rise of the organics.

Dec 15, 2005
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Planet: Toa Alpa 3:31 p.m.

A young man lay atop a spore almost twenty stories high. He looked up into the distant sky, the sun set was a dazzling blue green color. A couple of lizard-like creatures peacefully chortled. It was a day just like any other, well almost. There had been a strange site in the sky. The young man had seen it earlier and climbed the spore to get a better look, but now there was nothing but the sky, the stars, and that one bright blue planet that he could just barely see in the distance.
He was beginning to fall asleep, the noise of the lizards almost like a lullaby. Then he saw it, an unholy rip through the sky. Only this one was bigger, big enough to suck him in. A horrible ripping feeling spread through him as he sped through the portal. It was almost as if his very atoms were being ripped apart and when the pain became so great that he thought he would die, it all stopped.

Planet: Earth 3:34 P.m.

He lay in a crumpled heap barely breathing. What was this foul place? The air was so foul, it almost made him feel sick. Even the ground felt…it felt wrong some how like it was being drained of its most important elements. He relaxed for a second and tried to calm him self, after a few minutes he gained enough strength to get up. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him, he found this surprising after all that pain he just experienced.
He looked around frantically, where was he? He knew every inch of Toa Alpa and this was not like anything he’d ever seen on Toa. The smell of blood stained the air and mixed with the pollution to make the most unbearable stench he had ever smelled. And what where all these odd box shaped structures sticking out of the ground? He began to walk toward one till he meet the edge of the side walk. He looked down at it and touched it, how odd he thought the rocks are spread like a paste on the ground. He was not sure what he would do or where he would even go everything was so wrong here. Then from behind him he heard a voice, “Hey are you ok?” he asked.
The young man smiled he understood this language it was an ancient dialect but still common among a lot of the people on Toa. He replied “What is this place?”
The man seemed confused and said “Not from around here?”
The young man turned around to face the man. The mans eyes widened slightly. He seemed to be starring at the left eye of the young man. He said “Dr. Kleiner will want to see this. Come with me hurry.” The man put on a strange white gas mask and began to run. The young man quickly followed behind him.

This is just the begining I didn't have time to type more sorry but tell me if ya like it hate it please be kind this is the first time I've written a fan fic I'll add more later k.
p.s. It didn't load the fonts I wanted:frown:
awww man y u make fun o me
In case your not making fun of me heres some more sry I keep posting little segs been kinda busy
“Hey you!” a Combine Metro cop shouted after them “Where are you taking this citizen? Why isn’t this citizen in regulation clothing?”
The Metro cop seemed suspicious he began to reach for his stun baton. Acting out of instinct the young man automatically elbowed the cop in the face with such force that the mask almost cracked the officer fell to the floor unconscious.
“Dam! Ok we got to run for it there going to send a load of combine here.” The man replied.
“Why should I trust you? I don‘t even know who you are.” The young man asked angrily.
“I’m Barney and I’m the only one who can help you so you can either come with me or die here.” Barney said slightly irritated not wanting to wait in this spot any longer then he had to.
“Ok I guess its not really a choice then, and you can call me Xioun, I’ll trust you.” Xioun said reluctantly .
It was too late though Combine were rushing through the ally toward them. Xioun charged and did a flip kick off one of their chests into a flying back elbow. One of the Metro cops hit him in the neck with a stun baton, he collapsed, one of the combine began to kick him in the ribs. He could feel that horrible ripping feeling now, accept it was different some how like it was almost natural. He felt his primal instincts taking grip. A strong energy soon permeated him, he felt invincible. He reached out with both hands grabbed the heads of some unlucky Combine and shot a rapid fire of compressed air into their skulls. Blood, Bone, and pieces of mask flew every where. The power seemed to be over whelming him because he was soon bleeding from his eyes and ears. He fought to keep consciousness, Punching his hand through a metro cop and then head butting another nearby.
Looks good, but just a note, "planet toa" in swedish means "planet toilet" ;D
LMAO YAY SWEDEN that is funny as hell, is ther away I can edit the main thread so I can change it to Tao?
Knowing the law of sod, Tao will probably be something even worse. :)
Story's looking good, though.
LOL thanks guys and I'll promise to post a real long section this next thursday or friday.
Well, I don't think it's bad. It actually looks like it might be very interesting... however, take note:

These are very short segments, and an extremely quick read. Try to post chapters that take at least five to ten minutes to read. The more serious readers will like that more.

