Rise of the LOLcats

The trend has baffled but intrigued language experts, who say the terms could be a way for internet users to demonstrate their understanding of web culture.
Fukken lol'ed.


Epic fail tbh :|

This thread should prove awesome with its spam-prone (but thereby on topic!) subject :p
"However, I think the real beauty comes with the captions. The child-like grammar tends to evoke the sort of sympathy one has for any child or foreigner struggling with the language one speaks.

I think someone is reading too much into this so they can keep their job.
The ability to do such a thing has a beauty all its own. :D
Originates from Caturday, never forget :3
using the word lolcat instead of caturday makes all the (insert number here)chans angry as hell.

especially 7chan's /invasion/ board. Do not provoke them.
I scared. Very scared. The LOLcats will be coming for one of us next. D: I say. D:
Hahahhaha! My god, who wasted their time to write this article?
Uhm... you can't call this "news"... hasn't this has been going on for a while?!
It's so funny when the news reports Internet culture stuff. One time BBC was explaining what "l33t" was. I lol'd.

The pictures are really funny though... this one cracks me up.

Caturdays were awesome on the chans, but once it got mainstream and changed to lolcats, it was ruined. Seriously, even my teachers at school had them as their pc wallpapers.
I hate it when the news tries to analyse the internet.
LOLcats is like the worst name ever who came up with that crap.



How can they not be funny? they are JUST SO FUNNY!

^ and i swear thats me as a cat.
"I can has cheezburger?" was the worst thing ever done to Happycat. All he ever did was spread happy, and look what they went and did. Well you know what? That cat is DEAD.

Before cheezburger YTMND was using Happycat for NEDM too, which was also a travesty. Leave the damn cat alone ffs.
sorry darkside. dident notice, just grabbed the nearest one off the net. its gone now. 'D