk do you live? London?
I think he means that the game is only 24 megs...
I used to play it. I liked it and it was quite simple but could also be challenging depending on who you played. boing boing slice