Don't get discouraged if no one replies to your thread. This is a slow forum, and just because no one is saying anything doesn't mean its bad. It probably means it isn't extraordinarily good, but not bad. Win a crowd by posting an awesome, decently-sized, polished story.

Also... I would like a little bit more description, and introduction. I don't really get what is going on. And, you seem to have totally blown Barney's cover. :laugh:
He couldn’t take it anymore he fell head first into the cold hard cement. Barney quickly took out a handgun and nailed the last two combine in the head. “Dam it This is the last thing I need. Your lucky there weren’t any scanners around otherwise we’d be tagged as anti-citizens and hunted down” Barney said angrily.
Xioun groaned and slowly got up using the wall as support. “Think you can make it a few blocks?” Barney asked hopefully.
“No, but I’ll try.” the young man said with a smirk.
Barney lead the way and Xioun limped quickly after, they made it the rest of the way with relatively little trouble. Barney entered the lab and said “Hey Dr. Kleiner I think I found something you might be interested in.”
“Hold on Barney I’m sure what ever you found can wait a second, I’ve lost Lamarr again.”Dr. Kleiner said in a worried tone.
“Oh forget about that stupid lump of flesh and check this guy out.” Barney said rather irritated.
“Fine, fine wha.......very intriguing.” Dr. Kleiner said starring at his left eye. It was undescribable as if staring into another dimension.
“Yeah he went berserk on some combine in the ally, he blew their heads straight off ”
“So he did it with his bare hands!”
“Ar...Are you serious?!?”
Xioun was laying on the floor listening to them to tired too say anything. His clothing was almost completely soaked in blood. Dr. Kleiner bent down and pricked him with a small needle, Xioun grunted but didn’t move. “I’ll analyze this and see what I can find out.” Dr. Kleiner said then looked down at the snoring Xioun, “Leave your friend where he is he looks like he could use the sleep.”
It wasn’t long after that Dr. Kleiner came back with an astonished look on his face. “Truly incredible He has strange cells that appear to be in constant flux, existing in many dimensions at once. They appear to have originated from an organ that was inactive until recently. He must have gone through a portal storm it’s the only thing I can think of that would have activated the organ. I’m surprised he wasn’t ripped apart by the reaction though”
“So how did these cells help him blow the heads off those combine?” Barney asked.
“These cells are operating on a different plane its doubtful I could understand it with out years of research. Young man you must be careful I don’t know if....” Just then a loud bang rang through the lab. It was the sound of doors being broken down.
“Barney you should get him out of here just incase they find the lab. Who knows what the combine would do to get there hands on something like this...” Another load bang and a few gun shoots “hurry Barney!” Dr. Kleiner said frantically as he started to pile things in front of the door.
Xioun was already half way through a window. “Head west towards the caverns you shouldn’t run into to much trouble and there’s suppose to be a rebel base I’ll stay here and help Dr. Kleiner.” Barney said in a commanding tone.
Xioun nodded and jumped down to the street running as fast as he could, his instinct almost immediately began to guide him. He hopped down into a ditch and into a large storm drain. He slowed down once he reached it though he sensed something, he continued forward despite the horrible feeling he was getting. Soon he came upon a large swirling pool of muddy water where all the pipes converged . There was the foul smell of corpses all around and then he saw it rising from the center of the pool. A bunch of grotesque teeth jutting out of the water.

