Right, I've decided!

Hey! I'm not insane!.....well maybe a bit.

Let me articulate what I was saying a bit better.....I get to sleep around 4 -5am right, that combined with being too excited to sleep anyway = why not stay up a few hours longer?

but I have taken advice from the Forumites and I shall try and sleep that night.

It is possible to lose sleep over a videogame and have a social life, just because it's not the norm does not mean it's doesn't happen.
AcousticToad said:
The joys of being unemployed, single and an insomniac, i hardly sleep, if i do its from 4am to around 7am, usually less.

LOL you just described my life....

Personally I blame watching Prisoner Cell Block H when I was a wee lad for the insomnia- if only my parents had sent me to bed, instead of letting me stay up later and later to watch Cell Block :E
I blame seinfeld, Here in the UK it was on at like half midnight! I never used to stay up late until then, that was followed by a virtuoso pianist that told some anecdotes about J.S Bach then played for 45 minutes or so, Heaven.

A load of seinfeld episodes and piano playing later, I'm on the graveyard shift :)
henrythered2001 said:
....if you can't get to sleep because of a video game coming out the next day then you need to get out more often...

Ah, proof positive that not only did you not read the posts, you didn't even read mine properly. Read it now. You will see that if I 'got out more' I would never actually see my own home.

Now, let clear up something right now. You are not the template human. We are not all like you. (Might want to read that last sentence a couple of times) Just because you are able to sleep the night before something you excited about, does not mean anyone else can.

And out of curiosity, how long have you been waiting for this? I see you only joined the forum in October. Have you been avidly reading hl2 forums and websites since May 2003? If not then you obviously don't have the level of excitment that some of us do.

To all those who are saying "OMFG you can't get so excited about a game" or "Its only a game, go to bed like normal", why is it wrong to want to stay up all night to wait for a game? What, because your not, means we shouldn't? Seriously, someone give me a good reason why we should be less excited about HL2 than say, your team going to the cup final? And you can't use "Its not real" becuase that is actually false. It may only consist of pictures and sound, but show me something that dosen't.
i think i'll just wake up one hour earlier and join the HL2 release IRC room (as one will be surely created) to be sure not to miss anything
I'll have a quick peek before I head off for work, maybe play the opening Trainstation level, and then pop on here when I get into work and see what everyone thinks of it.
Getting my copy on 23rd, and yes i can wait that long.
aaah, people people, if you are not excited about HL2 coming then "SHAME ON YOU!" I mean come on! You are in a HL2 forum and you are saying how you aren't excited that much by the game? *boggle*

I mean seriously they are only talking about staying up for 1 night....that's really not that much, the human body can do about 60 hours before you start doing damage 2 it so dont try and say other wise.... Sure you'll be feelin pretty tired about about 20 or so, but you got a long way before you are actually hurting your body. I've done 53 so....I know what its like ;)

Anyways, I'm all for staying up all night for those of you plan to do it...but not worth it for me here in Aus. I just wish people wouldn't get all upset and derogatory over someone doing something that they wouldn't do.... I mean do we *all* have to be like you???? (I'm pretty sure we dont want to :p)

So, why not just let people do what they wanna do and let them have fun? If they are having fun and are excited let them be! Its a "GOOD" thing! :D

I mean really they should be making the 16th a international holiday :p but hey...that's wishful thinking :)
And you can't use "Its not real" becuase that is actually false. It may only consist of pictures and sound, but show me something that dosen't.

Yer i am not arguing either side... but by "showing" you something we would have to use pictures and/or sound..... that's the whole point... i could tell you something, or explain something but i couldn't show you something.....

i'm going to get home and play as i live in Australia so i don't have the option of staying up all night waiting for it to come out.....it comes out at 4pm for Perth.....
I'm as excited as the next guy, but my comp won't play it ;(

Wo to me...
im from germany, release will be at 9am. at which time ill be at work :(
to get round the problem im scheduling my steam to reboot at around 12noon to miss the mad rush, ill leave my comp on while im at work. hopefully HL2 will update by its self and will be ready when i get home :D
Well, I'm at work also in the morning but I've taken the afternoon off so, whilst it will be available at 8am here, I should get around to activating it by about 1:30pm so hopefully, the rush will be over and I shouldn't have a problem.
does the strategy guide tell you all the levels?
Link said:
Ah, proof positive that not only did you not read the posts, you didn't even read mine properly. Read it now. You will see that if I 'got out more' I would never actually see my own home.

Now, let clear up something right now. You are not the template human. We are not all like you. (Might want to read that last sentence a couple of times) Just because you are able to sleep the night before something you excited about, does not mean anyone else can.

And out of curiosity, how long have you been waiting for this? I see you only joined the forum in October. Have you been avidly reading hl2 forums and websites since May 2003? If not then you obviously don't have the level of excitment that some of us do.

To all those who are saying "OMFG you can't get so excited about a game" or "Its only a game, go to bed like normal", why is it wrong to want to stay up all night to wait for a game? What, because your not, means we shouldn't? Seriously, someone give me a good reason why we should be less excited about HL2 than say, your team going to the cup final? And you can't use "Its not real" becuase that is actually false. It may only consist of pictures and sound, but show me something that dosen't.

Listen I'm not going to get into a ****ing debate on the pros and cons of staying up till 8am waiting for HL2.

If anyone can't sleep then just take Nightol and call it a night. It just plain stupid to stay up till 8am when you will be very tired and the game will not be as enjoyable.
henrythered2001 said:
Listen I'm not going to get into a ****ing debate on the pros and cons of staying up till 8am waiting for HL2.

If anyone can't sleep then just take Nightol and call it a night. It just plain stupid to stay up till 8am when you will be very tired and the game will not be as enjoyable.

Sounds like someone needs a nap
Why not just watch some crappy tv programme that will make you fall asleep you'll either fall asleep or stay up all night wandering why the hell you watched it.
according to my HL2 coutdown timer the game will be 7am not 8am
im going to sleep on monday and waking all refreshed at HOPE 7:30am
but knowning me i will over sleep :S wake up at 10-12pm lol still i will be straight down stairs and ready to play
Dr.breen said:
FAO: UK peeps

As we know HL2 will be unlocked here at 8am GMT and I have decided to stay awake that night (like I'll be able to sleep anyway :) )

Then have sparadic naps throughout the day.

So whose with me?

What does the 16th of November mean to me?

Christmas/birthday/payday/bank error in your favour/second coming/world peace rolled into 1 x 1,000,000 is what it's gonna be like.

Your actually going to be the saddest wanka if you stay up all night. Here's a crazy idea, go to sleep and wake at like 7.

Then you wont feel like : :x

Can't believe it though, ive got a mega important maths test on the 18th, i think HL2 is going to ruin my AS Maths.
henrythered2001 said:
Seriously...what the hell is wrong with some of you people.

Having a thread about staying up all night to play a fricking video game at 8am when you could just be sane and play it when you usually wake up.

I don't know...some of you people really need to get out.

qft. You're all a bunch of monkies... :monkee: