Rising sea levels claim first inhabited Island

Meh. there's too many indians anyway.
What does losing an island have to with the indian population? No one drowned there.

I don't think stopping emissions is going to suddenly make the earth as it has been in the last 30 years the same, things always change.
Maybe, but it definitely wont hurt to reduce pollution in these parts.
Around here everything is getting hotter. Winter is not winter anymore around here. No snow, theres nothing. I can walk outside in a T-shirt and shorts. It seems more like august then december. Theres been a massive change in climate and i've noticed it around here, in fact I don't know who hasn't.

Global Warming is happening to some degree. Theres no doubt.

It's absolutely frigid here in NY.
Those poor 400 tigers! "Everyone should do their part for the revival of the species" - Dr. Kleiner :thumbs: