Riddick the surprisingly good xbox game

Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
I got to play two demos of upcoming xbox games yesterday, and honestly both were pretty damn good... especially considering they were for a console. (Im a PC lover)

one was "PSI-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy" (which totally blew me away with it's use of the Havok engine, and manipulation with your mind... totally cool)
the other was "The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay", and besides the fact its based on a less than stellar movie starring Vin Diesel, and of course its on the xbox... well I didnt expect much, but my Bro made me try it.

the graphics are pretty damn good, using dynamic light and shadows (ala doom3) Bumpmapping, normal mapping etc its got good visuals going for it, the models werent shiny at all (common problem with newer games coming out) the textures were pretty varied and nice, and FPS was a constant 30fps (like halo) yeah it sounds low, but in execution its fine.

the gameplay was something along the lines of Farcry crossed with Splinter Cell, see Riddick can see in the dark and can shoot out lights (very cool) to make it entirely pitch black. With the dynamic lighting system its cool to see as shadows change and how lighting from other sources looks when you shoot a different light out. you have a stealth mode and you can sneak up behind guys and snap their necks in First person (pretty cool)

The Ai was pretty standard from what I played, run of the mill "throw a grenade, stand there and shoot, roll sometimes, cuss at the player" AI then again the demo was kinda restrictive so who knows what the final will be like.. however it still was fun gunning them down.
one interesting thing the Ai did do is turn on their gun-mounted flashlights when they couldnt see into a dark corner.. (not always at you.. just if they hear something or think they see something)

The combat was pretty standard fare, the guns were pretty average, if even a tad inaccurate (you get to try 3) there was a shotgun (kinda weak even at close range, was dissapointed), a pistol (didnt use it much, seemed nice enough though) and an assault rifle (pretty skittish accuracy even when crouched/not moving.. very random fire pattern).

and you could also fight in first person, your fists come up, and you can block/kick/punch/combo/uppercut/headbut/etc I thought it was going to be corny... but actually it was well done, its easy to block, dodge and attack and fun ;)

The animations were fluid and well done too, when you reach up and grab something to pull yourself up.. it looks good, oh and Vin Diesel actually looks like Vin Diesel (which is a plus), the model is very accurate.
Ragdolls were apparent in the game, and the characters were weighted properly, and looked fluid, and physics were applied to some objects like grates and things, but nothing over the top with physics was involved (at least not like PSI-OPS, or HL2)

conclusion: what I garnered from the demo was that it's might be the first game to actually be better than the movie it's based on.
I would say its a definite rental, and maybe a purchase depending on the MP aspect of the full game. its definitely a game to keep your eye on if you own an Xbox and are waiting for some decent games.
the fact that vinny disel is gay i wont see the movie but i`ll play the game
The game sounds cool - I've always been interested in games that play with light and dark, and do it well.

Emptive is not worthy of comment.
FictiousWill said:
The game sounds cool - I've always been interested in games that play with light and dark, and do it well.

Emptive is not worthy of comment.

I know I was saying to my bro when I was playing it:
"yeah this is pretty cool man, but I thought Riddick could like see in the dark and stuff..."

he says:
"shoot out those lights and tap the left thumb stick" (clicking in the thumbstick makes Riddick go into stealth mode, and his vision is altered)

I did, and was like... woah.

the lighting is very well done, and using it as a gameplay mechanic (like splinter Cell did) is even cooler... I mean sneaking up on people and snapping their necks in First person, then pushing them and watching their bodies ragdoll... what can be cooler than that?

edit: tapping in the right thumb stick makes your vision zoom, regardless of what weapon you have (I guess its his eyes that do that)
there are 3 levels of zoom, tapping the right thumb stick down cycles through them.

oh and you can kill someone, crouch down, and drag their body around to hide it.

you can also climb up boxes, hold on to ledges and shimmy across and other such things. mixing stealth with action in a FPS rules ;)
Mr. Redundant said:
Vin Diesel actually looks like Vin Diesel (which is a plus)

It is? :|

If you've Vin Diesel... YELL REALLY LOUD!!!
Bad^Hat said:
It is? :|

well I meant the model is quite accurate, in fact all the models are pretty good. I hate it when a game tries to make a model look like someone and it doesnt is all.

speaking of yelling
I love how near the end of XXX with Vin diesel, he yells "HIT IT!!" to the russian chick while they are in his car.

and she yells back over the sound "WHAT?"
and he responds with

"hit it".. and she hears him ahaha. (even though it was infinitely softer)
Whats loads of fun in that demo, is to go through it all the way without using a gun.

You can get past the mech by just running to the elevator.
Emptive_Release said:
the fact that vinny disel is gay i wont see the movie but i`ll play the game
Wow, I see why he was banned.
I played the demo and got motion sickness. I don't know if it was the slightly laggy controls but I started getting a headache. Doesn't happen with all fps I play but some seriously get me sick.
I loved the feeling you have controlling Riddick and the kind of wide angle perspective. Im sure the game is going to be great, in fact XBN gave it 9/10.

But I didn't like Psi-Ops. The idea is great, the physics are great, but the third person perspective is really crappy because you dont see enemies that are too far away in the mess of objects. Third person games are only good when the action is very close to the character, like splinter cell or pop. Psi-Ops should have been a first person.

btw, who say the first movie of Riddick, Pitch Black? I rented it last week thinking it would be a regular B movie, but it was suprisingly good.
I got the same OXBM Demo disc and I loved both of those games :D. Riddick tends to give me a headache, too... weird? Mkay.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is´nt that made by some swedish developers? I remember seeing that game on some swedish game show...the graphics are sweet..
h00dlum said:
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is´nt that made by some swedish developers? I remember seeing that game on some swedish game show...the graphics are sweet..

Dammit I wanted to be first! yeah, it's a swedish developer, Starbreeze.
Me so proud... :o

Oh, and Starbreeze were the ones behind Enclave for XB.

And yeah, Pitch Black is a pretty cool movie. It was the first movie I saw with vin diesel, witch made me think he was going to star in cool movies.. Too bad all his recent movies haven't made it above average...
Yeah, Pitch Black was hot. Oh, and turn your volume way down on this game, if you still live with your parents/little sisters.
jet jaguar said:
I played the demo and got motion sickness. I don't know if it was the slightly laggy controls but I started getting a headache. Doesn't happen with all fps I play but some seriously get me sick.
What you have is VVS or Virtual Vomit Syndrome. Something that I also suffer from, too. For some FPS games I can't play for more than 15 minutes without getting nauseous.
You can read more about it by picking up the latest issue of GamePro...the one with Spider-Man on the cover.
spookymooky said:
Yeah, Pitch Black was hot. Oh, and turn your volume way down on this game, if you still live with your parents/little sisters.
hehe yeah cussing aplenty.
Mr. Redundant said:
(even though it was infinitely softer)

No, infinitely softer would cause his voicebox to turn inside out, this has yet to happen, so I will thank you not to get my hopes up.
Bad^Hat said:
No, infinitely softer would cause his voicebox to turn inside out, this has yet to happen, so I will thank you not to get my hopes up.

righto m8.
although his voice has not yet followed suit, IM sure you can be content that the inside of his skull is just a vacuumous hole.