Big fight coming up soon!
The beast let out a screech sensing him almost immediately. Then in the center of the ring of teeth there was some gurgling and then the water began to swirl in a whirlpool, with a fierce burst came some large whip like tentacles. They were amazingly fast he didn’t even have time to avoid the first blow. It left a medium sized gash on his chest not fatal but very painful, it was in that instant he knew he had to act quickly or he was a dead man.
He had no time to think now though, he could already see another tentacle whipping at break neck speed towards him. He was now running as fast as he could looking around for anything. He saw a hole in the wall and went into a front roll just barely making it into the hole and avoiding a killing blow from the tentacle. But it was a dead end, there he sat covered in rotted flesh waiting to be massacred like so many before him. NO He thought to himself he couldn’t let that happen. He had time to think now, a slightly malevolent smile spread across his face and then he saw his chance as one of the tentacles whipped across the hole he grabbed it.
The tentacle was going so fast he could barely see, he let go now he was somersaulting towards the ceiling. He hit it perfectly with his feet and was now hurtling toward one of the fangs that were jutting out of the water. He grabbed the tooth flipping forward and used his momentum to rip it out, nerve endings and all. The creature let out a thunderous bellow, and hurled all its tentacles at Xioun. Xioun had to do something fast, he was starting to feel that same vigor radiate through him. Then he noticed the fang was being altered, the nerve endings were interlacing forming a strange handle, one side of the tooth became more serrated and the entire tooth elongated and became more aerodynamic, a sword! He quickly rolled dodging the first tentacle and then sliced the next tentacle clean off it fell twitching to the ground.
He parried a couple of the tentacles, but then the whole tunnel began to shake and the beast began to surface. It was an atrocious site, its slimy skin was covered in strange red furuncles; which seemed to be pulsating. Then it opened its mouth and all the furuncles contracted, a horrid red liquid discharged from it’s mouth. Xioun dived behind a rock but when the fluid hit the rock, it dissolved it
Some of the spray hit him in the shoulder, it stung horribly and his shoulder was bleeding profusely. Some rocks were falling down from the ceiling. He saw his chance, and took off at his top speed. Then he slammed his sword into the ground using it to pole vault up the wall. He ran up the wall and then made a leap across the ceiling. The beast spewed acid at him just as he planned. It hit the ceiling just behind him, and it began to collapse almost immediately. A large piece hit the animal squarely in the head. It fell dead to the ground, Acid still leaking from its mouth. Xioun retrieved his sword, he thought he saw some one looking down at him with an approving smirk but when he looked again no one was there. He had no choice now he had to take the surface route. He sighed and climbed out of the hole, the sky was dark with clouds and he could here thunder in the distance.
Then he looked behind him he was just barely out of the city, he sighed and hurried forward seeing a couple scanners coming his way.
Location: unknown

"Yes that’s it, become a slave to the very power that binds you to me. All goes as I have planned it to...and the main player has yet to arrive, my....... ‘employee’ has yet to remember who and what he truly is, his very sense of reality altered; his very past a false illusion. My benefactors are pleased as well.....for the moment that is. They soon shall no longer be a factor.” The mysterious person cackled “Soon the window to strike will open, till then......” He disappeared into the shadows.
Location: Waste Land Alpha 239
Time 6:12
Xioun was taking a short rest in a cave he found, he sat there studying the fang. It almost felt like the fang was part of him now. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his hand, the nerves were digging into his skin! “AHHHH WHAT TH....AHHHHHUUUUUUURRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!” Slowly his body absorbed the fang till nothing remained. “Wha wha....what was that?” He fearfully asked himself. His whole body was burning now.

just a short little post I'm working on where I want the story to go.
Sec-2 Dimensional Adherence

Then the burning stopped and there was blackness. It was infinite and empty, yet almost comforting. It was familiar to him like he had dwelled here once, almost as if it were home . . . but where was here. He floated through the infinite darkness for what seemed an eternity. Slowly he began to hear what sounded like many distorted whispers. They were weak and scarcely audible but still he felt as though he was being commanded to do something. Slowly the darkness washed-out and he awoke to see a young rebel girl about 19 or 20 years old, holding a wet cloth to his forehead “Oh good your ok.” She said in a cheerful tone.
Xioun enjoyed the sound of her voice. He found it very soothing. “ I found you passed out in this cave mumbling about something. You were looking awful pale too.” She seemed concerned, “You feeling ok?”
He found himself gazing into her eyes, then stumbled through a sentence. “Uhhh . . . yeah I think . . . umm I’m ok.” In truth he felt very odd, he couldn’t put his finger on it but he definitely felt . . . wrong. Then again things hadn’t been exactly normal today.
“Oh I’m sorry I haven’t introduced my self, Kireia Scanda pleased to meet ya.” She looked outside. It was very dark outside and judging by the expression on her face, he could tell she didn’t want to stay here any longer. “There’s a rebel base not too far from here, we should probably head for it before the Gargs come out to hunt.”

Sry its so short.
Dear god. How did I ignore this? I remember why - SPACING. SPACING! MAKES IT SO MUCH EASIER TO READ!

No, seriously. Good spacings = happy readers.
Ok I know the story has sucked so far but thats because I started with out a plan I think I've got it pretty well planned out now. But incase I missed anything any suggestions before I start writting again.