Rival Species 2: Exterminus looking for additional team members.


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score

first off the website, got to have one of those...

Were working on a sequal of sorts to the Half Life 1 mod that is Rival Species ( www.rivalspecies.com ) that is based on the Warhammer 40,000 universe. We plan to create a mod that allows you to play as either the Space Marines, genetically enhanced warrior monks who are the finest fighters humanity has to offer and as the Tyranids, an alien race with unknown origins who consume everything organic they come across in their unending hunger.

We plan the gameplay to work like this:

to summerise, space marines will have access to a wide variaty of high tech weapons while the Tyranids will have access to "broods" as wargear. Each brood will be a small group of AI tyranids that work in a similar way to the rebels in HL2, you can order them to do things and depending on the type of brood will depend on the fighting style.

We are well into creating all the content needed for an initaly internal alpha and then a release but have recently hit a snag. Our team animator can no longer continue to work for us for various reasons and were having to train up existing staff members to animate the models were producing.

So we could do with assistance in animating, although help in any form is always welcome and anyone can become a dev team member with us if they have the neccicary skills and wish to work on this mod.

So if you like the world of Warhammer 40k and would like to assist us in the process then either vist our forum and let us know ( http://www.40ksource.com/phpBB2/index.php ), join our IRC channel (irc.quakenet.eu.org #rspecies2) or leave a message here with contact details.

We do require some proof if you wish to help us that you are either willing to learn a skill (at least one member of our team has been trainied up in modeling during the course of the mod) or that you can model/animate/code/map.

And now some eye candy:
i absolutely love warhammer 40k, though i don't have time to contribute
Played the version on the original HL, loved it. These guys get stuff done, join them!
ooh just started playing dawn of war for the pc loved it :D didnt really play the board game thingy but the story and characters look awesome!

just a quick edit work on the site its ugly i know its the game that counts but most people are turned off of mods because of thier websites.
I loved the original Rival Species... I'll be providing moral support :p
Ennui said:
i absolutely love warhammer 40k, though i don't have time to contribute

were finding that most poeple are in the same boat, i myself are in my final year studying at universaty and have very little spare time to spend on things, the odd model, and the updating of the news posts are all i can manage myself.

We will get there, we always do, hell Bahl the team leader on RS1 just implimented particle stream weapon effects for things like the flamer and the thrust from the jump packs. Its been on the to do list for a long time.
Angry Lawyer said:
If you add Zoats, I'll be the happiest man alive.

-Angry Lawyer
Maybe they can add Squats while they're at it...:dozey:

Great work with the mod, I wish I had the time to help, but I don't.

One question though, are you going to have mutations for the Tyranids? (Sything Talons and such)
armanguy said:
didnt really play the board game thingy
"board game thingy"?! get the hell out of this thread, you heretic. it's far from a board game.

/me growls
Yes we intend to have the tyranid get access to the mutation addon things in the codex, although probably after the first public release is out so we can see how things are going.

The running theory for implimentation is you buy them for your squad and yourself at the same time as a nid player. Although this is only a rough idea as were busy building nids just now, next up the carnifex now the lictor is approaching completion.

Animating these things will be a interesting propsition, i mean they have 4 arms, 2 legs and a tail, not to mention the flesh hooks and all the other weird stuff...