'riiight' --> HL2 Canceled Due To Cut Funding?

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HL2 Canceled Due To Cut Funding?

JUST READ THIS ON *************,

"There is unconfirmed rumors from multiple sources (news sources) that Vivendi has cut funding to VALVe for Half-Life 2/Team Fortress 2 due to the hacking incident, continued lack of VALVe's PR activity, and because of many discrepancies between the two companies. There is talk of a possible takeover/buyout of VALVe by ID in order to incorporate the HL2 (Source) Engine into DooM 3 and 4. I will post more when I have confirmed or refuted these allegations. Let's hope for the best..."
I don't know what the guy's sources are, but he kinda sounds legite... we will have to wait and see.
lmao ... while i don't know the valve/vivendi relationship... anything's possible right?... the idea of ID buying valve so they could use the source engine... sounds REALLY stupid. hahah...i mean c'mon id's been working on this doom3 engine of theirs for how long now? and they wanna add source stuff into it? pfff haha no way. they're using entirely different coding (id and valve). i'd not believe that unless both id and valve came out and said "yeah we're now having sex." and if vivendi is stupid enough to drop potentially one of the most anticipated games ever... well any number of companies would be willing to snap valve right up and give them all the money they need. that rumor sounds like a load of junk :)
LJ_underMan said:
JUST READ THIS ON *************,

"There is unconfirmed rumors from multiple sources (news sources) that Vivendi has cut funding to VALVe for Half-Life 2/Team Fortress 2 due to the hacking incident, continued lack of VALVe's PR activity, and because of many discrepancies between the two companies. There is talk of a possible takeover/buyout of VALVe by ID in order to incorporate the HL2 (Source) Engine into DooM 3 and 4. I will post more when I have confirmed or refuted these allegations. Let's hope for the best..."

Here's my quote:
"Valve didn't take any funding for Half-Life 2, and we don't have any investors other than the employees, said Newell"

Half-Life 2 WILL come out, no matter what, mr Underman
Fender357 said:
Im sorry but that is such bull shit.
heh gotta laugh though. Think I'll keep it open so ya'll can have some fun for a bit, be nice *grins*
Oh Shit!!! Is This True??? Oh Crap Crap Crap...

Vavle If You Need Money We Will Send You Whatever You Need!!!
LJ_underMan said:
I don't know what the guy's sources are, but he kinda sounds legite... we will have to wait and see.

Hmm.... you mean THAT guy...? Oh well in that case there might be some truth in here after all :dozey:
Someone email VALVe about this... so we can clear this up.
I haven't seen this much crap since I went to a faeces convention....

Valve is self-funded, as has been pointed out. So even if Vivendi pulled out, all valve would have to do is find another publisher/distributer, which wouldn't exactly be hard for them.

There is talk of a possible takeover/buyout of VALVe by ID in order to incorporate the HL2 (Source) Engine into DooM 3 and 4.

I'm still laughing at this one. id have a lot of money. I doubt they have enough to buy Valve though. id is a small company - they don't need the extra staff. If id wanted the Source engine, they'd just license it. Here's the main point, though:

What on earth would id want with the Source engine?. The Doom 3 engine was written specifically for Doom3. You don't just stop near the end of a project and integrate someone else's engine code into your own.

This entire "news" is bullshit. Ignore it and move on.
LJ_underMan said:
Someone email VALVe about this... so we can clear this up.

If anyone is stupid enough to email valve with this question, they deserve whatever they get by way of a response.
doesn't need to be cleared up. just think about it... do you really believe vivendi would give up such a cash cow as hl2?

also, it's just ... :rolling:
I cant possibly think of any feature that HL2 has, that Doom3 would want / could use.
Theyre building their Physics-System themselves, and if not they could just license Havok.
"HDRI-Rendering" would probably need them to rewrite the whole rendering system because id ( unlike Valve ) is not Direct3D/ATI's little marketing Helper :D.
Why the **** would ID buy up the Source engine? Compare Half-Life 2 screens to Doom III ones, Obsiviously, Doom III has better lightning and shadowing system and appears to use bumpmapping better, whilst thus, I think HL2 has better pixel shaders and a slightly higher poly count.

My point is, ID already got a excellent engine for their Doom games, The engine is equal, if not better than Source, seeing as the both engines are good at different things.

This is just bullshit :)

Tell the guy who told you this to tell his source to stop spreading these idiotic rumours :p
Yes, these rumours are apparently true.

Doom 3 is being reworked as we speak. You play as Gordon Freeman, the ghetto pimp, who invades hell with nothing but a blunt spoon. The physics engine has been inverted so objects fall up and enemies internally combust when they touch walls.

It's looking quite funktastic.
OMG!!!!111!!!one!! SI TEH NOT TREU!!!

Remember that HL2 is funded by HL1 sales? Also remember the 6 million dollar check from ATI. At worst, Valve finds another distributor....not that hard for a game of this caliber.
does this have anything to do with the Valve , ATI deal. cause im not too sure, but they must of contributed funding to the game as part of a contract deal .. right? :(

HL2 funded by HL1, thats what valve told us.. but who knows anymore

edit: wo 6 million from ATI, cool. :D
Didn't Sierra distribute the first Half Life? (Or is Sierra the publisher? speaking of which, whats the difference between a publisher and a distributor?)
dont the publishers box and prepare the game... then the distributors ..well distribute it out to the PC stores and public..
Oh ok, i always thought the publisher did both. So in this case Vivendi is the publisher and distributor right? This has gotta be fake, after all the money Valve's games have made theres no way Vivendi would throwaway their chance to make millions of dollars in sales. Come on, HL2 will sell like free hotcakes in a 3rd world country.
Source has better human characterisation than Doom³, but otherwise they are comparable within the scope of each others genres/ambitions.
x84D80Yx said:
that would be...

keywords. :dozey:

I don't think english is his first language dude, so the keyword for you might be tolerance
DONT email Valve, they'll laugh at you for believing this obvious attempt to trick the community

Honestly, I left it open so you could have some fun at the lame attempt the guy made to fool people, and a bunch of you take it seriously! haha... Really gotta learn to read threads fully before posting.

*locked* silly members :p
ROFL, its so funny how stupid you all are sometimes.funding cut? looool

"you know gullible isnt in the dictionary? really? dont believe me? take a look.... whats that? it really isnt? oh rupert touché, hoistered by my own petard, hahaha."
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