Ridge Racer 7 drifting to the PS3


Mar 22, 2006
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Japanese magazine Famitsu stated that Namco is developing Ridge Racer for the Playstation 3. The seventh in the highly successful series has appeared in virtually all incarnations of consoles ranging from the Playstation 2 to the Xbox 360 to the PSP.

According to the magazine, the game will feature the Nitros system from the PSP and Xbox 360 incarnations and will support up to 14-player online racing and allow for over 200,000 variations in car design customization. The single player game will feature over 160 different races and will also feature time attack and likely more modes in addition to the standard race.

Ridge Racer 7 is expected to be showing (and playable) at E3 this year.
shit, they made seven of these games? :O
I only have the first one. Frankly, I think that's enough....
Meh. I have lost interest in RR. The only racing games I care about now are WRC and GT. (And possibly V-Rally if they go next-gen.)
VictimOfScience said:
Meh. I have lost interest in RR. The only racing games I care about now are WRC and GT. (And possibly V-Rally if they go next-gen.)
yeah, I've lost interest in Ridge Racer also. I do think it's cool that they keep making them. They can be quite fun, but not worth the money IMO. Sounds good that they now have 200,000 custimization options, even though 150,000 of them are probably just different colors :p idk, I was never a big fan of it, but I've beaten one or two of them.

I really only like Codemasters Rally racing games now, like Colin McRae Rally 2005. The handling on the different surfaces is very realistic, and the game is just a blast, with some amazing visuals and sounds.

But the Gran Tourismo games just aren't fun for me anymore. The original GT was one of my favorite games ever made. But ever since the PS2 came out, with Gran tourismo 3 and 4 I mean ZZzz. I hope they can do something new to the GT series to make me love it again, but I am pretty doubtful. They are turning into EA over there.

That game V-Rally was really good, I agree with that.

Just a moment ago, I emailed Microsoft and asked them specifically to include ColinMcRae in the backwards compatibility for the 360, I would love to play it in 3 times the resolution :D
Heh, probably because everyone who bought a 360 laughed at this and bought PGR3 instead.
First off, sorry to be a forum nazi, but no scans allowed :/

Secondly, everyone here seems to share my sentiments. RR isn't worth it anymore.
Dalamari said:
Forza and GT is all I need....
I'm into GT also even though some idiots said it can influence us to commit crimes, some idiot of a man!:dozey:
mysteryman said:
I'm into GT also even though some idiots said it can influence us to commit crimes, some idiot of a man!:dozey:
GT = Gran Tourismo - Sony
GTA = Grand Theft Auto - Rockstar