<RJMC> stupid people news of the day: changing a tyre using a gun may be dangerous


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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A US man has injured himself in both legs after attempting to loosen a stiff wheel-nut by blasting it with his gun.
Shooting at the wheel from arm's length with his 12-gauge shotgun, he was peppered with buckshot and debris.

The man - who police say was on his own and not intoxicated - was taken to hospital with severe, but not life-threatening, injuries.

I guess guns should be used only to shoot people

"hmmm...this shower dont give cold water, maybe if I shoot at the valve whit my .44..."
"oh dam this kitchen electronic ON sistem dont work, maybe if I shoot it whit my 12gauge winchester..."
"the baby booster seat dont fit into the car whit billy on it,maybe if I shoot whit my husband SPAS12.."
I wonder if I can tighten my bedroom doorknob with that technique.

<runs to fetch a gun>
Oh dear. I see a simpsons parody coming up
I understand the concept and probably what he was thinking (hitting it at the right angle), but he's still retarded for not thinking of ricochet.
Oh dear. I see a simpsons parody coming up

RJMC's comment made it 5x funnier.
Oh dear. I see a simpsons parody coming up

there is a episode where homer try to get customers to a bowling club

and after "reading" books and such he realise something and them he stand shooting a gun infront of the club yelling "bowling bowling"

I cant find it on youtube, there is tons of clips of some dumb family guy moment but a clip like that nooo, stupid pop fashion
ok this story begs for someone to say

"only in america"

I mean really
Can't remember where... but I've seen this already today... weird...

Edit: And "Only in America"

Just because CptS said it :p
They can be frustrating, but I find it works best if you use a long lug wrench, and jump on it ...
I guess guns should be used only to shoot people

Indeed. If you can't use someting to change the tyres in your car, the best use for it must shooting another person in the face.

"hmmm...this shower dont give cold water, maybe if I shoot at the valve whit my .44..."
"oh dam this kitchen electronic ON sistem dont work, maybe if I shoot it whit my 12gauge winchester..."
"the baby booster seat dont fit into the car whit billy on it,maybe if I shoot whit my husband SPAS12.."

The knowledge of weapons you just demonstrated in that humorous imaginary conversation actually scares me.
Indeed. If you can't use someting to change the tyres in your car, the best use for it must shooting another person in the face.

And steal his tire iron.
I once chopped down a telephone pole using nothing but a bolt action rifle.
I swear, if this man was from the south...
*EDIT* damn, Washington? I guess the daddy/daughter marriages have moved up north! WATCH OUT, CANADA!
"hmmm...this shower dont give cold water, maybe if I shoot at the valve whit my .44..."
"oh dam this kitchen electronic ON sistem dont work, maybe if I shoot it whit my 12gauge winchester..."
These would probably both work in a Shooter game.
I think in this case it is true ..but the "only in america" thingy isnt always true ..but bubba using a shotgun to change his tire? "only in america"